Fields of Blue


Well-known Member
Just about at prime time for flax bloom here today. Although there are still plenty of buds yet to open, the ground is littered with blue petals that have already dropped off. Flax always looks good at this stage before the weeds down under start to show up.
Not so much planted around the area this year from what I am hearing.
Never seen flax growing before! Cool thing about this site is all the different stuff you can see.
(quoted from post at 15:10:54 07/17/16) Is this for linseed or fiber?
We only harvest the seed and I don't know what Viterra does with it after I deliver. As long as they pay a good price I don't ask any questions. I keep a bit back myself to use for baking in bread or breakfast cereal.
My dad raised flax when I was a kid-- that stuff ran out every crack in the wagon --combined hard - (John deere 12a I believe ) baled the straw that went up to the dakotas somewhere for paper - I dont remember where the grain went or what it was for in the day -- this was in northwest Iowa (believe it or not) good memories --- Roy
(quoted from post at 18:55:39 07/17/16) My dad raised flax when I was a kid-- that stuff ran out every crack in the wagon --combined hard - (John deere 12a I believe ) good memories --- Roy
Harvesting flax can be interesting at times but when its going well things just flow right through. I"ve posted several videos of mine on youtube including this one from 2014.
The seed make some good protein feed when they have pressed the oil out of them. I have been told it does not contain the estrogen-like substance that soybean meal does which is not good for sheep before lambing.

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