Lawyers advertising?


Well-known Member
I will have to say, I've never been in an accident. If I were
not sure if I would get a lawyer and sue. I'm not a person who
sues people.

My question is would I use a lawyer that advertises on TV,
"Call the Hammer", we'll get you what you deserve?

How would you decide who to call if you need a lawyer? One that

Do good lawyers have to advertise?
I was in an accident on March 4 in Ohio. As soon as the police report came out on the Ohio State Police web site, I started getting calls from scam lawyers. One number called every 3 minutes, 9 to 5, for the first week. During the first 2 weeks I got calls from 54 different numbers I did not recognize. I talked with a local lawyer and we looked up on a web site similar to BBB that rates lawyers and found s few that are rated top of their profession. I also looked up most of the unknown numbers and they come up as "fraud/scam".

And people wonder why I do not answer if it is a number I do not know.
I'm not the type who would sue either. Then we were in an accident (someone crossed traffic in front of us). Totaled our new car and wife sustained a finger injury requiring several surgeries and still never got %100 use back. I learned that if your required hospitalization is caused by an accident your health insurance won't pay and after the medical part of the auto insurance runs out you're out of luck. They expect/force you to sue. I was nearly 20k (over the med amount) out of pocket before the bills came in stamped 'denied'. Was forced to sue other person's liability insurance to get it back. Used our family attorney normally used for closings, etc. All around bad experience.
I know somebody here who needed their SS Disability because of cancer. They got turned down the first time,so they called "Michigan's First Family of Law" that advertises statewide. They were told "We don't practice in your area".
For non specialized legal issues such as patent, QDRO, etc., I would choose a local attorney who has been in practice for 20 years+ in the same area.

We had one lawyer that ran up big bills advertising on TV. Then he filed bankruptcy for that firm and changed the name of his new firm just a bit. TV stations won't take his ads anymore!

One bankruptcy attorney spent so much money on TV that she almost went bankrupt herself. She's finally cut way back on her TV ads.

I'm not the type to sue; I'd think long and hard about something like that.
In my humble opinion, everyone should have a family attorney on tap just like a family doctor. Then, if you have an accident, or whatever, your family attorney can refer you to a colleague who specializes in that area of law, just like your family doctor will refer you to a specialist for a serious medical problem. People don't realize it, but there are a lot of functional parallels between the medical profession and legal profession. Referrals to specialists, etc.

My wife was in a head-on collision a few years ago. (Surprise, surprise, caused by a 17 year old girl gabbing on her cell phone). My wife walked away from it at the time, thanks to the belts and air bag, but she needed surgery on a knee later from whacking it on the dash beside the steering column.

I talked with our family attorney and he said, "That's a bit out of my field, but I'll refer you to a friend of mine who specializes in personal injury". We were satisfied with the outcome and the settlement we got.

I guess I've never understood why someone who won't hesitate to run to a doctor every time they have the sniffles will talk with everyone but an attorney for a legal problem.
I work with attorneys all the time on the job, and the good ones don't need to advertise.
Good neighbor George, Oops I started to say I don't advertise (I was thinking big time TV) but then remembered I have ran small one inch adds in our weekly church bulletin for "Estate Planning, Wills, Trusts and Probate".......and I have got business that way yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Other then that I don't advertise, its mostly word of mouth that brings me plenty of business and as much as I really want to mess with being how much we travel in the RV nowadays.

Regardless, there are good and bad in all professions, I don't cut down a mans chosen profession and his life's work be it plumbers or electricians or mechanics or farmers or teachers or salesmen etc., but for those who enjoy doing so that's their problem and their choice. I was fortunate to first having a "real life" as an Electrical Engineer, Farmer, Farm equipment, Semi Truck and RV dealer, and raised three wonderful children long BEFORE going to law school in my forties which at my age competing with bright smart young twenty year olds about did me in lol

God bless all regardless of their chosen lifes work and profession and how they choose to run their business (advertise or not) is a decision I will leave up to them ITS SURE NONE OF MINE LOL

