Memorial Day yo Kruser

John T

Well-known Member
I post this every Veteran Day and Memorial Day. If it offends anyone to bad, they don't have to read it and will just have to get over it. Yesterday I visited and placed flowers at my old hometown cemetery and remembered family (like mother and cousins and Aunts n Uncles) and VETERANS as that's my choice, the VETERANS graves I visited over "Memorial Day" were three Uncles and father WWII Veteran volunteers (NOT forced by draft) who were injured.

What is a Veteran?

A veteran - whether active duty, retired, or national guard or reserve
is someone who, at one point in his or her life, wrote a blank check
made payable to "The United States of America", for an amount of "up to
and including my life", and there are way too many people in this
country who no longer understand that.

It is the VETERAN, not the preacher,
who has given us freedom of religion.

It is the VETERAN, not the reporter,
who has given us freedom of the press.

It is the VETERAN, not the poet,
who has given us freedom of speech.

It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer,
who has given us freedom to assemble.

It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer,
who has given us the right to a fair trial.

It is the VETERAN, not the politician,
Who has given us the right to vote.

It is the VETERAN,
who salutes the Flag,
who serves under the Flag,



Thanks Veterans and God Bless you all

John T
Love that saying "That is the Veteran" Heading out to my wife's family cemetery, the VFW is going to be there to honor the service members. Just buried her Uncle there a month ago who was in the Navy during WWII
Yes, and then there are people like Kruser who don't "understand" what Memorial Day was set-aside to be. It is to honor those killed in service. Not those that survived and may still be here, or died later.

If you and Kruser feel a need to pretend it is something it is not, that is one thing. But to then allege I do not "honor vets" because I refuse to call Memorial Day something it is not is just plain stupid.

It is what it is. Our National holiday to honor vets killed in service and officially that is all is. People who insist on making it something different just take away from its original purpose and help to spread ignorance.

I never said anything negative about anyone privately thinking of loved ones that served. My dad and uncle were in WWII. My grand-dad in WWI. My son in the Gulf War. My g-g-uncle in the Civil War. So give me a break with the neg . comments. I am sure to some people, Memorial Day is the unofficial day of the beginning of summer, or for great sales too.
While Memorial Day is for those of us who didn't make it home, I am still glad you post this. Going to print it out. Thanks. Tom
"Kruser" seems to be offended by me, and John T seems to be standing behind Kruser. If I am wrong, I guess John T can correct me.

I never said I was "offended" by anyone, honoring vets, anytime. I said - and I repeat - Memorial Day is not the official holiday to honor
vets. If that "offends" anyone - then I guess you need to change the government of the USA.

I do think it is a shame that there are a lot of people now adays that seem to not know what Memorial Day is supposed to be about. To act as
though it is something else takes away from its original purpose. That is, a special day to honor vets killed in service. Once you start
calling it something else makes it less "special."
I'm sorry guys, but I don't go anywhere on Memorial day. I don't go to the cemetery or march in parades like I used to do. It's not because of anything someone said or did. If I go, I get to thinking about my friends that I lost and the situations we were in. I start wondering why I was let live and they weren't (not knowing which of us were the lucky ones) I get pretty darned moody (or so my wife says) so I just don't go. Instead, if the weather is right, I mow hay of something to keep my mind on track Keith
The only one here that seems offended cause he has to continuously make a stink about the meaning of Memorial Day here is you. Time to let it go and you can honor the dead. The rest of us that feel the need will honor those veterens still living who served with those who died.
Seems you do not like reality? I never showed any "offense" that relates to honoring vets. I do find what Kruser said about me fairly offensive, i.e. . ."Guess you don't have any respect for our former and current military members !!!
Where you at ? California, New Yawk, or ???"

If you think me pointing out the official meaning of the holiday is a negative - then it seems you are the one lacking respect.
I feel the same way. I wonder did my friends die for nothing. Why were the ones that made it home. Tossed on the trash pile.
My dad was a WWII vet. So were two of my uncles. One was killed in action at age 17. My dad was very strict about what he called "Decoration Day" and what we now call "Memorial Day." Strict about honoring those killed in action and he lost a lot of friends in the war.
To be a traditionalist and stick to what the holiday is officially for, is not "insulting" vets as Kruser claims.
I am very strong on memorial Day. Uncle was flight engineer on a Liberator during WW11 in Italy and my first cousin was killed in Holland. Parents were Red Cross volunteers during those painful years.
I agree JDEM, Memorial Day is a holiday to remember Veterans that died in combat for our Country, included are Veterans who passed later but was because of that combat. Celebrating something else takes away from the importance of this Holiday. That's kind of what happened when the changed from Declaration Day to Memorial Day.
I posted the way I feel about Veterans Day last year.
I will adlib it here in case you did not see it.

Veterans Day for me is a crock.
Yes they paint their trucks; fly their flags; and sing their songs.
But that is all a cover for people to honor someone for something they were not willing to do themselves.
I served my country for 2 years.
If you meet me on the street you would never know I was discharged for medical conditions because I do not flash it around.
If you really wanted to support a veteran you should have been there standing a post beside him and having his back.

But Memorial Day is real.
It is a day for us veterans to honor those that gave their lives so I could make it home alive.
I just want to bless all that died for our freedom especially for my friend Martin Bennett. There is no greater love than to lay down your life for a friend. I also want to thank all the veterans who served.
You're sure welcome, glad you appreciated it. As I posted below for ME PERSONALLY when I visited the cemetery yesterday it was

"a day to remember family and thank Veterans" THOSE WERE MY WORDS I had no idea it would have brought about such a discussion.

I figure a person has the right to "remember" or not "remember" family and Veterans on any day he pleases, Memorial Day or Veterans Day OR ANY DAY FOR THAT MATTER but likewise, if another chooses to do the same or not do the same on any day of the year THATS HIS OR HER OWN BUSINESS which I will respect but expect the same in return mind you.

Many Veterans gave their lives for this country and our freedom and I don't think me exercising my own personal choice of "a day to remember family and thank Veterans" on Memorial Day or Veterans Day OR ANY DAY makes me a bad person, if so just call me bad because I will do it anytime I please while permitting others do to the same or different.

Thanks, God Bless all here regardless of their beliefs and opinions. I respect their free choices and opinions and trust they afford me the same courtesy

John T

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