Going to be arrested


Got a call today from a person who could hardly speak English, said she was from the IRS and wanted me to spell my name for her. I told her no, I was not going to do that!! She said a warrant would be issused for my arrest. Do these people really people are this stupid?
I ask them if they could use my SSN, date of birth, address and mothers maiden name to get their reaction.

John T
Some of the best stories involve jail time, think of it as an opportunity to expand your entertainment value.
The local news was warning us these folks are calling in our neck of the woods again. What they do must be successful or they wouldn't keep calling.
They can come and take me to jail,my wife would have to serve me supper.(she is a cook at the county lock up)
Unfortunately, the most taken advantage are the elderly that aren't as quick on their feet as they once were, if you know what I mean. They are constantly taken advantage of by people like these, and now with internet access, phishing scams as well that clean out their savings.

It's very unfortunate, these scammers, more unfortunate that there's not a way to go through the phones or computers to get at them...yet.

Just tell them: "Free food, heated and cooled room & board, medical, dental, daily exercise and the state checks up on my well-being after I get released. WHEN CAN YOU PICK ME UP??!!!!"
Got the same call a little while ago, he had to stop in the middle of his speech to pray to Allah. I ask him for his social security number, address of his mosque, and his moms address. He hung up.
my wife played them while I calld 911 on my cell to trey to geta trace ,,the guy said he was Chicago and wanted to clear up our bogus 5000we owed by taking a credit card nymber ,,. the sumdvich was in pakistan, afganitan.,sumkindastain,,.thanxobomus
It would be funny to give then the info from some long dead person and see what they could manage to do with it......
I have got these calls and told them to go to h--- because the IRS never calls you if there is problems with your taxes.
I haven't had the IRS call me yet, but someone keeps trying to tell me I won a free cruise. Another is trying to help me lower the interest on my student loans (never had any student loans) and some company told me I was pre-approved for a $250k small business loan.
All they need is one sucker a day. You make a couple hundred calls and somebody is going to bite, probably someone who can't afford to lose the money they send to these crooks.
I have to wonder.
I see several responses referring to old people being scammed.
What makes me wonder is this: how did these people get older without being scammed long before they got old? After all, as we get older, we supposedly get smarter - if only from life experience. As I get older, I get more resistant to scammers.
Then too, if older people are that easily scammed, how did they accumulate the money that they paid to the scammers? Seems that if they were that gullible, they would have lost their money long ago.

Makes a body wonder, eh?
Heated and cooled? NOT! Heated in winter to the bare minimum, not cooled at all in summer. I know a couple of guys that did some time. They will be happy to tell you that the food is lousy, heating is minimal, cooling is simply NOT. And, while you are at it, inmates have to PAY for a lot of what they get. Without folks on the outside putting money on their accounts, they do without a lot of basic things that you might take for granted. Personal hygiene items heading the list of what inmates have to BUY. Basic things like toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, shaving soap, shampoo, deodorant, and the like. some things are prison issued, but are of extremely poor quality.
Wow, lighten up. My post was a JOKE! It was meant to repeat to the caller who was a spammer. Geesh...
However, my employer does remodel work for the local jail. All of what I posted is the truth. TV, cushy jail cells, nice accommodations.
The people who stay there on weekends have it pretty good.
If its a woman I always change the subject by asking to know what they're wearing. If its a guy I always tell them they sound kind of cute... Just fun to play with them sometimes.
My sister's father-in-law made millions while he was alive running a building appraiser service. As he got older, dementia set in and probably dozens of people were scamming him.
My sister and her husband went to court to try to take over his assets so that he had some assets left to keep. The judge ruled against them and the old man got fleeced out of everything from everybody and basically died with no money at all. The last year that he was alive he went to a car dealer, bought a new truck and drove several states away just because his "girlfriend" suggested that they take a trip. The cops found him because he was lost, didn't even have a clue what area of the country he was in and had no money left on his body to pay for gas. My sister and her husband went to get him and had him put in a nursing home. He simply walked out because nobody had power over his assets but himself. Again, this was ruled by a judge.
So it happens.
What is sad is with all the affirmative action refugees coming into the country the fact they could barely speak English doesn't mean they are not from the IRS.
And what they have to buy has to be from prision and is priced at 10 times market price. Not me but someone I know.
My mom wasn't losing it her last few years but she wanted to believe that people in general were honest. She has sent money to the televangelists who were caught up in the scandals and the feed the hungry African ones where only about 5 cents actually went to a charity. Took about a year to get her to understand what safe places there were to donate money to and what ones to watch out for. I didn't really care if she gave her money away but I didn't want her giving to scammers. Today it's the same thing, just people who are getting older, many who are infirmed in some way or another and taking meds that may not do their thought process much good. Add in that a lot of them still trust the government. All of that makes them an easy mark. And if the caller is from a 3rd world country that doesn't care as long as the scammers are not robbing from their population almost impossible to catch or convict. Pretty safe crime for the criminal.

