Planning a trip to the UK

Good evening. My parents are planning their second trip to the Uk, last time was a 16 day tour that went from city to city tourist traps etc. This time, they'd rather see the country and roam around on their own. June is when they want to go. Tractor/farming type stuff will be part of their interest, if not most. Dad's 71, mom's 66.
Thanks in advance on any help here.
(quoted from post at 17:59:39 11/29/16) Good evening. My parents are planning their second trip to the Uk, last time was a 16 day tour that went from city to city tourist traps etc. This time, they'd rather see the country and roam around on their own. June is when they want to go. Tractor/farming type stuff will be part of their interest, if not most. Dad's 71, mom's 66.
Thanks in advance on any help here.

Wife and I went to the Cotswolds some fifteen years ago. There was quite a range in the size of the farms there, but no really big ones. There were larger ones off to the North of London. We were by Rutland Waters.
We've been to Wales a couple times, visiting relatives, just a beautiful countryside with lots of farms, ranging from small crofters to mega 1000 cow dairys. Yorkshire dales are spectacular that time of year too, if they like to hike some. Ben
We were in Lincoln a couple summers ago in mid June. The Lincolnshire Show is going on then (basically the county fair). The whole thing was fantastic. Puts to shame any fair I've been to here.

Highly recommend it. Lincoln is a couple hours by train north of London.
Take some time to visit the East of England, Norfolk in particular. Historic buildings, farms big and small by our standards, Norman Castles, seascapes, fresh fish and shell fish all around the coast, wildlife, quiet lanes, easy reach of London if you really want to go there.

You would need a car and we drive on the right side of the road! The left side!
If they are coming here in June we have a very large tractor show at Newby hall wich is between Ripon
and Boroughbridge in North Yorkshire yust off the A1 motorway. The event is on the weekend of
10th and 11th June and it is well worth attending the only drawback you have to listen to me
doing the ring commentry both days but I try not to be to boreing. MJ
We returned from England after a three week holiday in London and the Cotswolds last month. We have friends in the Stroud area. I'd like to spend more time both in the country, and the cities. Really impressed with Bristol. Stopped on a small motor way to let a herd of cows cross. Very friendly people around the entire country. Can't wait to go back!
Thanks for the heads up. We get dad to announce at the show we belong to...maybe he can lend a hand...he'd like that.
It looks like we're gettin' somewhere on ideas for their trip. Can they hire someone to drive them around( kind've like uber?), i'm sure they could eventually get used to driving on the wrong side of the road(i hope)..Now that they'll have something interesting to look forward to, I need to search for a few bed and breakfast places or lodging of some sort...
Thanks again.
I'm sure they would love to visit, hiking isn't gonna work out well for mom. They can walk fine, just not for long periods of time. A small farm or two to visit would right up their alley.
My wife and I just returned from Europe after being there for over thirty days, six countries and loved every moment of it. They will have no problems, it is a piece of cake getting around and don't refer to driving on the wrong side of the road. It is the proper side of the road and it just happens to be on the left. You can get use to it very fast and a good GPS unit that your dad is comfortable with is a must.My wife is your mothers age and I am a lot older than your Dad is so don't let that sway them. Car rental is reasonable but the insurance is expensive. Most major credit cards will cover this if you check them out first before they leave. Call the credit card company and ask for the "benefit department" and tell them what you want to do and what countries you will be in and see if they cover car rental insurance there. If they do have them send a letter to that effect to you and you are home free. Saved us nearly a thousand dollars on this last trip. Any questions just give me a call at 810-655-4859. Hope this helps and tell them to have a wonderful time.

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