Thoughts on internet only auctions!

Brown Swiss

Well-known Member
Seems internet only auctions are really taking off! It was just auction time and big iron (not so much big iron here) but the local auction companies are getting into it also. Have a consignment place that is having what I think is there first internet only. My thoughts are a little mixed.

Pros are I don't have to stand around waiting for the items I want to see sold.

Cons are I should go look at the item(s) before buying and that requires to drive sometimes a ways to look at it then buy then go back to get it, so I am killing 2 days instead of 1. Second con is I don't get my BSing in for the day, I never leave here. LOL

Your thoughts!
Personally I like them for things like books,literature,small parts and the like as at a on site auction these things often get damaged or stolen.For large items,equipment and tractors
I rather it be an on site auction.
I like the 2 local K-Bid shops. The third local does a poor job of listing and gets a lot of incomplete stuff. I see it as a way for some jockeys to do their trinket business witout having to pay heat and rent at an antique shop. With that said I've gotten some good syuff, but also been let down.

I see a lot more auctioneers going to online estate and farm auction. I perused Fahey's site and they have and will have several farm and estate auctions on line only. They have 2 that caught my eye, but I'm leery to bid because the details are not with the listing and I'm not there to kick the tires.

The last live estate auction I was at this spring was packed. I think everybody was hungry to get to a live auction and things went higher than we expected.
Getting more popular or mixing it with an in person auction. I think you get a bigger crowd and more chance to sell. Now if it gets like evil bay where some wing nut bids on a piece of farm equipment 1500 miles away and does not pay or come get it, yikes. Second chance offer I guess. It also creates a shipping issue for someone at least for small items with a large estate that could be quite a chore.
Personally, I've all but given up on auctions. Used to be I could go to an auction and get some really great deals. Most of the auctions around here, stuff sells for more during auction than what you can pay for it new! Plus, there's the long drive involved - "everything" is a long drive from us! :D
(quoted from post at 04:32:51 06/11/17)
No way of knowing who you are bidding against.
Should it matter? I mean, part of the fun is watching your competition and trying to guess when they're about to give up and let you have it. Of course, with OUR luck, some other yahoo will suddenly decide to jump in and take the bidding 3 levels higher!
I've had good luck so far with on line auctions. If I don't have a chance to look I bid 1/2 of whatever value I think it's worth. Picked up some cheap equipment this way. Plug in your max bid and go back to work.
There's a couple companies here doing a combo. Internet live/prebidding, and a live auction the day of. It seems like those auctions bring better money than the rest.
You have to be real careful with the auctions that sell stuff that is not stored at the auctioneers facility, there are scammers and crooks everywhere, one of the favorite things the thieves do is sell something and then avoid contact with the buyer so that the buyer cannot collect the goods within the required timeframe and thereby forfeit the item. We buy a lot of equipment on auctiontime but it is from a relatively small group of representatives and we always make sure we know where the pick up point is before bidding.
Seems to me he is trying to unload his stuff- the auctioneer. His last sale bill was 1/3 or more of his machinery. It is on the sale several times until it brings what he wants I guess or he gives up a little bit. Correct me if I am wrong.
That happens a lot. Auctioneers and their staff will pick up good deals, then try to sell them at a higher price. Last auction I went to, probably 15% of the items was bought up by the staff.

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