Merrry Christmas In Your Language!


Well-known Member

I though would be fun to see how many different languages people speak that follow this forum, English counts too, if that is your language!


Buon Natale A Tutti!

I am of German and Swede heritage but when my ancestors came to the U.S.A. that made a point to learn English and did now speak German or Swede out side of there homes unless with other friend etc. I was so taught to speak English and to only speak German when in some ones home but NEVER out side of such places.

Being born and raised here in the U.S.A. I while I can speak some in German only speak English out side of my home so it is Merry Christmas

I am still old school and think if you live in the U.S.A. you should speak English when in public period

Nothing personal but saying as I feel
In Swedish it's god Jul. Not my first language,but ol Harvey2 would have gotten a kick out of it.
Hallo Jon f mn,

Frohlich Weihnancten! Germany Military Tour 68-69 Not sure about the spelling though,

Old, I'm with you. Great grand parents got here from Germany in 1846. Grands and parents spoke but only in home. Not in public. I know just enough to get in trouble if spoken in mixed company.

To me, Merry Christmas!
Funny how one seem to learn the cuss words etc before learning much of any thing else. Many times I wished I had learned more German but I did not and no schools I ever went to offered German but most did teach French and Spanish which I also felt was wrong since if they offered one they should have offer other common ones and there are probably more German heritage people in the U.S.A. then any of the others
I could speak pretty good German when I was over there from 1969-1971 but once I left I left the language there also.
Tried to learn German freshman year high school. Thought it would be helpful watching old war movies. Only thing I can do is count to 10 and say Guten tag Luisa. Not very impressive.
Living near New Ulm, MN, I spoke German as well as English when I entered first grade, so it kind of stuck with me. So, along with Guido, I say Froeliche Weinachten.
It's been a while since I've gotten an email from him. Don't know if he's dead or alive. Maybe this'll draw him out and he'll write to me.

Forget to add my traditional first fire. Warm wishes to all!

In the Irish, its Nollaig shona dhuit (spellings questionable). I can only speak a little, taught myself. Family came here from county Galway many years ago. But just the same, Merry Christmas all of you.

Slainte, Mac
"Merry Christmas and Happier New year". And if someone asks me what makes me think that they celebrate Christmas and it has happened a couple of times, I repeat it a few times.

I'm gearing up to start my shopping...11:00 AM on Christmas Eve. It's annual tradition. It's actually fun. Standing in the middle of aisles looking up and around trying to figure out what to buy and for who. Getting in the way of women that are only there to buy napkins or candles that they forgot. Getting in their way, getting clobbered by their purses for getting in their way. Getting called names before heading home beaten, bruised, cut, scratched, shirt ripped, blackened eyes, hair messed up before sitting down to drink a beer, get patched up for the big day tomorrow. TRADITION!!!

Ho, Ho, Ho!

Mele Kalikimaka, when I lived in Hawaii for 3 1/2 years. And I wish all you guys and gals too, a very Happy holiday season. Really enjoy you all and your knowledge.
Bah Humbug! That's how I say it! :twisted:

Merry Christmas everyone!

I too would rather be anyplace but the malls and stores from Thanksgiving on! A few places I spent other Christmas's were not nice places to be but they beat the malls!

Old, we were not at war with the French and Spanish so the goverment considered them a problem. We were at war with Germany in the first world war and the goverment thought that having people learn the language it would damage the wear efert so as I understood and this was around 60 years ago they passed a law baning the teaching of German in schools. That was what was used in schools when Grandpa was in grade school and he only went 2 years. He would have been 138 years old this year if I have figured right. That is what the people were told when the schools had to stop teaching it according to my grandparents when I asked about it when I was young and am now 73. Also against the law to speak it but did not stop the German speakers around here that was mostly settled by Germans.
Well I am talking about schools in the late 60s early 70s so WW1 and WW2 where both 50 year ago so German should have been taught. Shoot in one school I went to they forced us to learn Spanish or in other word every body had to take Spanish due to the way the school was set up 3 whole rooms for 1st to 12th grade

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