Not feeling sorry for myself


Well-known Member
I went to the body shop this morning to see if Ken had sandblasted the hood for my Oliver 500 yet,or if he wanted me to bring it home and get it done so he could paint it. He said he got bad news about a week and a half ago. He's got some sort of sarcoma of the liver. He said it usually spreads to the lungs and what not and is fatal. He had a biopsy and has to go tomorrow for the results. He said that if it's bad news,he's finishing the last few cars he's working on,locking the doors and going fishing.

He's got all the welding,fabricating and patching done on my parts. They just need to be sand basted and painted. I guess I'll have to finish it up and do the painting myself. If he'd just said he was tired of looking at it and told me to get it out of there,I'd be upset,but in a case like this,my problems are nothing compared to his.
Your right!I cant feel sorry for myself either,,,they say mine is lymphoma and is highly curable.Sorry to hear about your friend,,but amazing things have happened with cancer over the years,,don't give up hope yet.
Quite a shock when somebody tells you something like that. What can you say? I tried to pay him for what he's done on it over the winter,but he wouldn't take my money. I paid him last fall for what he had done at the time,but he's done more. Apparently money isn't the first thing on his mind right now either.
It just kind of leaves a guy speechless.
Sorry to hear about that.

After years of searching, we had "finally" found an awesome mechanic (I'm no good with engines!). One day we went in and he had just found out he had cancer. Less than a year later he was dead. He was quite young. Floored both of us, especially as we didn't know he had passed until about 2 years later. Sure feel for his family!
I once heard a fable that stuck with me. "If you place your troubles in a bag and set them down in a room with everyone else's troubles and someone turns off the light and tells you to choose the bag with the easiest troubles when you walk out you will have the bag you came in with." I've never forgotten that. Mike
lost my hired help few months ago, he found out he had it in july of 2016, gone in may of 2017 we worked together close to 14yrs he was 58
I wonder if the sand blasting had something to do with his problem. I hope for him it isn't real bad. It's a wonder I don't have problems from all the dust I have inhaled most of my life. Then to top it off I worked in a printed circuit board plating shop for many years. Before they realized later the fumes were not good for the body. Stan
I sometimes whine, but about six months ago my aunt went into the doctor because of a cough and I was at her funeral 17 days later. She had a very aggressive lung cancer and wasn't a smoker. Knock you back to how well I actually have it.
He said they told him that what he has is genetic. Even though his parents didn't get it,his brother and sister have to be tested for it now.
That's tough. Maybe it my age or cause I know so many people but it does seem more and more are suffering bad stuff like that. I am thankful every morning when I get up ......slowly. I pray it goes softly for him.
Dang - seems like liver or pancreatic cancer is always bad news.

Hoping the best for him (even if the best just means that it goes really fast once it gets bad).
My daughter just finished grade 6 and we just found out one of her classmates has sarcoma on his back. 12 years old and he's fighting for his life. He looks great and treatments are going well so far God love anyone going through something so awful,
I once applied for a job at a the soluton that I was to work with could cause cancer. Needles to say I refused the job.
Hi Sorry to hear about your friends problems. if he won't take the extra money for doing your work, have you thought about making a large donation of similar value to a charity that can hopefully help others in his situation. Then tell him what you did so he knows you're a good guy. That didn't just walk off into the sunset, with your tractor panels and his unpaid work Like some locals round here would.
Regards Robert

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