Back from Tennessee


Well-known Member
I see you guys already posted a few eclipse pics yesterday,but I thought I'd throw in a few of ours. I shot a little bit of a time lapse at the back of Lee Little's Oliver 1850 and trailer as it got darker and at totality. I think I got them a little mixed up and have the total one second instead of third,but you can see the difference. I didn't even shoot one before it started. You get the idea though. We could see stars.

I've gotta tell you,I kinda knew going in what I would see,but I had no idea what I'd feel. I didn't get all choked up and teary eyed or anything like that,but I felt a child like sense of wonder that I haven't felt in probably 50 years. I told Lee that I felt sorry for anybody who wasn't seeing this. It truly was a once in a lifetime experience that can never be duplicated and was worth every bit of money and aggravation that it took to get there.

When we were on our way back to the cabin after the eclipse and our visit was over,I was driving through the Valley of the Three Forks and this is no lie,the darndest feeling come over me and I thought "God it's good to be alive!". That's how moving it all was.

I want to give a very special thanks to Lee and Karen for hosting us. You guys made a once in a lifetime event even more special with all you did for us. We'll never forget you guys or be able to possibly pay you back. That doesn't mean we'll ever stop trying though. Thanks for everything from the bottom of our hearts.





Randy, there is an Oliver 500 gas that has been restored at the Portland Indiana show this weekend. And at Wapakoneta Ohio I did not see any signs of the eclipse. Was raining most of the afternoon. Driving in pooring down rain taking my things to the show but rain was over yesterday by the time I got there and so I saw that Oliver 2 days before show starts.
My 500 will be in Blanchard Michigan this weekend. I felt sorry for the hundreds of thousands of people who went to Nashville to see the eclipse. Just seconds before totality it clouded over. The clouds were in and out where we were,so we got to look at it with the naked eye through the clouds at different times before and after totality,but there wasn't even a whisp of a cloud at totality. It was great!
Randy , Great pictures! It didn't even get that dark here the sky kind of looked like the second pic and didn't last very long. Loren and I posted pics from our local tractor show it may be a few pages back by now. We all had a good time and my son drove the White in the parade.
Ill have to agree. I wanted to see the eclipse but when it was actually occurring I too felt like a kid again. It was a neat feeling and feel very fortunate to have been lucky enough to see it. It was really a very inspiring sight.
My wife and I took a drive to Blue Licks State Park here in Kentucky,and enjoyed watching it too.It was about 90% coverage,and if you did not have the glasses to look at it,you would not even know there was an eclipse!I was disappointed not to have some sense of less sunlight,but it was very neat experience nevertheless.It is good to know that even at our age,we can still enjoy a wondrous event of nature.Mark
Very cool Randy. I know what you mean - here it wasn't anything as dramatic as that, but it still gave me a kind of eerie feeling. Made me stop and think about how much we need that big yellow ball in the sky.
Have to add this thought. when have you ever had 2 sunrises and 2 sunsets in ONE day I felt like i was given a free day and took the afternoon off to enjoy it scott z
Randy I have to agree and glad you made it to Tennessee , we are about 60 miles west of where you guys were and it was a life long experience for sure. Glad you got home OK and some day we are going to hook up when you make it down this way.
No,she didn't. She's so gun shy after that woman pulled out in front of her and smashed her car last week,she about drove me crazy. I thought I was gonna have to sedate her and tie her up in the back seat. lol
Wish you could have been there with us. I think we had the pick spot along the whole path of it right there in Lee's field. I was hoping Sparktrician was going down,but he said he's not going down to the lake until Thursday.
I went out @1:00 to have a look and this big black cloud just covered the sun. I gave up and went to check when peak was (1:24) so went back out @ 1:20 just as it was almost peak the cloud cleared. Got to see the whole thing thru welders helmets. The lighting here was kinda eerie. Nice sunshine but grey muted. Watched the critters and they didn't notice, must need the totality to affect them like tv was saying it would.
Great post and cool pics, rrlund... and what an excellent adventure that you and your wife will ALWAYS remember!!

Kudos to you for cutting loose and doing it. Now THAT'S what I was talking about in the Tales post "Fine then - go ahead and be childish!"

So keep on keepin' on with finding that sense of wonderment in each and every day... because it's there - even if it's a small thing. We just all have to LOOK for it. :)
I am 45 miles NW of Nashville sky's were as clear as could be here. It was amazing how quick it turned dark and how quick it became full light again. I was recording the field we were in with my phone and had started the video and had not moved 20 ft before darkness.
I was in the hay field here in S.E. Ohio and didn't see any difference at all. It wasn't cloudy but I just didn't see any eclipse from where I was in the middle of the field on the tractor seat raking hay on the old WD. Sure wish I could have seen it.
Great reading all the personal thoughts after the eclipse. Just think, scientists can tell where the sun and moon will be at a specific time and date in the future too. Time to start planning for the next one. Only about 7 years to go. April 8, 2024. 2017 we were a little north for the total but 2024 looks like right down the center.

Funny how all the planets and galaxies do not keep crashing into each other but after the eclipse was over and people started heading home, many accidents where cars kept running into each other.

My wife works for the elementary school. After the schools said they would let the students out to experience it, they changed their mind. Thought was too many students would look at the sun without the special glasses and suffer permanent eye damage. Next thing, parents would be wanting to sue everybody.
I don't know if it was the eclipse or if there was a siren off in the distance that we couldn't hear,but right at totality Lee's dogs started howling. That was just about the neatest thing.
Ya,it's got me stoked to find more things to do for the first time. We went to Cumberland Falls Sunday morning,but it was the third time we'd been there. I'd never seen the water as high as it was this time. A great sight,but not as good as experiencing something for the first time.
I went down to the Tennessee border just south of Bowling Green, KY. The surprise for me was that darkness come on so suddenly as the moon totally covered the sun, then daylight came back almost instantly when the first sliver of the sun came out from behind the moon. I don't see how people in the 95% areas would have seen the darkness impact.
No,I don't either. Our son said it was just barely hazy here in Michigan. It was a yawner to me up until totality. I'd seen it all before. This was one of those things that,if you weren't there,you'll never understand. It's like people saying they went to Pictured Rocks in Michigan's U.P. Ask them what they thought about the boat tour and they say they didn't take it,they just went to the park. Well,the park is just to protect the shoreline and what you can see from the water. If you haven't taken the boat tour,you haven't seen Pictured Rocks.
I went to Sylva NC and parked at a school up on a hill. Breath taking when it happened. It got so dark and so cold almost instantly. The sky was unbelievable since the far off, high altitude clouds were still lit. I looked around as the street lights came on and noted that folks were still shopping at Lowe's and Walmart through the event. Priorities are different I guess. Buddy sent me a heliograph of the event from his place in Gallatin TN. You could see each cloud go past and then the big drop. Crickets came out in force and Rain the border collie decided to go under the car.

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