Zipper merge


Well-known Member
Motown USA
I see where a few more states are starting to encourage drivers to use "zipper merge", where drivers stay in merging lanes until the actual merge, and cars from the two lanes alternate every other one into the remaining lane. It's interesting how this is pretty much standard practice is some states like California, but try it here in Michigan and you can get shot. A common road rage scenario happens when a self-appointed traffic warden decides to block traffic in the closing lane, then someone decides to go around the blocker. The next thing you know drivers are trading paint and/or bullets. Zipper merge eliminates that because nobody is "jumping ahead" of other drivers.

What's the accepted behavior in your state, zipper merge or merge as soon as possible?
Missouri and Kansas join zipper merge
Here Mercedes & BMW drivers insist that they have the right-of-way. We have to be on the look-out for them at all times!

Read in Consumer Reports that BMW engines use 27 more oil than other makes of engines. No wonder our neighbor went through 2 engines in her BMW (she never checked the oil).
BMW say a quart every 700 miles is acceptable! My old diesel pick up with 200'000 + miles only uses a quart every 3000 miles.
The zipper merge method certainly makes good sense. Unfortunately, it assumes that the drivers involved have and employ good sense, which is seldom the case. The operational rule which I most often observe is "me first".
Just completed a over-55 refresher course. The instructor brought up "zipper merge" We've had it for some time in Minnesota. The
DOT is however....changing the signing. Previously they would tell you which lane ahead was closed. Now they are simply saying lane closed ahead without telling you which one The DOT said it improves the zipper merge process enormously. My reaction is that zipper merge works well. Of course, their is always some drivers who insist on "me first"

This is something new? What other kind of merge is there? People just need to be reminded that they are supposed to merge, instead of blocking others out.
BMW is not acceptable in my garage. My son owned one for a while, and I could not believe some of the things the owners seem to accept. Not surprising that I rarely see someone buy a second BMW after having the first. I never actually drove his, but the battery location, type, and procedure just to replace was enough for me. They seem to go out of their way to make them NON owner serviceable, and get a premium for their service. And talk about helpless on snow/ice (at least his was)
I've seen two truckers block both lanes keeping other cars from passing and getting ahead, slowing them down. I never heard of zipper merge before. Thought it had something to something getting caught in zipper, which my experience is it painful. Only happened once as a kid.
I read about this over the weekend. It makes sense for really packed roads. In my humble opinion, most of the problems I've seen are caused by someone who ignores the three miles of "merge ahead" signs, won't slow down, and waits until the very last moment to put on the blinker and merge, causing everyone in the other lane to brake check and/or stop to let him/her in. Maybe this will solve that. Everyone just hammers down right up to the lane closure and then takes turns!

I just slow down and get over when I see the signs. On the roads I travel, there always seems to be plenty of time and space to get in the correct lane. Especially if you are willing to slow down a bit and be courteous. Well, there's the problem I guess.
Advance Auto Parts employees are not allowed to change a battery in some BMWs. I saw a memo on it at the local store. Apparently, you can fry the entire computer system if you unhook the old one the wrong way. You know what BMW stands for in Boston? Break My Window.... Know the difference between a BMW and a porcupine? In one, the pricks are on the outside....
I'll tell you what,I had to go south of Grand Rapids to pick up some parts. Coming up 131,the left lane ended and I had to merge in to keep from hitting a concrete barrier. I started picking up speed to get ahead of somebody so I could get in,he floored it and kept right beside me. The guy behind him wasn't backing off so I could get behind him. I thought sure I would either take the barrier or sideswipe him,but I got ahead of him just in time. He didn't look any too happy about it.
My boss has several older Beemers and the I have the porcupine that says pricks on outside hanging on my desk. My dads tell that he could of bought a new beemer when stationed in Germany in 1967 for a couple of thousand bucks,
(quoted from post at 05:47:47 07/11/16) BMW is not acceptable in my garage. My son owned one for a while, and I could not believe some of the things the owners seem to accept. Not surprising that I rarely see someone buy a second BMW after having the first. I never actually drove his, but the battery location, type, and procedure just to replace was enough for me. They seem to go out of their way to make them NON owner serviceable, and get a premium for their service. And talk about helpless on snow/ice (at least his was)

My son has some kinda little sport car, bright blue BMW. I'll ask him about the oil usage. They also have a Mercedes. They live in a hoity/toity suburb where you just dont see a Ford, or Chevy, and for sure no Mini vans!!

Beamer pulled into a gas station last thurs, next to us. Both pumps open in his lane, pulls to first one, not forward one. Couldn"t help but think of the lack of courtesy. Must be "all about me".
(quoted from post at 07:27:09 07/11/16) I'll tell you what,I had to go south of Grand Rapids to pick up some parts. Coming up 131,the left lane ended and I had to merge in to keep from hitting a concrete barrier. I started picking up speed to get ahead of somebody so I could get in,he floored it and kept right beside me. The guy behind him wasn't backing off so I could get behind him. I thought sure I would either take the barrier or sideswipe him,but I got ahead of him just in time. He didn't look any too happy about it.

