Welcoming Tax Increaes yesterday...NOT!

Indiana... Tax on regular gas up 10 cents/gal. Diesel up 31 cents per gallon (not a misprint) the tax went up 31 cents!!! & that's what I drive. I am seriously threatening to buy another 1000 tank trailer, & drive to a neighboring state to buy Diesel for everyday driving. I have a letter to the Gov, State Senator, & House Representative to be mailed tomorrow over this issue. There is NO explanation for such an increase! The Politicians have lost there minds if they think I will continue to pay it very long!!!
Deere they know you will pay it. Just like the last time they hiked our tax we whine about it for a while but they know we will shut our traps after a month or so. Don't feel bad you are just like the rest of us sheep. Bah
California is fighting a large gas tax increase, and a large vehicle license increase. Get a popular radio in your area to start talking about it. This isn't right. Stan
The time to fight it is past now.That's what happens when people 'Don't want to get involved in politics' when you don't others make the decisions that affect your
every day life.
They figure a few years back we were paying $1.00 a gallon more, the price went down so they could take more on each gallon and it wouldn't hurt us. Multiple problems, don't take my comments wrong I don't like paying taxes but with inflation the taxes they collect on each gallon have a real value that is a lot less than it was years ago. Combine that with the mandate for more fuel efficient vehicles and you can understand the bind they are in. I don't know what the actual miles driven each year has done, increased or decreased? But with the Feds passing laws that say vehicles have to use less fuel while states are trying to pay for roads by taxing gasoline and diesel I can see a problem, vehicles that use less fuel per mile are gong to drive more miles on each gallon. This equates to more use supported by the same revenue. Unless they operate like a business that uses new technology or methods to become more productive the idea of doing more with the same amount of revenue AND covering inflationary costs you're going to be in a bind. The only way to counteract this is vigilance at the ballot box, don't vote for politicians because they offer free stuff, support those who want to restrict the power and growth of government, and if they're not supporting YOUR interests elect someone else .
When your road fund doesent keep up with the demand what are you supposed to do. Maybe you just want to cut maintenence on present roads and dont build any new ones.
Everybody whines about replacing deteriorated bridges and highways and overpasses and potholes but nobody wants to pay for it. Best time to elevate the gas tax is when the prices are lowest, it is the least painful.
If the tax increase actually went to bridge/road repairs I wouldn't mind it, But the transportation money usually disappears into budget balancing,legislatures pet projects, unnecessary traffic studies, and numerous other boondoggles, at least in Md, I'm sure other states are the same.
Diesel always feels the pain more than gasoline.
Gasoline taxes are paid for by local voters where as diesel taxes for the most part are paid for by out of state businesses that can not vote them out of office.
Truckers long ago learned what states to buy diesel in. That is why they have a thing called IFTA. The tax is based on how many miles you drive in the state not how many gallons of diesel you buy in the state. Do not buy fuel in so and so state; you still need to send them their tax at the end of the year.

I do not mind a tax if the funds go where they are intended.
But a example of how people are manipulated.
Our state was paying for schools out of the general fund.
They got voters to vote in gambling by saying all money would go to schools.
They even have big signs saying how many billions of dollars has brought to the schools.
So one would think our schools would be well funded.
Problem is when you look under the covers you find all gambling money went to schools but the cut the general fund to schools dollar for dollar for every dollar gambling brought in. So the schools really only get what they got before gambling was voted in and they do as they please with the extra general fund money they have now.

It must also be nice to live a extravagant life style running up the credit cards because you know when money gets tight you just increase the income. That is the way our government has worked for years now. The same reason we fled Europe and had the Boston tea party.
The Indiana legislature approved an infrastructure funding measure that increases the state?s diesel and gasoline tax by 10 cents a gallon on July 1, while ensuring that all of the money gained from that fuel tax bump is completely dedicated to roads by 2025. 

Gov. Eric Holcomb ? elevated to the position last January to replace Mike nnalert, who is now Vice President of the U.S. ? indicated he will sign the measure projected to boost road funding by $1.2 billion a year by 2024.

According to link below, diesel tax in Indiana is $.16 + $.08 other(???) Good chance link doesn't reflect $.10 increase.

Link shows taxes in all states.

Is all the above just fake news? Please Post a link to the $.31 increase.
Somehow I think the additional revenue will not make it into the transportation fund by 2025. By then you may have a new governor and state assembly. Seen it too many times in NC.