And, the quality of the scams has improved. The emails from a scammer with a bank-similar email address and copies of the real logos almost got me about ten years ago. A hyperlink embedded into the email to check there for a secure message from the bank, and fortunately I saw the destination for the hyperlink when I hovered over it, and it was not from the bank. [b:99d8749fd3]They knew that I knew[/b:99d8749fd3] not to input my account and password into any email, and I should only go to my bank site for secure messages. And they still almost played me into taking the quick link to their bogus site. I can only imagine how much more creative they have gotten.

Yes, these calls from the IRS are blatantly bogus, but as stated, they must wok some times, and they are just a new group working their way up to more convincing scams.
A friend of mines ex-wife got one of those calls that if she didn't pay the IRS a thousand dollars right now they were going to arrest her, she gave them here card number so she wouldn't get arrested. She then called the bank to tell them to up here max daily limit so it would go through. By the time someone pointed her in the right direction the money was gone. Now she is mad at the police because they cant get her money back. I honestly thought she was smarter than that. Am I a sucker for thinking so? lol
We often get several spam/scam calls a day. Sometimes the caller ID has their no. If so and if I have a while I will call them back constantly and tell them to tell the person they are calling they are a scam, and to answer the phone that they are a scam. When they don't answer that way I chew their as$ out, and call them back again. Sometimes the spam calls stop from them for a while as they find out they are going to waste a lot of time answering the phone if they call me. Other times I let them waste their time going through the speil, ask some questions, act interested, waste their time, them tell they can put their phone up their scamming as$, chew them out some more, until they hang up or I do. Probably doesn't do any good but it is satisfying to bust their balls for making bothering me and being a scam in waiting for those not with it enough to know.
That's what worries me about my mom. When dad was alive scammers like that (especially the ones that show up at your door) ran for their lives from him and she never had to deal with it. She can hang up her phone but the guys that show up in person and get pushy (like the Travelers) have almost gotten to her. The last time she told them she would get her check book but instead called a son asking what she should do. He told her to shut door and he'd be there in a few minutes. He showed up to find three guys pounding on her door yelling at her. The situation was quickly resolved....
The real IRS does not call on the telephone, text, or email. They send "hardcopy" letters by the United States Postal Service so they can have a real copy in their filing cabinet somewhere.

Any other contact by the "IRS" is phony and a scam.

Hello bingo71,

They are successful 5% of the time. Calls will be coming untill the # is ZERO %!

I heard the guy on the radio the other day. He said his producer got one of those calls, only it was a recording. The personality convinced the producer to allow him to call the number left on the recording. He could not record it for replay, so he told us about it. When he called, he made himself sound frantic. he asked how much he owed. The answer was $6,000+, He then said to them "thats interesting, you don't even know my name". The call was disconected. When he tried to call back, the number had been disconected also.
Interesting story. An aquaintance recently got caught on a new scam. She got a call supposedly from the tax folks claiming that money needed to be paid right away or an arrest warrant would be issued. The original story is a diversion. They give you another phone number to call to straighten the situation out. When you call they keep you talking as long as possible because it is actually a pay per minute call service that is set up to operate like those naughty phone chat lines that advertise late at night on TV. Because you called them you can't argue the per minute charges when you get your phone bill.

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