Well, today I have a 10am appoint. at the vet, She's not doing well(neither am I) I want to thank all of you for your kind words!!! I thank you for letting me ramble on....Craig
Never easy thing to do. Make sure to hold, hug, whisper comfortably and reassuringly to her on the way out for all of those times she was eagerly there for you and yours, good and bad. Sorry to hear that. The big oak tree on the hill looking down over our house is lined with the best sleeping peacefully dogs we ever had. I sure do miss each and every last one.

My three rules.
Keep memories
Use pain medication to moderate/mellow quality of life
It is your decision to be merciful.

I find mercy to be easiest if I put my self in their position.
May peace find your friend. Jim
I am just glad our vet would come out to the house when we had to euthanize our two -- both 16 and both within a month of each. Thought it would be nicer if things were done where they were comfortable and familiar. But it still didn't make it any easier. We still miss them.
I'm there with you brother. Never easy even when its the right thing to do. Just traveled that road in December. Was cleaning up the other day and pulling things off the mantle. It was all good until I came to the dog's ashes and photos. My will stipulates that I'm to be cremated and mixed with the dogs. God bless you for all you've done.
You provided a safe and happy home for her, and she will be wagging her tail when you meet again. Ben
Just came in from putting her in her resting place, it's so silly of me to feel so bad. I really don't want to do anything today......I really thank you all!!
My sympathies, Craig. My girl Molly is nine and half, she is with me all the time, the truck seldom leaves the property with out her in it.

They say time heals all wounds but I am not so sure.
No need to feel silly about experiencing real pain. My little dog is only two, and in good health, but I get misty-eyed just thinking about something bad happening to her---even though she will probably outlive me. You have every right and reason to grieve.
In the last 2 years I've had to do that twice with the best dogs in the world. I feel your pain. It does seem to get easier with time. They are more loyal than any person in your life.

Is sad time lose a friend like that. Maybe do something she liked doing with you, sometimes you feel her presence. Animal spirits can be very strong. I am terrible crybaby with this kind of thing, just terrible.
Think of the pleasure you gave them while alive. So many pets are not treated the way they should be and you provided food warmth and safety to your loving partner. You did well.
Sorry for your loss, we have 5 in our pet cemetery over the years and 2 to still love.

When I join them..what a reunion!!!!
(quoted from post at 07:15:16 04/07/17) Well, today I have a 10am appoint. at the vet, She's not doing well(neither am I) I want to thank all of you for your kind words!!! I thank you for letting me ramble on....Craig

I wish that I could add to the advice that has already been given in dealing with this kind of loss, but I can't except to say: try to remember the times (good & bad) that you shared. I am having a heck of a time dealing with the loss of my constant companion of 13 years. I still look for her and am constantly being extra cautious when walking near one of her favorite 'spots'. It hasn't been 'that long' (St. Patty's Day) but it seems like years, since I lost her.
She was 3 here on a trip we made to Tacoma

'Time', as they say, 'heals all wounds'. Well, c'mon 'Time'!
our wrigley is on south side of house in sun where he liked to lay when he would take a nap
we have several cats near the flag pole for some reason they liked to lay there
So sorry, we have lost a couple special small family members in the last few years, it is never easy.

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