John T Country Lawyer
Well I look at it this way sad but true pretty much all lawyers are crooks just look at the fact many in the Gov. are lawyers and look at how many of them are closer to being crook then they are anything else
The "Hammer", if you are referring to Brian Loncar he died not long ago. Anyway I can't stand these ambulance chasing lawyers and would not call one that advertises on TV.
Hey Old. Since you claim to know "pretty much all lawyers". What is your opinion of my office? Thanks for letting me know i'm a crook. I had no idea.
I have dealt wit ha lot of lawyers over the years and when you spend 10 grand on one and get nothing in return to me that makes them a legal crook as in they can take your $$ and all you get is screwed blued and tattooed
Old. Sounds likeyou didn't get the result you wanted. When you engage in litigaton someone wins and someone loses. No prize for second place. BTW how does your experience with one attorney entitle you to insult "pretty much all" of us.
This lawyer took the 10 grand and then said he wanted more $$ and we said when you are done so he dropped us and left us out out to hang. And this is just one of at least 10 I have dealt with over the years and have always ended up pretty much with the same out come loose a lot of money and get screwed by the lawyer not the court. I stated taking schooling to become a lawyer and dropped out when I found out how so many where on the take. Like when you can pay an extra $500 and get your case fixed in court that is a lawyer and a judge both on the take. I have dealt with that with cops and lawyers and judges far to many times and by the way I have only been in jail twice in my life and never for more then over night and both times the charges which where trumped up where also dropped. I.E. what i was charged with was not a real law or they could not prove I had done anything wrong
Would I hire a lawyer from one of those advertisements?

Absolutely not!!!

Think of it this way... If I were on a jury, and found out one of "those" lawyers were on the case, I would decide right then and there that the person that hired him/her was purely interested in taking advantage of the situation, solely for the purpose of monetary gain.

The lawyers that stoop so low as to participate in that type advertising are a disgrace to the profession.

So are the plumbers, electricians, HVAC contractors, and any other "professional" that needs to resort to saturation advertising, scare tactics, and false advertising in order to find customers (victims) because of their horrible reputations. No chance of repeat customers, so they rely on the media for an endless supply of of the gullible.

So, how would I find a reputable lawyer? As far as I know, they all offer a free initial consultation, use that opportunity to check them out. Ask around, get some referrals. Get more than one opinion, do some investigating. Be sure the lawyer you choose is qualified to handle the specific case you are involved in.
Old, you need to apologize to all of the lawyers you just insulted.

In my work as a County Commissioner, I work with various lawyers all the time and find the vast majority to be honest, hardworking men and women who are simply trying to do their job in the best and most professional way they can.

It's sad that a few ambulance chasers who advertise on TV have given the entire profession a negative reputation.
Goose, I'm 68 and never needed an attorney. My question is how would you know who to hire? Concenses seems to be, avoid those who advertise.

I would have no idea who is good. How would you decide?
Sorry but to many have screwed me and They need to apologize to me and also return my $$ and also return the gun that the Cop stole form me and the P.A. would not give it back but yet I broke no laws. P.A. said I could not have it back because I might shoot some one and I told him if I where going to do that I sure could not do it with that gun I would do it at a long distance.
Plus just look at what goes on in D.C. most of congress are lawyers and msot of them well there on the take. Ya there are a few good one but so far I have found for every good one there is 3 bad ones
I would not hire an ambulance chaser.

I have very good attorneys that provide service to me, as with everyone, there is bad and good.
I don't know a lawyer, never had to use one. So big question, how would determine who's a good lawyer if you needed one?

Another question, what if I were in an accident while on vacation in another state?

I really don't know, but I'm hoping my insurance company with my umbrella policy would take care of me and I wouldn't have to hire a lawyer.
I do like one's that are hungry... I also like the way they charge as in get all you can that's the way I work I should have learned to do it earlier on in life. Crook are not they sell there time you can cut them off anytime and buy it from another...

I don't want a bored retired lawyer on my arse I can tell you that...
They are the worst of the worst they are doing it for pleasure its not about the money...
I know someone who went through a divorce.She was abused for years. Her husband would take the fuses out the the furnance and AC when he went to work.Back when phones had cords he would take the phone cords with him to work so she could not use the phone. Kathy hired a lawyer that advertised on the back cover of the phone book. She ended up with the worst lawyer in the United States!

Her ex was worth over one million. He Has money in several banks in the US and over seas. Her lawyer told her she could not get any of the money in over seas banks. her lawyer would't do any checking to see how many banks he had money in. Her lawyer was only interested in their one joint bank account which had next to no money in it. They sold their house. Money was to be split 50/50.Her ex slipped papers to the realtor and the realtor tricked Kathy into signing the papers and giving her ex 75% of the house sale and Kathy only 25%. The realtor chased Kathy down in the Walmart parking lot and made her sign the papers right there in the parking lot. The realtor claimed Kathy had to sign the papers right now or she would not be able to sell the house.Turns out the realtor was one of the exes girlfriends. When they found out what the ex did. Kathy's lawyer said there was nothing she could do.

Kathy wanted $1500 a month alimony. Her lawyer said her ex would protest $1500 so she put it down to $500. They divided the property in the house. The ex got all the good furniture and she got mostly the stuff in the garage and lawn mower shed. Kathy's lawyer she got the dollar amount of stuff as her ex.
I asked 6 people who is the best mechanic, I get 6 different answers. I have to find out through my personal experience who is the best.

Same with who is the best roofer. After hiring bad ones, I finally found a very good one.

