Craigslist Ad Where You Can Only Reply By Text


Well-known Member
Theres a tractor 70 miles away that I'm very interested in looking at...He lists an email address and a text number...I've emailed him 4 times but I guess that texting is the only thing that he will reply back to...He had it listed last fall and it didn't sell...Its been listed again for 20 days with no buyers and I can see why..

I don't text,my best friends don't text,and hardly anyone in my family texts..One of my good friends with over 100 tractors doesn't even have a cell phone..So how does this seller think that interested people are going to reach him? His price isn't that bad and the tractor would sell if he would respond to inquiries..My guess is that the seller is young and thinks that the entire world texts..I'm lost in the 60's and will admit it..
Try calling the text number. I had one that I replyed to and it was text only. My son said just dial the text number. It worked for me but I don't know if it is the same all over
Have one of your grandchildren text him. You can't do business in these times without texting. It is faster and you receive an immediate response most of the times. Your missing out!


No grandchildren...I can barely even operate a flip phone and seldom use it..I've done lots of business on craigslist and most everyone will email you a phone number to call them..I guess I could try calling the text number like suggested below..
I always write at the end of the ad,home phone,no texts. Last one I put on I wrote "No texts. We're old farts and don't have a smart phone.".

But ya,I think it's the same with most any technology. Once you have it,you think you're the last person on Earth to get it and assume then that everybody does.

If you text him, now he has your phone number. If you call him, same thing. If you email through Craig'slist, none of your identity will be revealed. If he responds to that email, and sounds legitimate, then you can call him. Smart phones are fully capable of doing the email thing. If he can respond to a text message, he can just as easily respond to an email.
Most everyone texts. Like others have said, just call the number and leave a polite message explaining the situation. If it's been for sale so long is it really a good deal? Would make me wonder!
My son is pretty much a "text only" guy. He sells stuff on CL occasionally, and still gets the scams. The scammers are more adaptable than we are.

If your seller is like my son, I'd expect no answer on a voice call and a mailbox that hasn't been set up yet.

If that happens, maybe get someone you trust on here to send the guy a text: "Old guy that doesn't text interested in tractor. Please call him at: your phone number".

There is no such thing as a "text only" phone number. If you can text to it you can call it.

Most likely all responses from Craigslist are going into the guy's spam folder, and he has no idea that he is receiving them.

Call him. So what if he gets your number? What's he going to do with it? Sell it to a telemarketer? Your number is already on every telemarketing call list that exists already. You screen your calls anyway. You have to get over the paranoia at some point.

Look, most ads are 100% legitimate. If they're not legitimate, it is almost always blatantly obvious. The ad won't be for something as obscure as an antique tractor. That has limited audience. If you're gathering data you put out an ad that will bring lots of responses, like a nearly new compact tractor for $2000.

We're only talking about fractions of a penny per phone number resale value here. Someone would have to gather thousands of numbers to make it even worthwhile, but most of these jokers don't get that. They're just wannabes. They might get your phone number or email address but that's as far as it will go because they won't be able to find a buyer to pay what they think they should get.
It's a scamm. Don't you get sick of hearing that? They are using a robot to collect phone numbers to sell. If you call the number the recorded message will tell you that it's a "text mail number",much cheaper to set up than buying a phone and having a number assighned to it like we do when we get a cell. They can maintain over a thousand "text mail accounts"for what it would cost them for a single cell number. I've seen several where the robot respond's with a text saying"give me your email and I'll send more pictures and details". Now they have both,your cell # and email to sell. Scammers make me recall my granny culling baby chicks. She pulled their heads off and tossed the corpses to Granddad's waiting hound dog.
There are a lot of people that don't own a phone that can text. The younger generation can only communicate by texting. They won't email, can't talk on the phone and forget about trying to get them to mail you a letter.

