Smart Phones:


Well-known Member
Many of us have smart phones nowadays and they are so handy. Not only a phone, but a computer, calculator, GPS, camera, video camera and much more.
What else do you use your smart phone for?

Camera is very helpful for remembering how things came apart.

Notepad app for lists when I go to the store

Google maps

Have a lot of PDF files saved to it for work, with machine parameters, how to's, etc.
Probably more stuff, just can't think of it right now.

For something I didn't have till 3-4 years ago, I sure wouldn't want to do without it now that I've had it.

Google maps better than Garmin.

Lookout app will show location of your phone if you lose phone on gield. Used it and it eotks.

Flashlight app comes in handy.

Use gas buddy to find cheapest gas.

Use alarm clock, timer, calender is a great way to remind you of Dr appointments.
"Lookout app will show location of your phone if you lose phone on gield. Used it and it eotks."

I'm gonna guess you posted that from a "smart" phone???
I still am using a "Stupid Phone" LOL

I see the boys having to answer their phones with their noses because their hands are oil/greasy/dirt. Then they get the cost of replacing them 1-2 times each year as the "Smart Phones" do not hold up under the "normal" everyday usage around the farm. Then the joy of not being able to see the screen in bright sun light. Add in the extra cost compared to a regular cell phone and you have some thing I do not need or want.

I find it funny that their HIGH dollar phones will not work inside the shop but my "stupid" phone calls out fine. They have to stand outside to talk on their phones. I think the Phone developers/designers are putting the ability to TALK way down the list of things they want the Smart Phones to do.
Ditto on the (dis)ability to talk on a smart phone.
My favorite other uses:
MS Outlook Calendar (synchronizes with my work computer)
Last long trip we were on I received an alert to an accident on the interstate, saved a lot of time as we were able to detour around without getting caught on the highway.
Haven't had to use it yet, but an entire aviation database is on my iphone. This includes maps, airport data and instrument approach plates.

I use mine to make me feel worthless, dumb and frustrated every time I accidentally hit something that makes it do something different than what I need from it, and I have to stop and take time to figure it out.
Forgot to say smart phone will change spellings. So they aren't all that smart. It was a challenge to spell triple A. I had to put a space between letters.

FIELD WORKS got It right this time.
I can't remember what I did to get all my purchases on Amazon and eBay to show delivery date on calender.

Also all pics on camera are transferred to computer files.

Cheaper to get rid of landline and get unlimited minutes on smartphone.

Smartphone has caller ID and it where caller IS from. I don't answer calls from States that I don't know anyone. Robo callers never leave message.

I'll never use anything but a smart phone.
I don't use it as much as some folks but I do use the camera, calendar, downloading manuals, researching questions/data, calculator, playing music, voice mail, texting, email, and making calls.
Never had a 'smart' phone. Still using the same flip phone I got over a dozen years ago. My wife, on the other hand, used to be the Director of I.T. for a big company. She always had the latest (read expensive) phone with the top (again expensive) plan. Big difference when the company is paying for it. Now that she is retired (and we're paying for it) she got sticker shock and she is PO'd that she has to use the cheapest flip phone with cheapest talk only plan. At that she only makes about 2 calls a month now so even that is an expensive waste of money. Doesn't seem to understand that she has all sorts of other gadgets that do the same thing for free or nearly so.
I use mine to listen to music when I'm working, I put the ear buds in under my ear muffs. It's nice when your raking hay or baling, ect
I just use mine for phone and pictures,. I just learned the other day how to draw on a picture that i have taken that was pretty cool.
My smart phone has a bubble level app that comes in handy sometimes but I wouldn't build a house with it. The speedometer app is nice to have on occasion but not a necessity. The notebook app is very handy for keeping track of planting dates, hybrid selections for different fields, yields, shopping list for the shop, part numbers, rainfall amounts etc. The appointment calendar is an absolute must. Shazam, another app, tells me the name of a song playing on the radio, not especially necessary, but novel.

