Gypsy barn painters are back

TomH in PA

Well-known Member
The crew showed up yesterday with the usual out-of-state license plates and promises of a ten year money-back guarantee.

Legitimate business men don't drive around knocking on doors offering great deals. Run them off if you see them.
down here they want to spray used motor oil on your driveway to seal it. some are very aggressive and get mad if you say no. I say no anyway.
In NJ you are not allowed to spray oil. When I was a kid and the back
roads were "Improved" dirt, they would spray drain oil. Works really
well too. Now and then I spray just a little here and there.
I don't know if the word had finally spread among them to stay away from my place or not. I've run them off just short of getting violent every time they've shown up. There was somebody here two years ago,but nobody last year. That last one that was here said something like "I was checking my records,and it looks like it's time to paint your roofs again.". I saw red as soon as he opened his mouth.
I have had them call me on the phone. Called me last year. Told me they were doing the drive way across the street. Noticed mine was in bad shape and
they had just enough stuff left over. They would repair mine at a discount. I told them I have no drive way and nothing across the street but an empty
field. Before I could say more the phone went dead.
Dixie gypsies came here a few years ago to do black top out of a pick up.
Elderly neighbor lady above my mom had some work done, check was $800.00.
Check was altered to $8000.00. Her bank called her to verify total and refused to accept it, local police
were called they got wise and booked it before arrival.
good luck, j
For years my dad has had gypsy painters stop by to paint the barn and sheds. Only one got my dad's attention and money, Jackie Robinson. Can't remember
where he is from...Kentucky, Tennessee, some where in that part of the world. Not only has his paint job stuck for over 20 years, he took care of putting down
drop cloth, made sure windows were not painted over with over spray, covering items inside sheds, and clean up. He has stopped back over the years just to
check in and chat awhile. He is a super nice guy and was not a PIA salesman about painting. Hope he is still out there doing his business and gets my dad's
business stamp of approval.
Last time i painted barn roof was 1973 when got out of school .My dad had a fellow -Pat come every couple years did the roof latter paint
barn siding. I painted my barn 17 years ago now he paints them i get the paint ser williams,and i know how much it takes.Pat has been
painting for us /his helper for over 40 years,Iam here when he starts and done/guess what and we own our spray gun.
(quoted from post at 06:16:56 04/09/17) In NJ you are not allowed to spray oil. When I was a kid and the back
roads were "Improved" dirt, they would spray drain oil. Works really
well too. Now and then I spray just a little here and there.

You should not be putting a drop down intentionally.
If any asphalt gypsies come to our place it'd be the joke of the year. We have over 20 miles of gravel roads before our place - I think we can handle our little driveway unpaved. *lol*

When I was in high school, a crew showed up wanting to put in an asphalt drive for my folks. Dad liked the idea and paid for the job. He always felt he got his moneys worth. I know that driveway lasted for 20 years (SE Texas), and I don't think anything else was ever done until they sold the place.
Yes, some are crooks, but some are Legitimate Businessmen just trying to make a living, Most are more honest than Congressmen, Senators, Lawyers, Used car salesmen, Roofers, Preachers, IRS Agents and High School Principles! To paint all Roof Painters with a broad brush is immature and childish! (Pun Intended) I had one paint my 40' x 140' barn 15 years ago for FREE as a marketing ploy and its held up pretty good.
"Most are more honest than ..."

Well, you set the standard pretty low. But the crews that come around here are known for making it look good until the first rain.
When an asphalt gypsies come to my place I ask them
how much will they pay me to pave my drive?

I have to repeat myself a few times before they
understand, I wouldn't pay them a dime, they would
have to pay me because sooner than later I'll have to
rip it up.
neighbor Le Roy had some az oles wanting to pave his drive said he would pave for half of what i paying. i told Leroy
that joker is full of it i'm not getting anything done.
then they chained the price and paid about 3 times what they were told.
Had our fire station painted by the traveling out of state painters about 25 years. The paint job still looks good. They sprayed it on concrete stucco.

I have had my barn roof painted twice by some guys from the Carolinas. Pretty good job both times, won't need done again for several years. Not all "gypsies" are crooks.
We have one that has painted on our farm for
at least 30 years. Never once had a problem
with there work. They probably spend a month
in this area as they have alot of clients.
Not sure if has a good memory or writes it
down but he remembers every thing he has
painted, ask me about work and says he
misses my mom's snacks she would bring out
to them.
(quoted from post at 06:16:56 04/09/17) In NJ you are not allowed to spray oil. When I was a kid and the back
roads were "Improved" dirt, they would spray drain oil. Works really
well too. Now and then I spray just a little here and there.

Since when has a crooked contractor trying to cheat you out of your money cared about what you are "allowed" or "not allowed" to do?

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