Free Hat!!!!

big tee

Well-known Member
They were talking about their free hats last week on Ag-talk. Mine came Sat. A law firm named Carr & Carr has been sending them out and trying to get people signed up in their law suit against the seed company Syngenta. I have been getting a lot of offers from different law firms for the last year but this is the first time the sent me something to entice me. Some of the people on Ag-talk were for it and some were against it. Some said they burned their free hat. "Maybe Syngenta seed dealers"? Don't know--as usual they want you to come to a meeting in the future-3 pages of locations in Iowa. They promise free food a other refreshments---might take the wife out for Valentine's day dinner. The hat is made in China--some were cussing that--they are the ones who rejected the shipments of corn. But they buy a lot of our soybeans.------Tee


I just had this one given to me, too pretty to get dirty except now I see it was also made in China. Wish I wouldn't have looked.
I think all hats are made in China Dealer gave me a Deere hat and I bought one both China planning on buying a new used round baler from the local mega fiat dealer asked if he would throw a hat in he said yes we'll see if it's China just got looking at my cat hat I bought. Made in China as well
I hate to vote for an anti-labor candidate and I will not vote for a pro-labor candidate who would give out free tee shirts or caps made in China. Labor supporters taught me a trade and I am loyal to labor because they taught me. With the help from labor I was able to buy a TRACTOR!
Have done some reading on those national or global lawsuits ..... from what a person reads (and I know what all of that is worth and how accurate it might be), once all the dust settles, each individual that signs up gets some ridiculously low amount of money. The law firm of course is looking for sign ups, that's the business they are in and without names on the list, their claim isn't taken seriously. Meanwhile, their contingency fund might be 40% or more for doing the paperwork. I guess that's the way things are done these days. Funny though how a free hat perks ones interest .... they know it works (and how human nature works).
my john deere hat is made i viet nam kubota bangladesh one deere on in china guess it depend on suppler one jd and kubota ones lynn's specialty sorta funny the viet nam seeing how i spent 18 mouth there
According to the contract they sent--60% for me---40% for them. Lots of words I can't pronounce in the contract. I think I will go and listen. Bill's Smoke House in Independence Ia. the day after Valentines day is the closest one for me----I am tight-----Tee
Oh hold the phone here, my Massey hat that I got from the dealer for buying a disc mower was made in Bangladesh! Well at least I can say it wasn't made in China! LOL
If you want to look at past experiences, look up the Starlink settlement from was it the 90s? A very, very similar deal.

That was a simpler class action deal, one,lawsuit and everyone could sign up or not easy peasy.

I got $88 from that one. I believe they were calculating my damages from lowered corn prices would have been $2000......

I believe they split the winnings 40-60 as mentioned, but expenses come out first and lawyer costs tend to be very high per hour, so it is a much smaller amount that you get 60% from than you would expect......


Pretty 'tough' looking ear of Corn on that Cap & brochure, don't think it would be too edible. Maybe that's why the Chinese rejected it.

Just went out on porch to take a leak and there was two boxes ony porch. Do I get double the money then? Guess that's one each for the dogs to play with.

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