Some of the other stuff that comes already loaded on the phone is useless to me.
first thing every morning check weather and radar apps. Notebook for shopping lists. Maps for driving, timer for watering, Calculator for many things. Speedometer for planter. Text when deer hunting. Ballistics when sighting rifles. Camera almost every day. Facetime calls to daughter. Can see the baby.
I use mine to take pictures when I'm disassembling something to help me remember how it goes back together.
Still have my flip phone. Can call, text, speakerphone and camera. Since iam retired I have laptop to talk to this site and other things. I don't need to know what people are doing at all times.
Well, I have two game apps...billiards and curling. Really nice for times you have to wait. Mine syncs to my car so if I put on YouTube I can listen to it thru the radio. I have used it for bar code scanning when shopping. It also bids on ebay for me so I don't forget my auctions. To name a few...
Have her go to wallmart and look at the TracPhones. Not that expensive and there are some that are pretty nice . Pay as you go and if you follow up on their specials you can get the Per Minute charges way down. When I was using a tracphone within 6 months the minute charge was down to $.o5. That is really cheap.
Yes they can do great things. But now how many of you are slaves to your phone ? If it dies or gets lost how will you now function ?
So far I have resisted the temptation to be a slave to my phone.
2nd day of deer season in PA. Raining. No deer movement. This is keeping me from falling asleep right now. And I can text the other hunters around me to see what's going on.
First you go to the app store, and get the app from Dairy Quality. I purchased a docking station from Dairy Quality, they are from Newmarket Ont. Can. You can use slides from De Laval, . Put milk into the slide, place slide into the docking station with the phone , and the phone with the aid of the app will do the rest . It will tell you the SCC , and if it recognizes the pathogen, if thee is one present , it will report that too. Look up Dairy Quality , on the net. I bought my unit from Advanced Dairy ltd. about three years ago. Bruce
All I need is a flip phone! I can call text and picture what else do I need? I think its ridicoulous how peole take pictures of their FOOD of all things and post it all over social media!
Just a plain flip phone, no text, no voice mail, just for emergency use if on the road. Back when I was on the newspaper route I had to call 911 several times for everything from tree on road to engine block on road to trampoline on railroad tracks that could have blocked engineer from seeing where he was at. Also broke down several times. A while back I missplaced my phone so bought second cheapest trac phone, have yet to use it, battery was supposed to be good for 14 days, dead after 4 and hard to use and no directions. I do have desktop computor, no laptop as the way the screen and keyboard are set up not for me. Considered one before bought last desk top but looking gave that idea up.
Talk, text , check YT, look at the weather. Look for traffic before I go to and from work, read the news, eBay, craigslist, amazon, use the flashlight daily, take notes for stuff at work, take pictures for all kinds of things, have the app for Texas parks and wildlife for hunting and fishing rules and regs, have a fishing app that gives tide and weather info when I fish on the coast, browse the Web. We don't have Internet at the house so the phone gets used for everything. Glad we have unlimited data.
I've got one, had it about a month, IPhone 6S, wife thought I needed one, all I've used is the phone and I've pushed the wrong buttons enough times I'm scared to try anything else. I usually left my old flip phone laying on the desk or kitchen counter or garage or out in the shop, very seldom kept it in my pocket.
Friend has tried to show me things on his and things are so small I cannot see anything.
(quoted from post at 03:21:32 11/29/16) I still am using a "Stupid Phone" LOL

I see the boys having to answer their phones with their noses because their hands are oil/greasy/dirt. Then they get the cost of replacing them 1-2 times each year as the "Smart Phones" do not hold up under the "normal" everyday usage around the farm. Then the joy of not being able to see the screen in bright sun light. Add in the extra cost compared to a regular cell phone and you have some thing I do not need or want.

I find it funny that their HIGH dollar phones will not work inside the shop but my "stupid" phone calls out fine. They have to stand outside to talk on their phones. I think the Phone developers/designers are putting the ability to TALK way down the list of things they want the Smart Phones to do.

Agree. My chief complaint with "smart phones" is that people hand them to their kids without a thought and then are later shocked to find out their 12-13 yoa boys are watching porn 24/7 and their precious little girls are sending nude pics of themselves to people the parents didn't even know they knew. I've seen it several times. What people are thinking handing their kids unsupervised internet access I can't imagine.
(quoted from post at 16:15:18 11/29/16) Geez, that's a lot handier than the old squirt bottle and four quarter paddle! Ben

Does the squirt bottle and four quarter paddle tell you the somatic cell count, and identify the pathogen in the milk? No it only tells you if the cow has mastitis.

Instead of having to wait for the monthly milk quality report from the co-op, or for the knock on the door from your milk inspector if you're really in hot water, you can monitor your somatic cell count and react if it starts getting out of hand by analyzing samples from the tank.
(quoted from post at 05:24:16 11/29/16) Many of us have smart phones nowadays and they are so handy. Not only a phone, but a computer, calculator, GPS, camera, video camera and much more. What else do you use your smart phone for? Dick

I understand that sales of tablets are going down because so many folks are using their phones instead. I still like my tablet, Samsung Galaxy Tab E 9.6. I use it more than the laptop.

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