I only use email on my YT ads. I get replies dad or grandpa doesn't have a computer. Please call this number. I call the number and they are very shocked I called.
Possibly a SCAM--I buy and sell a lot on CL and one thing I can't understand is why someone list an item and doesn't answer phone call, text, or email ? ?
Even had some that wanted me to email them direct and bypass CL security? ?
For those that have replied that it's a scam ...... what scam can result from requesting text only (or ignoring emails)? I don't text but have never thought of ads that request a text as scams. What can happen?
(quoted from post at 16:59:52 02/07/17) For those that have replied that it's a scam ...... what scam can result from requesting text only (or ignoring emails)? I don't text but have never thought of ads that request a text as scams. What can happen?
I have no idea either but some have suggested they sell/trade your phone number or eMail ? OR---They have nothing else to do LOL
Some of y'all should drop down 3 threads below this one to "Probably a pointless question". More than one has said it's a scamm and explained why but there's still people that can't believe it.
I buy and sell a lot on CL. Cant say for him but in my case almost every email sent via CL email relay will end up in spam box and automatically deleted. I receive waay too many emails each day to sort through my spam box, probably on the order of 300 half of which go to spam. I am also hearing impaired and telephone conversations are next to impossible except under controlled conditions or unless the caller has a deep booming voice. I am 61, also too old but texting is a Godsend for me. I put it in my ads, emails go to spam, phone calls with message will be returned, texts are best and answered immediately. I have received some nasty grams about it but oh well, I file them in the trash bin too.
Yep people now days will be lost if we ever get a big EMP or some such thing. But it is also the same for many other things where to do something you have to use the computer we use here to talk to one another. I hate places that do not give a phone number but give an e-mail etc to get a hold of them to buy stuff. Like some of the new seed companies you have to use there e-mail to order form them so if that is the case they do not get my $$
I sell more then I buy on CL. I always place in my ad---[b:48dd5a48dc]"Phone calls or mail preferred, have trouble texting, will not sell without direct phone conversation"[/b:48dd5a48dc]
One can pretty well determine the character of a person by having a short discussion.
Has worked good for a long time
In my last career I dealt with low income families for the most part. For whatever reason many people that are "out of minutes" could still send and receive texts. Another plus of texting is that very often a text will send or receive where there isn't enough signal strength to carry a voice conversation. Some people work nights and can check for text messages whenever "morning" is for them. There are plenty of legitimate reasons for the request of a text response. gm
Lots of us don't text...About all of the serious tractor collectors in my area are 60-85 years old and the ones that I know don't text..Two don't even have cell phones..If the seller really wants to sell this tractor he'd better cater to the over 60 crowd because thats who's buying..

I and the wife sell some on craigslist and we only give our email address in the ad....Every email is answered and we send a phone number so that they can call us..Almost every item that we have listed has sold..The latest was my MIL's 2003 Toyota Corolla...The second one to email bought it and came 90 miles for it.
I do not respond to CL ads that do not include a valid phone number.

Too many phishing scams.


If you text or call the cell number, you usually get an instant response

Some only check their email occasionally

I sell & buy on Craig's list....had better luck with texts / calls
Iam 70yrs with an out dated flip phone. I can still text with it and find that I do more sales using text as the contact. Because of spam from the lowlifes I don't use email as a contact anymore.
It was cheaper to replace Mom's flip phone with a smart phone last time. She (77) now LOVES texting! You guys might try it.

Even with a flip phone, you can receive a text and read it pretty quickly. Then, just call them back, and explain that you prefer to speak on the telephone. A real buyer should be okay with that.

To the OP, if the price seems TOO good, or the email address is listed in the body of the ad (not accessed by the CL "email this seller" button) it could still be a scam.
I only buy from the ones that give a phone number. Most of the text ones never answer or take for ever to answer.
I am a text only type of guy and I have a flip phone. The reason is that I cannot hear very well, am usually busy or driving down the road when the phone rings and absolutely hate voice mail. The seller has his priorities, if you can't text him then he doesn't want to sell it to you. I have 90 year old friend that has learned, my 73 yr old Dad can barely speak, so he texts, my father in law has lost 90% of his hearing, etc. Find a 12 year old kid and he will learn you how to do it. I guess if you figured how to post a gripe on this forum, then texting should be a breeze.
The ad could be bogus look the location up and drive over. Example 3 free street Northville.
I will NEVER have texting. But I think they should do email and that would take care of all the problems you are complaining about with calls. And my cell phone will not do texts. And I have to go to my desktop computor to do email. Same way I get on here.
I come across that a lot on Craigslist. I just passed on a van I was interested in because the seller only wants to communicate with text. I could be more understanding if text was all he had - but no. He has email and a real phone (with no voice mail setup). Just wants things done his way so I said the heck with it. I know how to text but just happen to hate it. Also, half the time I cannot since I have no cell signal and can only use my home-phone. I am getting a little tired of hearing the crap about how we "all have to learn."
There is no legitimate reason for texts to exist. Only to make the person think they have to take their mind off driving the car they are in.
(quoted from post at 01:09:11 02/08/17) I come across that a lot on Craigslist. I just passed on a van I was interested in because the seller only wants to communicate with text. I could be more understanding if text was all he had - but no. He has email and a real phone (with no voice mail setup). Just wants things done his way so I said the heck with it. I know how to text but just happen to hate it. Also, half the time I cannot since I have no cell signal and can only use my home-phone. I am getting a little tired of hearing the crap about how we "all have to learn."

