Two coyotes killed on road in a week


Well-known Member
A second coyote was hit by a car just about a hundred feet from where another was a road kill a couple days ago. They must be thick around here. Southwest Pa. Fayette Co. This second one was a good sized animal.
That is a good start! I hope the trend continues in your area! Not a problem in my area, but they are around. Too bad they don't take a liking to my cat herd!
Twice this week I've been in a tractor and came around a bend to find one standing staring at me. They are thick here. These were in broad daylight and were this year's pups. They sure are a menace. The kid that hunts turkeys on the hill is eager to thin them for me. I told him he has to take at least one coyote for every turkey.
be careful what you wish for. the way they for cats you might have none along with pheasants,rabbits, small dogs and lots of song birds.
Between guys that hunt coyotes and us we usually get 10-15 every single year. The limestone bluffs are riddled with small caves. This make perfect dens for the coyotes. They do not have any natural predators left around so they are repopulating like crazy. I can remember my Gran Father talking about bounties on coyotes and wolves.
Trapped a opossum last night, shot it before I went to church and when I came back after dinner to get rid of it 12 little ones were scattered around the ground and were healthy but dead now. My cat food should last me a lot longer now and in the future. Must have been a late litter, figured they would be on there own and not in the pouch yet. A little bigger than a mouse full fur.
The hunters claim to have cleaned out the yotes in my neighborhood but last spring I saw one standing there staring at me so they didn't get them all. On the plus side, I am seeing more young pheasants than I have for quite a few years so the hunters must be partially right.
Coyotes will move into an area where there are none. The hunters were probably right. They had them cleaned out last winter. If you fish out a good spot on the river, within weeks the fish will re-populate it. If there is adequate food in an area, the coyotes will move back in no matter how many times you kill the miserable things off.
A few years ago a Coyote came to the house looking for a meal of kittens,mother cat took after coyote and it went to the corn field. didnt get a meal that time.

If I hadnt seen that with with my own eyes I would never had believed it.
The past 2 deer seasons, I have fed the coyotes, not intentional. Shot a deer in archery season and watched a pack of coyotes pile on for supper before I could even get out of the tree both years. I decided as the spring and summer months are usually slow for hunting, I might try as new species. A 30.06 at 100 yards makes sure they do not run off when they are hit.
A few of years ago I declared war on the coyotes. I got 7 of them one winter and haven't seem many since. The deer population on the other hand has exploded. I think I'd rather have the yotes. Between the wrecked cars, devoured crops and downed fences the deer are much more destructive.
That's some pretty country. Visited for the first time earlier in the summer to pay my respects to some long-gone ancestors....
Saw two coyotes Thursday evening while mowing down in the bottom.

Neither seemed too scared of the Model 70 tractor.

Figured they were hoping a field rat or rabbit would "flush out" from the tall grass.

They stalked around for several minutes and one finally left.

Another one just sat there and stared, that is until . . .

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Jessie came charging across the field at the coyote.

Coyote had its' back turned to Jessie and did not see her until about 3 seconds befor the kamikaze attack.

Coyote is probably still running somewhere in SW Arkansas.
I saw one running across my pasture last fall looking over it's shoulder like something was chasing it. It ducked under the fence and took off - a couple seconds later, here come the Herefords in hot pursuit...
Here in southern NJ I want more coyotes! We have so many groundhogs, anything that eats them is my friend. I think Fox are better at getting groundhogs than coyotes.
(quoted from post at 11:10:59 08/15/16) Here in southern NJ I want more coyotes! We have so many groundhogs, anything that eats them is my friend. I think Fox are better at getting groundhogs than coyotes.

We rarely see a Cotten Tail, ground hog, Hare , fox, game birds etc since the coy wolves arrived . Rabbits are now mostly found in town and now the coyotes are walking up the side street in the middle of the night .
A few years ago we had a coyote boom. Many small dogs, cats, etc. were lost. Our neighborhood deer had scars on their haunches and several were found that had been brought down. Fawns didn't make it. My neighbor had several goats killed. They were bold. Standing in the open, they didn't really fear humans. Fast forward 5 years. Now there are few sightings. I haven't seen one in three years. Local vet seems to think they were thinned by Parvo. I am not sure what killed them. All I know is that they are gone.


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