sounds like a personal problem.


Well-known Member
When I am trying to feed or get anything done , in 32deg. or lower temps, I have to fight with a runny nose. Now there is nothing as distracting, as a stream of snot, dripping off my nose, while trying to ease a round bale out of the stack, without tearing up the hay shed, in the process, and still having that drip plaguing me. I mounted a kids metal tool box, on the right fender of my MM 335 loader tractor, and can keep a roll of VIVA paper towels, handy, (except when it rains or snows, and gets them wet). What do you guys do to combat this delima, or am I unique? I try NOT to leave a trail of paper towels behind me, but my coat pocket fills up pretty quick.
I have same problem, especially in winter. I always have a wad of paper towels in my pockets. Sometimes my sleeves get used--emergencies only.
I put back of index finger knuckle over one nostril and blow. Repeat on other nostril. Wipe nose with back of index finger. Wipe index finger on coveralls. Repeat as needed.
I do as the others have said below,but it's mostly when I go back inside the house that my nose runs-outside it's usually ok.But inside the house I use tissue.Mark
My brother and I were talking about this just today. He's both blind and because of chemo for cancer, he has neuropathy and can't feel his extremities. He can't see or feel his nose running. He joked that some of his snot bubbles get the size of balloons and he has no idea until people, often strangers tell him about them. His hearing is still good, as are his spirits and demeanor.

That used to be a problem when I spent many hours out in the open during red kidney bean harvest. I was effected way more than anyone else. I just couldn't do it today.

Now when it's sub freezing, I tie a large handkerchief around my face, like a bandit. It makes a big difference, plus soaks up what does leak out!
I take Benadryl in the morning - it seems to reduce the amount of flow. Usually I just farmer blow. I don't involve a finger to clamp off the other side. I just blow as hard as I can and wipe the rest on the back of my glove or chore coat. I got no pride left. Like Dolly Parton says - it takes a lot of money to look this trashy. In my case it's lose a lot of money farming!

The nice thing is that since it runs so much I usually don't have to worry about leaving a "bat in the cave". I hate running into someone and talking in the middle of the road only to realize later I had a booger hanging off the end of my nose.

If it's going to drip right on something delicate I'm working on I shake my head every chance I get to get the drip off the end of my nose. In the chore truck I just open the door and blow. The other day I was headed to town and caught myself opening the door and blowing down at the corner. Good thing I wasn't at a stop sign in town.
Many years ago. MANY MANY years ago. I was in Lansing for the CPA exam. I was sitting in the car between sections studying and a bum walked by on the sidewalk. He took one finger and closed one nostril and proceeded to spray a load all over the sidewalk out of the opposite nostril. I had never seen anything like that before and it pretty well horrified me at the time. Guess it is an option. Don't do it in front of anyone...PLEASE.
You know what they say: When you're young your feet run and your nose smells. When you're old your nose runs and your feet smell.
You need to learn how to cock your head, blow hard through your nose, and clear the passageway out. Onto the ground or out the window,into a rag,or whatever the case may be.
I carry a big red handkerchief! Even in AZ, my nose runs! I figure if I break a leg out in the mountains I can wave it for a flag until rescued.
As I was mentioning below about bean harvest, I was remembering working on the carb., off the 6 cyl. flathead Continental on the bean thresher, out in the wide open, middle of the field, on a bitter day. My cousin accused me of spitting in it. I informed him it was my nose, over which I had no control!
Yes, I carry a handkerchief too, always have. But I guess I'm old fashioned. One day I pulled it out to blow my nose and the neighbor kid asked, what's that? I said a handkerchief. He asked what's that for? I said watch, as I blew my nose. He said, uck!!! I asked him, don't you use a handkerchief, he said no, I use kleenex tissue.
After reading these posts, it seems we're old fashioned by using a good ol handkerchief. A handkerchief has a lot of uses besides just to blow your nose too.
Back in the day kleenex used to be big enough to blow your nose, but nowadays you'd need several as they are so small.
around here i use the farmer blow, hold your finger over one nostral blow hard, repeat for oposite side. dont have time for tissues and stuff, use sleave to clean up after. notice i get a little splatter on my glasses. wife is from town, doesnt say anything
I do it to keep snot from stringing from my nose to my shirt and I also like to breath through it once in a while. I don't know why anyone else does it though. TDF
(quoted from post at 15:57:58 01/07/17) When I am trying to feed or get anything done , in 32deg. or lower temps, I have to fight with a runny nose. Now there is nothing as distracting, as a stream of snot, dripping off my nose, while trying to ease a round bale out of the stack, without tearing up the hay shed, in the process, and still having that drip plaguing me. I mounted a kids metal tool box, on the right fender of my MM 335 loader tractor, and can keep a roll of VIVA paper towels, handy, (except when it rains or snows, and gets them wet). What do you guys do to combat this delima, or am I unique? I try NOT to leave a trail of paper towels behind me, but my coat pocket fills up pretty quick.
wonder if one of the better snowmobile helmets would be of any help. I wonder if some are heated. May not be affordable or cause other problems but its worth looking into.
I've been reading this thread chuckling like a 6th grader who just saw his first National Geographic....

I'm glad to see I'm normal. I work part time in the refrigerated department of a grocery store. A young female manager told me not to wipe or blow my nose on the sales floor. I can't leave refrigerated merchandise sitting while I go blow. But, but... No "buts", don't do it, period. NOOOOO problem. I let the snot just hang and run down the front of my vest. She has decided my way should work real nice.

Wow, you brought back a flash from the past!
Back in the 60s when I was into snowmobiling, we used to have mittens with fuzz on the back side for wiping your nose.
The snot would freeze onto it and could be easily knocked off after it froze.
They were appropriately called "snotknockers".
We do get into some gross stuff on here sometimes. LOL

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