Tonights feature night,,,,how are the crops in your area?


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Tonights feature night///It seems this season the weather has varied greatly,,,how are the crops,hay corn beans etc,,,doing in your area,and how has the weather been this planting season?
West MN, dry, very dry. Lakes are running 12-18 low, many of them spring or creek/stream/river fed.

Corn looks very good much of it over six feet tall should see tassels soon. Beans looking better after slow start. Most second cut alfalfa up or ready to cut. Some early third cutting getting close I am in extreme southwest Wisconsin
Don't have any of the above (crops), BUT, we have a 'Bumper' crop of raspberries (5 lg. ziplocs in the freezer), and more every day (waaay early). Also got a great crop of Huckleberries. Filled 1/2 of a yoghurt bucket yesterday. What's going on ?
It's pretty dry here in southeast Michigan. We only had six tenths of an inch of rain from May 15 to June 30......then we got a half inch on July 1st.........first cutting hay was good but second is going to be short.......corn and soybeans are starting to show stress.....the only thing that got them this far is the fact that the ground was saturated when it quit raining on May 15th.......the good news is I don't have to mow lawn anymore....
SE WI looks beautiful, and drove to near Bloomington IL over the weekend. Everything there looked even better. Knock on wood.
Larry, my son's corn crop is a total loss. Insurance guy agreed.
Hoping to get rain for the soybean crop.
Richard in NW SC
Crops are all over the place this year.
Here on Clinton Camp Farm, cen. NY we got the oats in by the end of April. Temps were cool all May with less than normal rainfall. Most the local farmers were able to get their corn planted by May 20th. Some didn't and it shows. Seed germination was very slow, but treated field corn did germinate with a good percentage.

Un treated corn like I planted in my garden had a terable germination rate. I planted my sweet corn and garden beans 3 times, last with treated seed to get a decent stand. A lot of my squash never came up. Spuds and garlic look great.
The custom spray guys were out 5-10 days after planting, but were plagued with unpredictable winds and were adjusting boom heidth to control drift, but any of you that farm know that is not a good practice. Preemergent weed control suffered, and they are back now spraying post emergents to get the weeds that germinated after the first round missed.
Getting back to the oats, they are 16-20" tall and they have headed out well, but I doubt that they will yeild much weight/bu. due to lack of moisture. Straw crop from the oats looks good. Early beans look pretty good, but late ones are strugling. Had a decent crop of first cut alfalfa, taken off the second week of June, 3.5 ton/A, but second cut is sparce with hardly any bottom grasses, and it is about ready to flower.
Like many others; we really need some good all day soakers to get the crops growing again.



There was a good hay crop and the wheat made 50-70 bushels..From mid April to the end of May it was cool and wet..June was hot and mostly very dry....Some places only had 1/2 inch of rain and a few lucky places got 3-5 inches..

The corn is all over the place because of the spotty rains and heat....Some will make 180 bu and some will be lucky to make half that...Some of the earliest corn is made after the 2 inch rain over the weekend...Most early soybeans are 4 inches to a foot tall....Everyone got a good stand on their beans after wheat and they are starting to grow..
While things are dry and we would sure like a rain, I can't complain too much.? Our first cut hay was good and our corn and small grains are coming along. A good rain now would be just what we need to make the grain fill and the corn tall. Bruce

Visited with the guy on the 4th that bought my parents farm 40 years ago, he said things look pretty good for them, soybeans, rye grass, canola. The guys that are trying to put up hay are not so happy, it's too wet for that. Canadian border in the middle of MN.
We need rain badly. Our crops across the road, hard to tell, but the beans are about a foot or little more tall, and the corn along the woods is about shoulder high, 5' or so. This field was in set aside for almost 45 years. This will be our 3rd year of taking a crop from it. Good dirt though. I had a little 8 acre field that got planted about a month ago or a little longer, that only about half of the soybeans came up. It has not rained since I planted it, and if you stick your finger in the dirt, the beans are just laying there. The dirt is like talcum powder. The ones that did come up are only about 3 inches tall. I still have some seed in the drill, I'm half tempted to make a few more rounds in it just to see what happens. Supposed to rain tomorrow (fingers crossed), but it won't be an inch like we need...
Our renter's corn is lookin' good... as shown in the background of my old steel wheeled wagon-planter pic. I'd guess it to be about 6 feet tall - it's over my head for sure.

a231304.jpg" width="650"

Beans look good around the area too. The rows will "close" soon.

I'd say the grandkids are about knee-high to a grasshopper... they're growing like weeds. :)
First row of corn in this pic is really short - the rest of the field is tall like the second row.

a231306.jpg" width="650"
Stearns/ Meeker the grains are in milk and some starting to turn. Corn is 4'-5' tall. The storm that passed through following #55 has the corn on the county line leaning, but it's young and should bounce back. Haying has been OK if you cut early. The ones that waited have hit rain both times.
Dry. For the guys in SE MI with the may rain must have been nice. Can't remember the last decent rain. Must have been more than a month. Got a couple of sprinkles that would make a steel roof drip. I don't know how things are looking this good this long. Beans on some fields will probably not make the seed back. This is in the mid MI area.
Local creek flooded. close to 9" of rain in the last 10 days. It came hard Saturday and flooded everything. Any crop in that creek bottom, and many of the tributaries is flat and under mud.

Stuff on the hills appreciates the rain though.


Oops hit submit instead of preview. :oops:
All three pictures taken about 7:00 am
Going this way 6 miles to work. Going the other way 20 miles to work. I went the other way. Water was off the road by noon but more rain on the way.
Shockingly good for how dry it's been.Wheat is ripening too fast and hay fields aren't coming back after first cutting.Beans look great and corn is amazing except for the really gravelly land.Locals that would be cultivating dry beans now are letting the weeds grow or using postemergent herbicide.Near London Ontario.

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