Made Ma Mad

Hoofer B

Well-known Member
My Mother stopped at my shop for a visit. My 14 y.o. son pulls in the yard with a sleeper tractor. Before Ma could say anything I tell her "Francis is just getting back from Chicago with a load." If looks could kill... ( he was just moving it from one shop to another, no animals, human beings or tractors were harmed )
Lol, reminds me of when my oldest son was about 13 or 14. He had been riding in the combine with me since he was in diapers, so I had been letting him drive some. He got good too, so I took one truck in to the elevator while he filled the other. When I got back his mom had come out with lunch. She didn't think he was ready and took him home with her. We didn't think it was a good idea to tell her he had been doing that since the last year, along with doing most of the spring tillage while I planted.

my 15 yr old grandson came down this past summer and i put him on my Super C, showed him what was what and went a few rounds with him in the garden pulling the disk, then i turned him loose in first gear. He had never driven anything before. His mom came out and had a fit. her fit was so bad, i told her to go back in the house and let the Men take care of the garden and tractor.

Now, my grandson wants to come back and help me with my tractors.
My oldest son was 14 when I had him combine barley so I could go home for the evening milking. First time driving it. He came home a bit later, said a bearing was going out, under the cab. How did he know that? He said he could smell it!

We had a neighbor whose kids were so small that when they drove grandpa"s combine, they had to stand since they couldn"t reach the pedals from the seat. That family always did push the envelope when it came to doing dangerous things.
My mom hated practical jokes. Even telling her a joke, she would just stare at you and not even smile.

One summer, when I was young, we knew we were going to Myrtle Beach, S.C. the following summer. I saved my money from pop bottles, mowing yard, etc. because I wanted to buy fireworks!

When we finally got to the fireworks outlet, I bought a big grocery sack packed full. One of the items was a thing you to a spark plug and ground. I snuck out and hooked it up to our car.

When we left the store and got back in the car, dad started the car. there was a loud whistle(like an incoming missle) then smoke started billowing out from around the hood ending with a big explosion.

By this time, mom was already screaming at the top of her lungs. She jump out of the car, reached in the backseat and grabbed me and my sister and slung us out into the parking lot.

When we finally got her calmed down, I explained what I had done. She didn't say another word. We got back to where we were staying, mom grabbed my big bag of fireworks and marched straight to the beach. She placed the big bag at the edge of the water. She turned to give me an evil look and she lit the bag on fire. Tben she turned and walked away.
A friend was telling me about a large maple syrup operation in Maine or Canada I forget, but said they were visiting and a semi truck with an old milk tanker pulled in to unload sap, asked the young girl driving it how old she was, she said 15, all private farm roads they were on so legal no problem but a lot to handle, said she backed it in as good as any driver. They asked one of the other guys later if she was really 15 he said no she lied to you, still a few weeks till she turns 15!
Neighbours kid was driving stick by 12 years old jumping the old ford in their back field. He was helping rake and ted hay the summer before that on the ford 6000 with broken power steering.
Is 5 yrs. old to young to be driving a Gator all over the Farm? If kids can't learn to drive on the farm, they will end up a wreck on the hiway.
I stayed out of school in first grade to run the SC Case and disc ahead of Dad with the DC Case and plow. Course I had been driving the SC in the cow lot for Dad feeding cows since I was 4.
My son was 14 when he started running the backhoe loading a dump truck and spreading gravel for a new road.
I was driving Dads VAC before I started school. No problem reaching the pedals , as I was tall for my age. clint
I Was 8 When dad turned me loose on a 41B and a trip plow. Wasn't so much fun when I had to do all the work though.
I don't remember how old my son was when he first drove the cub cadett. I got tired of letting him steer, going around and around, So I let him drive by himself, told him to turn off the key if he got into trouble or wanted to stop. Later I welded a "hand clutch" so he could stop and start. Now the rig he makes his living with is a "little" bit bigger. He can back a trailor much better than I.
(quoted from post at 17:38:31 12/31/16) Is 5 yrs. old to young to be driving a Gator all over the Farm? If kids can't learn to drive on the farm, they will end up a wreck on the hiway.

He'll be OK as long as his friend watches out for him
I was with the Gleaner Caravan one year when the execs came out from the Gleaner factory to check on a new prototype being tested by a custom operator. Those guys had a conniption fit when they got to the field and found the custom operator's 8-year-old son operating the new prototype combine all by himself!

Yep- My mother had a fit when Grandpa (her dad) turned me loose in the timber on his farm with a .22 Marlin 39. I was 14 and already had a .22 Stevens single shot at home.........I still don't understand what she had against the 39! :lol:
When I was 7, mom and I picked cucumbers( those baby dill &*$%#@'s). It took the 2 of us all day to get a decent size load to haul to the Bick's plant. Ma"s knee was bad and she didn't like dad's 3 in the tree chev much, so she let me drive. 25 miles to the plant, being late in the day they want to dock ain't havin' no part of that so back to the farm we go. Dad rearranged a few baskets after supper and told us to be first in line in the morning....our stuff was top notch..
Another gooder was when my niece used to go for truck rides with me. She was 6 at the time. We got on the 401 west bound coming from tranna and as soon as we were past the coup, I'd slide the seat back and let her wheel 140,000 on 8 axles at 70mph. She behaved quite well, didn't tailgate, didn't crowd the zipper when passing or cut anyone off....way better than the steering wheel holders act these days.
When I was 12 my Granddaddy thought I was to young to run the combine to cut beans by myself...but it was ok for me to drive the F-600 farm truck 5 miles to the grain elevator though. lol
Funny thing about the young kids is they take things seriously and pay attention. You explain what to do, explain some of the don'ts, and they get it. I started all my kids out on tractors long before they drove cars. it helped them and allowed me to not be a nervous wreck.
Sheriff stopped my uncle in town. Said he saw their pickup going down the road with no one in it. My seven year old cousin was delivering eggs around the county. She could barely see over the dash. Uncle said he would make sure to take the keys out. Eventually she got taller.

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