Scotty, I bet that there were state legislators who were looking for help in convincing the "on the fence" legislators to vote against the increase before the "tax and spend liberals" got it passed. Kind of too late now. Pick up your paper and look for the next one.
The State here decided to get more $$ for "roads" they doubled the price of all drivers licenses and raised all vehicle registrations as well, this will bring in 30 million aprox they say,, I just hope they use it for that and not to pad their own pay checks
One of the reasons why I moved out of New York was the high price of diesel. Moved to northern Michigan and now they are hiking the tax on diesel fuel here too. I have two Ford trucks. My 1994 F250 4WD has the 7.3 IDI diesel and my 1995 F150 4WD has the 300 cube straight-six gas engine. The 94 diesel gets around 17 MPG on the highway. The 95 gasser gets around 16 MPG on the highway. It is getting so the gas truck is cheaper to drive unless I have to pull a heavy trailer.
I thought the American people wanted to improve our infrastructure?
I thought citizens expected the people using the infrastructure most (road users) to pay for it?
I thought having a good highway system to support strong industries was a part of rebuilding our economy?
I thought all of this was a part of what people voted for to make America great again.
Guess I thought wrong.
I see nobody said anything about that Indiana's registration fees are also going up to help repair roads.
What difference does it make where you buy the fuel? When you file your IFTA return you pay the tax where you drove - not where you bought it.
Everybody squawks for the government to do more this and more that, but don't you dare raise my taxes... I got a news flash for ya, this stuff doesn't just appear by magic. It takes money to pay for it, that money has to come from somewhere, and the government can only print so much money.
I worked at the local County road and bridge here for 20 years, I know what they do with tax increases and many times it does not all go to what they say it is for, they also through money away every day on very stupid things,, I have NO problem with a increase if its needed here they way over spend and worry about how to pay for it later, the reason they did what they did is our tax base has gone down due to the farce of climate change, the last admin almost had our coal and oil production shut down so taxes go down,, the morons here have been building a filed of dreams complex to the tune so far of 35 million and all they have so far in a couple ball fields which we already had plenty of, they also built a 50 million dollar rec center and now are whinnying how to pay for its up keep they should have thought about that before they built in instead of fixing the old one for 3 million here anyway we have plenty of taxes to pay for things just not what they keep building that we really do not need, I am not "squawking" just stating facts they give the admins here BIG raises and all they do is build more stuff we do not need but they want their name on the project so they have their day in the spotlight, the hospital board here is the same way they have done 100 million in upgrades in the last 5 years or so, they tear out complete NEW floors and redo them, it s sickening they way money is wasted here
The registration fee went up more for hybrid cars than normal vehicles. Maybe the yuppies will think twice before buying those little tree hugger cars.
Ours here in MI went up last year to pay for roads. From 19 cents per gallon on gas, to 26.3 cents, making the total tax at around 37.8 cents per gallon with sales tax, plus the 18.4 cents federal gas tax per gallon. That puts MI in the top 5 highest gas tax states. Diesel was 15 cents per gallon tax, but was also raised 11.3 cents per gallon to match the 26.3 cents per gallon tax of gasoline. They also raised the vehicle registration fees by 20%, which really on drastically affects my one vehicle as my farm truck has farm plates on it. As long as it helps fix the roads, I'm good with it. Our roads are terrible, and no money to pay for them.
When you haul your fuel in from out of state, will you be driving on roads paid for by those same taxes you wish to avoid?
In NY it usually ends up going to the welfare rolls..............................and NY City. The only time upstate sees much is just before the governor is up for election.
start a referendum for the next election. Fuel tax/licenses cannot be increased without a majority vote. get it on the ballot. that's the only way you can control it. find you an honest senator if you can that will investigate why diesel is higher than gas. didn't use to be that way until katrina. just saying.
At least it is one tax that the welfare riders, dope dealers, illegal ''guest'' workers and all other assorted bums and chiselers can't get out of, if they want to run up and down the roads.
I never thought of myself as a yuppie (at 75). Yes I drive a hybrid, a ford fusion, a full sized sedan and gets over 40 mpg. I'll take that any day.
Yeah. As a County Commissioner, we have farmers appearing before the board all the time complaining about real estate taxes.

One farmer actually threw a major fit because a section of road wasn't being re-graded (to his liking) and complained that his taxes were too high, all in the same conversation. Where do people think money for services comes from?

For one thing, the state legislature sets the tax rates and all we do at a county level is operate within the parameters the state sets down. And in our defense, per state statute we can't increase the county budget over 2 1/2% over the previous year.

I told one farmer once it's a free country, if he finds paying taxes on farm land so distasteful he's free to sell it and invest the money in something else. He was a close enough friend I could get away with it and still remain friends.
I feel your pain, but at the same time I can't feel too bad about some folks loosing the free ride. Good roads help our economy grow, but road construction and repair isn't cheap. What are the alternative ways to pay for roads: toll roads; license fees; property taxes; income taxes; sales taxes? A road fuel tax is about the most direct and fairest way to have the folks who use and benefit from the roads the most pay for the roads. I'd rather pay $2.50 per gallon with a higher percentage of that going to pay for better roads than the $3.75 we used to pay with most of that going to the subsidized foreign oil companies.
For all you who keep saying "someone has to pay for the roads" take a close look at how much they collect in fees (drivers license and registration) and fuel taxes. The look at how much is actually spent on the roads and how much is diverted to other things. Here in MN a few years ago they had a referendum that failed that would have required the state to spend all the monies collected from registration and fuel taxes to actually be spent on the roads and bridges. Thing is if that had passed they would have raised other taxes to cover what they couldn't rob from those sources. I don't recall which state it was but one just last year diverted 34 million dollars out of fuel taxes to their general fund.

