Opposite of JonF

We stopped at a Cracker Barrel for lunch and the meal came to $11 even. So the wife goes up to pay, hands over a $100bill and a $1bill for change of $90. Simple right? Oh no, he has a mystified look on his face and says I'll just take it out of the $100 handing back the dollar. She tells him no just put in the amount and see what happens. He punches in $111 and says oh cool and hands back the same $100bill. She tried to correct him saying he was mistaken but he insisted he was right. She got tired of explaining it and just walked out. Got our meal for a dollar plus tip on that one.

We plan on writing the store with an explanation and the $.
he must have went behind the school instead of in the school. lol. yes have had that happen also were they look at you funny, and get totally mixed up.
I've had that happen too. My wife keeps all our change for her mad money so I don't do that anymore so she gets more change. But it is sad that kids can't do simple math anymore.
I rarely pay with cash any more. But a few years ago I was at a Jack in the Box, the bill came to some dollars and a few cents. I gave the girl a $20 and the few cents. She looked at the money, back up at me, back at the money... Laid it on the register and went running for the manager!

The manager, equally confused, gave me a very pert "Can I help you!" response.

"Well, I guess you can, I need to pay for my order."

She handed back the change, broke the $20, gave me a "Don't come back" look, and walked away.

I'm sure they thought I was trying to scam them somehow. It probably had been done there before, it was a pretty rough part of town.
Usually we will hand over enough to get back a 5 or 10 so we won't end up with a bunch of 1's. Sometimes they look puzzled, sometimes they ask and we say just punch it in. But never have we had them punch it in incorrectly and have this happen.

I do love it when they look puzzled and we tell them to just punch it in. When they hand back the even 5 or 10 I say "Funny how that works"
But they already have, that is why things keep getting worse as they did not know what they were doing at that time and still don't but do it anyway.
Just remember, these morons are the children of our current citizens....you and me, and our buddies.
If you believe in genetic inheritance in your cows, maybe it works for your neighbors too.
These are the products of the locally operated school system. When was the last time
you or I called a school board member to voice our opinion?

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