Wildfires in Kansas?


I saw on farm report this morning that wildfires had killed a lot of cattle, and I think they said it killed a farmer, and they interviewed one fella that escaped by runnin his tractor through a fence, and into barn where his truck was, jumped in truck and fled. Said he had 3 minutes by the time he saw fire coming to get out. The news where I'm at haven't even talked about it. Kinda wondering how bad it was out there.
Had a picture of it with a mid-west coop type concrete silo in the background this AM on Ft. Worth Star Telegram.
There was a young married couple and their friend around Clarendon, TX that were trapped when the wind shifted while they were trying to get their cattle to safety. Local news reported they were very well thought of in that area.
Just passed thru where it was north of Hutchinson, KS. Saw remains of several houses/outbuildings that had burned to the ground. There were other fires in SW Kansas and north central Kansas that burned a lot of grassland. I know of at least one farmstead near Wilson, Kansas that was destroyed.

The fires have been going since last Sunday. We sent 4 trucks and 8 guys out to help for a couple of days. That made us short in our county, but it worked out okay. We lost the rear end in one of our trucks trying to pull another one out.
Quite a few homes were destroyed. It was hard to drive by burning homes and not stop because you were dispatched else where. Could not put them out with a brush rig anyway.
Governor has declared state of emergency so now it is in the states hands. don't know if that is good or bad.
Still burning.

They also had 4 Blackhawks doing water on Tuesday and were planning to bring 3 more in later in week. Heard they made it.

The pilots were good but they still were not as impressive as some of the Nam pilots I remember.
Sunday evening we had two Goessel trucks (brush rig and a tanker) and four guys head that direction
but they got called off when they were about halfway there. I was getting on a plane on Monday so
I didn't go - no guarantees of getting back in time to catch my flight. On my trip I was keeping
track of what was going on and was surprised that our county (Marion) wasn't dispatched for mutual
aid again since it looked pretty bad. They must have found enough help that was located closer
than we are. It looked like it was a challenge with the wind blowing like it was.
Over 1.5 million acres burnt in Texas,Oklahoma,Kansas,and Colorado.....7 people dead,and thousands and thousands of head of cattle dead...Some ranchers lost everything they had,cattle,hay,fences,machinery,and buildings...85% of Clark County Kansas burnt.....30 homes burnt in the Hutchison,KS area..Its sad...
came across this web page and just passing it along if anyone wants to help out. it lists places to contact
in the various states that are affected by the wildfires.

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