Today that $30 million will only build about; one or two new bridges; 15 miles of new four lane highway; or rebuild 45 miles of existing two lane highway. Take your pick.
Here are my thoughts, right or wrong.

1. There is no lack of infrastructure spending and it isn't that we don't pay enough taxes. There is a lot of money spent on the wrong pet projects such as light rail. A recent study showed that in Minnesota you could buy every regular commuter who rides light rail a new Prius every year for the next 20 years for what is spent on light rail.

2. As I travel, I always wonder how we would even get around if more roads and bridges were being worked on. You can only detour so much. All these detours do have a direct effect on costs and timelines.

3. As oil tanker stated so well, the money is often spent on everything but roads and bridges. It is a popular way to raise taxes because everyone thinks they will get new roads and someone else will pay for them.

4. The money largely goes to urban areas and not rural areas.

5. Revenue collected may actually go down if it makes the price higher than neighboring states. Truckers will buy where the price is lowest.

6. It is another tax that hurts the poorest the most. Whether you believe in income leveling or not, an increase in fuel tax is very tough on the guy who is commuting to a low paying job. He may just decide to give up and get in the other line (the government handout line).

Just my thoughts.
Where are you?

As I said above, here in Nebraska by State Statute counties aren't allowed to increase a budget over 2 1/2% from the previous year. Public budgets are probably the most misunderstood part of the process.

We're in the process of finishing a new $16.5 million Criminal Justice Center that will house the county jail, the 911 call center for the county and cities within the county, the District Court, the County Court, the County Attorney's offices and other conjoining offices, etc. Contrary to popular opinion, not one dime of tax money is being used to finance it. We also have a GFP (Guaranteed Final Price) of $16.5 million, so that's all it costs regardless of what it costs the primary contractor to build it. That shoots down the rumors that cost overruns put it over $20 million.

I think some people just like to complain about something, whether they know anything about it or not. One fellow who lives 2 blocks from the new Justice Center is already complaining that Sheriff's Deputies let the engines run on their patrol cars parked by the building and the fumes give him and his wife headaches. Two blocks away? And he's a retired State Trooper.

Keeps it interesting.

The article I posted said diesel and gas going up a dime.

Your article says clip: While drivers who use unleaded fuel, may not notice the change right away, Imus said it could be different for truckers. This is because diesel fuel tax is set to go up 31 cents a gallon Saturday. SOOOOO do truckers use a different diesel?

Or is this an example of fake news, truth decay in the news, or truckers are getting targeted and news doesn't want others to know? What's the deal? Nothing was mentioned on the TV.
Minnesota is probably not unlike any other state in robbing Peter to pay Paul. As a resident of Minnesota, I work in the public sector AND I farm. I have been involved with lots of public sector/governmental efforts. There is a tax on garbage/solid waste in Minnesota, which was to help local units of government pay for their recycling programs. I lost track of what is actually paid out for recycling, but it is only a portion of the funds generated. There are probably numerous efforts where the intent is good, but the cost to implement these programs does not remain flat, just like the revenue generated by these taxes. Every year, the cost goes up. We end up with programs that, again, as I noted before, probably were good ideas, become mandates, and local government is stuck with them in the end, resulting in either underfunded or unfunded mandates.
Agreed. A lot of states (Kansas for one) are robbing their "flush" road funds to pay for other things. Go to keep the EBT cards well financed.
With MI new plan, they are gradually
diverting 600 million in revenue from
income taxes away from the general fund to
the road funding bill, which won't be
generating the 1.2 billion to fix some of
the roads until 2021 anyway. That'll give
them enough time to figure out how they'll
tax us to get their (our) 600 million back
into the general fund.
Since the former gov is working to do away with afordable health care, the new gov needs more to pay for his insurance and probably his retirement fund.

I say that EVERYBODY should be on social security and should get the same amount, no matter how much you make.
(quoted from post at 04:40:48 07/03/17) If the tax increase actually went to bridge/road repairs I wouldn't mind it, But the transportation money usually disappears into budget balancing,legislatures pet projects, unnecessary traffic studies, and numerous other boondoggles, at least in Md, I'm sure other states are the same.

You nailed that one square on the head!!!! They just forced a gas fee and vehicle fee increase in SC on us. just went into effect 7/1/17. Took them three years to do it, there was a massive uproar and phone calls and what have you prior. They found a way to entice the idiot state senators and reps, into voting for it anyway.

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