I recently needed a new family Dr. Ask who is the best and then call the recommended doctors. Sorry we aren't taking new patients. Sorry we don't take medicare. I ended up getting a young Dr out of med school taking new patients. I got lucky, he's a good Dr. but his office hours are only on Wednesdays. Other days he works at hospital.

I don't know that many people who use lawyers, nor have I hired any. Then, lawyers like doctors, specialize, criminal, estate planning, divorce, ambulance chasing.

Hope I never need a lawyer. Hope I only need to see a Dr on Wednesdays.
If I ever needed a lawyer, would you recommend a good one?
Do you think asking a court clerk who is the best lawyer would be a good idea? Or asking a Judge? I'm betting clerks and judges wouldn't give a recommendation.

When it comes to having a good mechanics, roofers, tree trimmers, CPA, Dr, dermatologists, respiratory therapist, dentist, I had to fire the bad ones to find the good ones.

I would hate to think I would have to pay big bucks to find out I had to fire the lawyer.

Hope I never have to ask for a good lawyer. From my post, I've learned not to call those that advertise on TV. That cuts the list in half.
(quoted from post at 15:36:13 05/13/17) I do like one's that are hungry... I also like the way they charge as in get all you can that's the way I work I should have learned to do it earlier on in life. Crook are not they sell there time you can cut them off anytime and buy it from another...

I don't want a bored retired lawyer on my arse I can tell you that...
They are the worst of the worst they are doing it for pleasure its not about the money...

This just looks like a cheap shot at John T. It won't bother him but it sure offends me.

Please don't refer to any of his electrical troubleshooting guides.
Would I hire one that has ads on TV? Maybe. I have a personal friend who is a lawyer. Like John T he mostly does estate stuff, wills and such. He also does stuff like the legal end of property transfers. If I needed an lawyer for something else I would ask him who to go to. If it happened to be someone who has TV ads then so be it.

Old, why am I not surprised that you have had multiple interactions with lawyers concerning run in's with the cops?

When it comes to recommendations, I don't think judges are allowed to. Not sure about clerks.

After having a neck injury many years ago, several folks from church recommended I go see a chiropractor, and the same name came up a couple of times. So I went there. He said he had to "re-injure" the neck in order for it to heal. ........I'm still waiting for the healing part!

Was also suggested by the folks at church and family that I get a lawyer. .....Not gonna ruin the forum with my experiences!! Let's just say lots of VERY weird stuff went on during that time!

Went to see a dentist one time about a problem tooth. He said that all of my upper teeth and most of my lowers needed to be removed. I was puzzled, but also knew I hadn't been to a dentist in a very long time. I thought about it for a while, talked it over with family, then finally figured, "[i:e8e81669eb]Hey, he's a dentist. If he says they need to come out, he should know[/i:e8e81669eb]". I held back on the lowers, so he only worked on the uppers. He pulled the very front teeth, but chose to break the rest into pieces and then pull out the bits. An oral surgeon stopped counting at 40 pieces of tooth and root that he pulled out 6 months later! The first dentist turned one tooth root sideways in my gums, shoved another root up into my sinus cavity. It would rattle every time I took a step! Everyone (including the oral surgeon AND the medical doctors, as this caused other problems) said GET A LAWYER and GET HIM! .....Ok, so I tried. I live in Minnesota, but the dentist was in Arkansas, as Dad just had a pacemaker installed and he paid for the first dentist. Now before I get to the lawyers part, I also need to add that my vision was 20/20 prior to the extractions, but fell to 20/200 within 45 days afterwards!! I ended up with severe viral and bacterial infections. Pain was so bad and mouth so swollen and tender that I was on a liquid diet for weeks, then eating ONLY things like mac & cheese and other soft foods for 2-3 months. Lots of medical problems. Vision still fluctuates to this day! Can no longer shoot a rifle. Rifles without scopes - vision sucks. Scoped rifles, I take a shot, then have to refocus the scope before taking another shot. Now for the good part - I spent MONTHS calling around Arkansas trying to get a lawyer to represent me. Nothing! An open and shut case, and NOT ONE SINGLE LAWYER would take the case!! In Arkansas, only a lawyer licensed to work in a particular county can do so, so my choices were severely limited. I finally called one who said he might be interested, but to wait for a while and let the medical stuff kinda settle down. In his own words, he wanted to let the pot simmer for a while - you know, to help make a bigger case. .....OooooooK? So I call back about 6 months later - he's no longer interested in representing me.