I will not buy or sell without talking on the phone.
If I have an item for sale and the person won't call me or leave their number, I tell them it's sold.
I don't love to deal on CL. Too many bad things have happened to people and I would bet, most never talked before meeting.
"I don't text,my best friends don't text,and hardly anyone in my family texts"
Well maybe if you are that interested. you ought to figure out how to text him if you would like to increase the chances that he will respond otherwise just
give up the tractor and move on.
Well said.
If you can find your way onto the internet and this board you can learn how to text.
Of course we all know people who just wont get on a computer or the internet. Such is life.
But don't you kinda wonder about someone who won't even try it?
Texting is just another mode of communicating.
Like email or the phone or smoke signals.
But if you'd rather dispense with all that and just stick to beating drums like you always did I'd say it's your loss not mine.
Well,apparently he doesn't want to sell it to anyone period...Texting sure isn't working for him...The tractor is 68 years old,is priced right,and I'm sure it isn't a scam from looking at the pictures,etc...He knows what he has...Its been on craigslist twice..

We all have our way of doing business and texting isn't mine....I don't hear great but the phone or email is the only way I do business..My flip phone is only on when I make a long distance call or when I'm traveling....$100 worth of minutes easily lasts a year for me..

I just called the number and of course the voice mail is full...So.I will write this one off..He lost a cash buyer..
I do limited text. You have to understand that many people prefer text over voice communication. That is their choice. Just as it is your choice to not text. Your in a small minority and it is getting smaller. So you can rant about him not replying but that is his choice too.

I can advertise and only sell to guys wearing oink shirts it is the owner's right to sell or not to sell to whomever they want.
Gosh, when you wear oink shirts and have a wife that's into skeeting, what could possibly go wrong???
I've seen the same on a truck I had for sale. My ad described it well but he wanted me to text him all the details. NO. I'm on the road or busy with something.I'm gonna stand there & text the details all over again? Or text enough to answer the questions he DIDN'T ask? Not gonna happen. Texted him to phone me & never heard more from him. Gotta believe it was some kid with time on his hands entertaining himself.

I sell a lot on eBay and craigslist. I'm not strictly text, but I prefer it, and for a few reasons.

1st, almost every email I ever got through craigslist ends up being scam garbage, and I simply don't have time to waste. I have a full time job, as well as plenty to do at home without the scam garbage.

2nd, although I'm younger, my hearing is not the best. If I'm in my truck, at work, or pretty much anywhere that has background noise, I can't make out a word you're saying (unless I have my hands free headset on, which is more often than not, depending on what I'm doing at that moment).

3rd, I keep really strange hours.. I work a odd shift (after all, it's 2:15am eastern, and here I am posting.. I just got in from work about 20 minutes ago). Some nights I go straight to bed, some nights I work in the shop after work, and some nights I get home from work as most people are leaving for work. Some mornings I'm up at 7 am, and some days I get up just in time to clean up, pack my lunch and head out to work. My ringer is always on in case there's a emergency, but your text won't wake me (even if it says simply call me about the item for sale).

4th, it's hard to "change" a deal when you have it in text, and have it at hand in your chest pocket on your overalls. I made a deal with a fellow on a few "core" engines I had for sale. He showed up when he was supposed to, looked at them, and pulled out enough cash to pay for ONE per the price each we agreed on, long story short, he said "If you can prove I agreed to the deal, then I'll pay it, otherwise no deal".. BAM! there's the proof. Even if we "talk" the deal out, I am going to ask if I can text you what we agreed on, and you respond with a simple YES or NO, and I save the text until the transaction is complete.. Then I as a seller cannot be accused of "jumping the price" and the buyer can't say "well I never agreed to that price".

All said and done, if you don't text I don't hold it against you, and I won't force you to do it, but it's the way communication is going.

Final thought.. I could text faster when I had a flip phone with the normal 11 keys like a landline than I can with my smartphone, and most time I could text a complete sentence and never look at what my fingers were doing.. But it took a lot of practice.. I've been typing on a computer keyboard since the 90's and still watch my fingers and hunt and peck.

In the past I've used textfree. Basically it's a website you log into and have a phone number associated with it. Not your normal number, just a random number for an account you create. So you can send text messages from your computer.
(Note: I'm in no way affiliated with this organization)
I am moving on and so is everyone else as texting is not selling the tractor....If he had given a phone number the tractor would have already been sold as its priced fairly..This is the first time I have ever ran in to this on a CL ad..

We sell tractor parts! We have the parts you need to repair your tractor - the right parts. Our low prices and years of research make us your best choice when you need parts. Shop Online Today.