Congratulations you passed the test! Now you can drive in Boston.
Mark that sounds GREAT but in reality it rarely works. Also on a freeway in the country side with 3-4 miles of warning everyone gets over into the lane that is open and are moving along until some idiot decides to barrel right on down to the merge an makes the through lane slow down. So the one car slows down 90% of the traffic.

Zipper merge is like these darn round abouts. It assumes that everyone love everyone else. Throw in people with egos and selfishness and you have a accident just waiting to happen.

It makes more sense to just merge and keep moving before the have to merge point. I say ticket anyone merging in the last half mile before the merge point.
(quoted from post at 09:42:40 07/11/16) Beamer pulled into a gas station last thurs, next to us. Both pumps open in his lane, pulls to first one, not forward one. Couldn't help but think of the lack of courtesy. Must be "all about me".
I have gone out of my way to back into the spot in front of someone like that. Had one guy get hot, I told him I was buying gas at an open pump, he could back out like I backed in.
(quoted from post at 16:13:32 07/11/16) > how do you zipper 5 cars and one semi?

Every other vehicle, regardless of length.

You should try it some time... All the cars beside the semi want to merge in front, not behind.

Like I said, the concept is great, but until the vehicles are all self driving, and cannot do anything but follow the rules...
Right on JD Seller. And on those roundabouts a couple of weeks ago was comming up to one marked 15 MPH and head something comming up on me and it was a big pickup and went through that roundabout at least 50 but probably more like 70 MPH. And just before that several other cars in that roundabout. People just have no sence. And it is like when you are on the highway in driving lane with vehicals in passing lane, no chance to move over and some idiot comes up the entrance ramp and if you would not see him and slam on your brakes he would continue on untill he plowed into the side of you.
> I thought sure I would either take the barrier or sideswipe him,but I got ahead of him just in time. He didn't look any too happy about it.

Those West Michigan folks are SO polite! Here in Motown they would have pulled out their pistols.
> It makes more sense to just merge and keep moving before the have to merge point. I say ticket anyone merging in the last half mile before the merge point.

And what about when there's not a half mile of lane in which to merge? That's a common problem in urban freeways, where there could be an on-ramp just before the lane closure. Rather than try to ticket half the drivers (who aren't actually breaking any law), isn't it simpler to just remove the incentive to try to jump to the head of the line?
> it was a big pickup and went through that roundabout at least 50 but probably more like 70 MPH

There's no way you can drive a pickup truck through a modern traffic circle at fifty mph. Seventy? Fuhgetaboutit! There are some older circles that you couuld get up to 45 or so, but you certainly can't do that on anything built in the past ten years. Modern circles are way too small for that kind of speed, even in a 'Vette, let alone a jacked-up pickup.

On the other hand, any bozo on a cell phone can blast through the stop sign of a traditional intersection doing 70+. Which is the whole point of coverting intersections to circles.
> You should try it some time... All the cars beside the semi want to merge in front, not behind.

How is that any different from a traditional "early" merge? Either way, you have drivers who want to get ahead of the truck. When drivers know they're expected to do a zipper merge, they at least know they are SUPPOSED to let the truck in. And all it takes is one guy (out of the five) who got the message to let the truck merge.
Im the guy who drives in the open lane as long as possible. I get honked at, flipped off, and occasinally have an idiot try to play chicken, but I'm not doing anything illegal. The zipper merge is very efficient when ALL drivers do what they're supposed to do. It's actually more dangerous to have a mile of single lane stopped/slowed traffic where cars are subject to rear end or side collisions from traffic.

On the flip side, if I'm in line and someone needs to merge, including semis, I let them in....3 seconds of my time and life rolls on stress free.
I found it interesting that the article said Washington urges the zipper merge. I've never seen it explained or recommended here, and we get the same reaction to people merging at the last second. Perhaps the Dept. of Transportation should put up some public service signs- "Google zipper merge". I do like the idea of saying "lane closure ahead" without saying which lane, until you're at the merge point.
So, how do you suggest dealing with the leadfoot that insists on flying down the closed lane to the very end and then trying to bully his/her way into line??
I have seen merges that if you did NOT cut off some of the jerks, you would end up sitting there all day. One does it, a dozen more follow.
(quoted from post at 18:16:01 07/12/16) So, how do you suggest dealing with the leadfoot that insists on flying down the closed lane to the very end and then trying to bully his/her way into line??
I have seen merges that if you did NOT cut off some of the jerks, you would end up sitting there all day. One does it, a dozen more follow.

Earlier posters are not referring to a closed lane, they are referring to an abandoned lane. It is going to close somewhere ahead, so most people are scared that it is substandard or dangerous or something so they want to get off from it way early. This results in a lane that you paid dearly for in tax money, being underutilized.

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