Have other experiences with lawyers - not good ones I'm afraid. When I fight, I fight fair. I "WILL NOT" shoot dirty pool, nor will I allow an attorney to do so. Everything will be letter-of-fact without embellishment, as it should be. There is only one truth in anything and everything. It is not up to interpretation. Facts are facts, right? Well, I have learned that "I" don't seem to have much luck with sticking with the facts. That old saying "[i:e8e81669eb]The Truth shall set you free[/i:e8e81669eb]" must mean "[b:e8e81669eb]after[/b:e8e81669eb]" this lifetime. But there is only one truth. Thanks to a bad neighbor, we live literally in the middle of nowhere, yet we have about 26 cameras and multiple video recorders! Around here, THE TRUTH WILL BE KNOWN!! But in the end, what good is it? I certainly haven't benefited from playing by the rules - not just the "legal rules", but by the Good Book rules. I carry Truth on my side, regardless of how painful or embarrassing it may be at times, and I will not waver from that! And yet, in my experiences, the truth has not been something that attorneys I've met have wanted to deal, let me re-phrase that - the truth is something that attorneys I've met do not want to be "limited" to.

I have seen attorneys with their clients talking with a judge in private before court. I have had that same judge tell me to bring in my recordings as evidence, then would not even allow them into evidence when the time came.

I have nothing against lawyers personally. But I had a chance to pick up an older (1970's or 80's) law book from UND (Univ. of North Dakota) that had some (to me) very dis-heartening things in it. For one, it took the Constitution and broke it down into about 90 different segments, some of which were just 3 words long, then the book proceeded to explain what each individual group of words meant. I read that several times over and just couldn't understand....this isn't the Constitution I grew up learning about in my history classes in Texas! When I compared what the book was saying against the full, in-context meaning of the Constitution, suddenly things became very hazy!! The book continued to explain how one should avoid the facts if it will improve your case, AND EVEN TO LIE!! No, it didn't say those exact words, but it instructed not to go by actual letter-of-the-law, but to use "Case Law". ??? Upon researching that a bit more, I've come to understand that case law is the end result of any court case. So, if in the event of a court case a judge is forced to make a ruling a certain way, that ruling now becomes case law, EVEN IF THE RULING IS WRONG, for whatever reason. Could be (and usually is) that the winning side had the est lawyer(s) and most money, could be that the yahoo-looser chose to represent him/herself and did so very poorly, etc, etc, etc..... I'm sorry, but where (and how) I was raised, that means throwing the Truth out on its ear and NOT following the law.

I know this is a long and VERY intense post, and I apologize for that. I'm writing the Truth as best I know it. Anything I've said, take it with a grain of salt and do your own research. Growing up in church, the Preachers would always say not to take their word for things, but to do our own research - read the Bible and learn the Truth for ourselves. Get the facts from the source; not second, third or fourth-hand.

I hope this post doesn't bring with it a backlash, as these are "MY" experiences and understandings. Sorry for the rant.

(quoted from post at 18:24:31 05/14/17)
(quoted from post at 15:36:13 05/13/17) I do like one's that are hungry... I also like the way they charge as in get all you can that's the way I work I should have learned to do it earlier on in life. Crook are not they sell there time you can cut them off anytime and buy it from another...

I don't want a bored retired lawyer on my arse I can tell you that...
They are the worst of the worst they are doing it for pleasure its not about the money...

This just looks like a cheap shot at John T. It won't bother him but it sure offends me.

Please don't refer to any of his electrical troubleshooting guides.

John can fight his own battles keep that in mind the next time it offends you...

Year ago a customer a Local retired lawyer would stop by the shop and ask it I had any bad debts, Checks etc I could not collect. He sure came up with evil ways to collect like put a lean on there drivers licence are a judgement again there body.

They work by the hour what they sale is there time how else are they suppose to make money. Goodwill does not pay the bills... You can fire him just like any other person you hire.

How you tract there time I dunno it sure does not settle well when you loose at $250 a hour... My son just went thru a divorce they did not have a pot to pizz in just two kids he's won primary custody and it for over 20K... That is a hard one to suck up but the price you pay to hire a good one...

If you have a personal injury issue a estate planner is not the lawyer you want to talk to even if its just to write a letter to the hospital unless you have $250 to throw away... Get a hungry one that specialties in it... Then stay on top of it you pay your money make him work for it....

Charge for your time what a concept I wish I would have thought about it first...

Another thing to think about.

Just like you car repairs some happen because of poor choice are lack of maintenance its not the mechanics fraught are a lawyers fraught you made bad dissensions.

I hired a divorce lawyer many years ago back in my old hometown....problem was all them lawyer golf together and cut each other deals.....went to the the big city and got me a pitbull with lipstick...she did not care about the good ole boy system in them country lawyers money I ever spent!
...One more tidbit to add to my previous novel (above post). Those extractions? The oral surgeon said one would have required a root canal or be pulled, but the others could have EASILY been saved! Don't know why I forgot to mention that - guess I had lawyers (or the lack thereof) on my mind.

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