fawns in fields


Well-known Member
Ran over my first fawn in 40 years of driving tractors. neighbor just got done cutting field with disc mower and was cleaning up around the fences with the little deere and five ft gyromower and found one he had hit went another 100yds and I hit one didn't even see it. Little bugger was only about twenty pounds wasn't moving fast at all wounder why it didn't move. would have seen it then. Been trying to get more deer around here just started to last year, had poachers kill off most of them years ago.
I've hit way too many. The first one I hit with that discbine with the flail conditioner,it vaporized that little devil. All I could recognize was a couple of hoofs. I had one running around the field yesterday that I thought sure I'd hit. He wouldn't stay on the edge of the field when he'd get there. Just kept running in circles and coming back. He was so exhausted,he'd lay right down in the mowed hay,then when I'd get close again,he'd run right back out in the standing hay and drop down. The last pass,he finally ran to the edge and laid down.
The last couple days of bush hogging,I have had two different fawns,just make it out from under the front tractor tires,lucky for them I only mow in 2nd gear,I know a lot of you mow at a pretty fast pace and those fawns are trained to stay where their mothers put them to avoid predators,did you ever notice the doe is never in sight? She is usually nearby but far enough away to not have any scent near the fawn.I read somewhere that fawns have almost no scent at an early age so they can't be detected when they are left alone.You can't see them till they get up and run so be careful out there and pray you don't have to have that sick feeling when you see those cute little buggers laying dead in a previous swath.
Hate it when that happens, these twins were still wet when I snapped this pic,, taken last week
I almost hit one yesterday. First time mowing a path this year, and one jumped out of the grass not more then 2 feet in front of me. So glad I didn't hit the thing.
Never hit one, but have come within inches of it. Had one in the triangular corner of a field. As the remaining triangle kept getting smaller, with each pass, it kept moving in. Trianggle wasn't ten feet on a side before it finally bolted and ran off in the woods.

Got one hanging out in the field right now within a few hundred yards of the house. Gonna be interesting as that's second field on the list to mow.
Last week I may of hit one, while mowing, it ran away, but not very good, I might of ran over one leg. About 50 years ago I ran one through the haybine, what a mess that was.
Never personally hit one but one summer when I was in high school I did custom round baling for a guy that rented the ground at the refuge. I was baling way on hot day and a dead fawn plugged put the pick up reel. That was nasty. Hauling grain one summer the state highway was mowing and there was a state truck parked along the tractor and ditch bank mower. The driver had a road kill deer wedged in the mower and the workers had a pole and would run up and try to dislodge the carcass and then run away gagging and coughing! A few years back keep hearing one bleeting in the hay field by the house and the kids I spent hours looking for it. They sure do hide well!
want more deer--Please come bring a big trailer. Madison County Iowa--the darn things have over run us here, cant grow a garden, cant raise hay, they will destroy 15 acres of corn or beans. All the DNR will do about it is give you 30 or so deer deprivation tags, heck you cant share them with your neighbors because the DNR has given each one of them 30 or more of the useless darn things. Mark my words you guys planting food plots are going to regret it.
I saw 2 dead on I80 western nb yesterday.
Very small, 1st time i ever saw such small roadkill deer.

Some years ago I came within about four feet of one on the first pass. I saw something that looked a little out of place, but I couldn't ID it as a fawn. I stopped, got out, and as I came around the front it saw me it took off.
I agree with jacksun65.Deer were eradicated long ago because they are a nuisance.Now they cause more death and destruction wrecking vehicles all over the highways.I would like to own another motorcycle,but I feel it would be too dangerous because of idiot deer running into the roadways.I cannot fathom why anyone would plant more for them to eat,or want any of them around.
I too have hit them while mowing hay.Anyone I know in my county has hit one or more on the highway-between my wife and I the total is 8.Got the car back from body shop on Friday,hit another on Monday!That costs everyone money in insurance premiums.Mark
I had one several years ago that got stuck in the conditioner rolls on the 499 NH, made a mess by the time it got out.
Not that many deer around here to worry about running over a little one. Some rabbits will freeze, and wait to get run over. What will really scare me is a duck will sit on her eggs until the tractor is right upon her. then fly out. I usually stop in time to save the nest. I hate to run over any animal even a mouse. Stan
I do not have the member map on my phone but guessing your around Wyoming? Are they legal to hunt?
I have been mowing in cherry orchards the last 3 weeks. Just today I saw one about 10 feet ahead of the tractor tire. Little bugger just layed there not moving. I had to get off the tractor to get it to move out of the way. I have seen several does and have been afraid of running over one, but today is the first fawn I have actually seen. They are sure taught to stay in place. I am not sure this one would have moved at all, and would have actually let me run over it if I hadn't gotten off the tractor and made it move.
Sure do like your pics. One day I am going to travel out that way,soon as I can get the kids on there own!
In this area, they seem to have a balanced population and although a nuisance at times, it's really upsetting when this happens. Its just instinct to protect a fawn from harm, no different from a calf on a farm.

The deer provide for me, and I do look after them in a few ways, though nature does not need any intervention, it's a kind gesture to do so.

I had one go through a rotary cutter a few years back right in front of its mother. Things die, its a part of life, but this upset me quite a bit. I saw some wriggling in the tall grass, looked like a rabbit getting out of the way. I knew better as I always stop, even for a praying mantis, I'll stop, same with young rabbits, turtles laying eggs, etc. Big mistake, awful sound and feel knowing what happened.

Right about now is fawn season and knowing that, I try to cut before or after. One day makes a difference as I have handled numerous fawns in the past to relocate them out of harms way. The mother is always nearby, and the next threat is coyote and they took down 3 adult deer this winter, something I have not seen around here before, usually it's just the fawns.

When scared they instinctively stay put, especially the first day or 2. It does not take long before they are agile, little while longer they are fast enough to out run predators for the most part. Every one I have caught was because I saw the mother before she had the fawn and from observation I could tell when, and always found the fawn, in this really tall grass that grows in one area. Every year its the same thing around the same time. Used to be pheasants that got nailed on the nest with the mower conditioner, we had no deer around here for many years,now they are everywhere.
came close last year. Saw the fawn just as my rear tire came up on it. couldn't have been more than a few inches outside of it. thought for sure I caught it, but I saw it waddling off behind me. Almost stepped on one also. Got right up on it and it scared the bejesus out of me when it got up. :shock:

thanks for the reminder. I'll be brush hogging this weekend and I think I'll take it REAL slow and not do any daydreaming or "sight seeing" :wink:
Never hit a fawn, but I ran a raccoon through my old Allis 60 combine once. Sure did make a WHOOMP when he hit the cylinder. Took a while with a hose to get the worst of it out.
Boy do I hear that! I had a collision with a large buck last Saturday evening. There are so many of them around here that I am usually constantly on the lookout for them, especially in the evening hours. And, wouldn't you know it, I cancelled my comprehensive coverage a month ago.
Found this one under a small mulberry tree in a patch of brush I was giving a dose of 2-4-D with a hand sprayed on Mom's farm in Kansa. Gave me a good start when it rustled around. Then it just sat there panting. Could have touched its nose with a yard stick. See how well it shows up the picture is dark from the shade.
Couple from last night checking the fields for you, the last ones of the buck was a couple days ago , he walked less than 50 feet from the tractor door, I threw in a few more for you thanks for the comments







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