How much would they have to pay you to report on a hurricane


Well-known Member
I find it crazy to see people stand outside on hurricane winds and rain to report the weather.

So cast your vote, are these people part of Darwin's missing link or just need a job??
Naaaa, just live dangerous type. As long as you dont get killed it is a kind of rush. Better than bungee jumping.
George I live in Western New York where we are known for our snow usually(been pretty mild the last few years). When we get storms here the news people do the same thing. It could be high winds that push big waves off of lake Erie onto roadways, or it could be a news person standing out in a blizzard "on location". I haven't figured it out either. To me and hats just plain dumb. If it isn't safe then why are they there ? Ratings ! I just want the news and weather. I don't need to see them out in it. Usually you can't hear them and the broadcast gets disrupted because of the weather !
In my experience, although it might look like these reporters are in peril, they are seldom in particularly hazardous locations. For example, if a hurricane threatens North Carolina, reporters will invariably post from Morehead City or Wilmington. Neither city is particularly vulnerable; Wilmington is way inland and Morehead is on the mainland. Now if a reporter wants to broadcast from Ocracoke, then that would be an entirely different matter.
I saw a movie on Netflix not too long ago where two reporters were supposed to go to Central America or someplace to cover a revolution. They just held up in an apartment across the street from the news room,watched CNN and reported what they heard from there. I could dig getting paid to report a hurricane that way. lol

Don't know how much the weather reporters get paid, but it would either be more than they are worth, or not enough.

The REAL question however is --How much are they willing to pay ME to even WATCH the news?
some call me stupid at times,, i'm not that dumb or stupid to get killed by flying debri for any amount,, can't spend $ when u r dead.
Lets see.
You pick a concrete building that has many interior rooms and is a high rise.
This allows you to pick a room protected from the wind and storm surge.
You bring in a truck that has a generator and portable A/C unit.
Every now and then you walk outside in a protected area; stand in some water and act like the 40 mph wind is knocking you down.
That is got to be worth 100K a year because you fooled people like George into watching your station.

I grew up in New Orleans and now live about 50 miles north of it.
We NEVER ran from a storm as a kid.
It was not done back then.
Yes we went to a school that had interior rooms and was 2 story.
But we never left town.
I have been in the eye of a cat 3 storm and had a cat 5 pass about 50 miles to our east.
And I can guarantee we were in worse situations then these weather reporters of today.

There are many reasons people evacuated today rather than riding it out in town.
But none of them have to do with it is unsafe to stay.
I totally agree John with the exception of storm surge near the immediate coast,the force of water is something else! Which makes me wonder why sandy was a (super) storm with wind at barely hurricane force? Or was it where and who it hit? In La. a 75 MPH storm is not that big a deal
I am no way fooled. I think it just nuts some idiot is standing in the water or in the wind with a camera in front of them. Only watching Irma because sister is in the bulls eye at Leedburg.

I didn't care about Harvey. Think it all hype or FAKE!!
I watched a video this morning from one of the Caribbean islands. Video showed people out walking on the now-open sea floor. Irma had drawn all that water and was moving it to other areas. What gets me is, if the ocean suddenly dries up enough to go walking around, you KNOW it's gonna come back eventually, right? Those idiots weren't even getting paid for that!! :shock:
I loved those guys in Houston that had to ride along for a story for every rescue. Means one less set for those that need help. As far as I'm concerned most media people these days are idiots no matter where they are parked.
I would rather get paid minimum wage to report on a hurricane, than get a 100 thousand bucks to report in Afghanistan, Iraq, or Syria where fighting is going on...rather get wet than shot in the head.
What? You think Hurricane Harvey was faked?

What did you really mean when you said that,because it didn't come out right.
Geo-TH,In- I have not read the previous replies Geo-TH,In but, Do you think your question is appropriate considering what others are or have gone through in the past couple of weeks?

Actually, I take offense to how you want to take VOTES on the subject of a Hurricane.

Bud has a house on Ocracoke island he has put it up for sale the realtor said what hurts it is its on a foundation. Bud said his dad built it, its been there for 35 years never flooded are had any damage from a hurricane other than water has got in the carport :shock:
They are a bunch of idiots to stand out in the wind,rain and floods. They stand there and tell us not to do what they are doing. Sets a good example for kids. One of these days one of them might step in a hole and REALLY get wet.
It's all about TV ratings.They have to act like reporters to compete with other networks. This morning on NBC the reporter was standing in a light wind showing a stop sign that was leaning sideways. Then she backed down the street to an old wooden sign about 4x5 that had fell over at a nursing home.She the stated,they were going to stay a safe distance from it.Something else will happen and they will forget the storm.
George, do you sit up nights dreaming up these posts? It seems that every day, you must sit at the kitchen table reading the local paper, and then post about every thing that you read.

You really do have too much time on your hands.
After he made this remark,I'm honestly starting to suspect a brain tumor,and I don't say that lightly.

"I didn't care about Harvey. Think it all hype or FAKE!!
I live on Long Island and Sandy produced the highest tides that I have seen in my lifetime--created breaches thru Fire Island and tremendous flooding of homes,roads,businesses and sewer systems.I was on a Fire Dept first responder crew and the number of floating propane and fuel tanks that had broken loose was amazing.
We can agree Sandy did a lot of damage; at least on your scale of damage a storm can do.
But lets look at the facts.
Sandy made landfall near Brigantine, New Jersey with winds of 80 mph
Now if a 80 mph storm could do all that damage just imagine how we feel when one of these cat 4 or 5 storms come onshore with 150+ mph winds.
I have been watching Fox News and the Weather Channel off and on for the last couple of days. This morning it got pretty entertaining. Before I say anything else here's my disclaimer: Yes, I know there is a hurricane, yes, I know it's potentially dangerous, and yes, people do want to know what it's doing...

What got funny was while Fox was reporting (I forget which city) the Weather Channel suburban kept driving by in water up to the headlights. It had floodlights on each side of it even though it was daylight. The Fox reporter kept commenting on why they were doing that. So, I switched over to the Weather Channel, thinking they would have "live" footage of the flooding in front of the suburban. I didn't see that, but I did see one of their guys wearing a tactical vest and helmet, standing in the wind and rain. Maybe he was thinking about that guy who was shooting into the storm.

Another one of them was waiting for his cue to start talking. Standing upright and kinda mentally twiddling his thumbs. He got his cue and immediately leaned into the "terrific" wind, 40 mph or so, a strong breeze out here in west Texas.

And that's the news as I see it!
I'd do it for the paycheck, they have things set in their favor, they have a safe spot for the cameraman, the reporter can duck in and out of the safe spot. The wind typically is whipping past the safe spot, so as its stronger just there, so not likely anything dangerous is coming at them.

We went and visited wife family today, instead of watching football or playing outdoor lawn games (we did later...) we watched mostly abc coverage, and cheered and jeered for Natt out in the storm. Clearly he was the newbie reporter and got the short straw and had to be out beyond the bank entrance they were holed up by.

One of us said boy, why do they stand out there?

I said, well, we will dial around the stations until we find someone standing out there to laugh at, so we are the ones putting them out there.....

True, she said!

And then we jeered at Matt on the screen again.

Maybe we are just bad people......

(quoted from post at 20:47:12 09/10/17) I'd do it for the paycheck, they have things set in their favor, they have a safe spot for the cameraman, the reporter can duck in and out of the safe spot. The wind typically is whipping past the safe spot, so as its stronger just there, so not likely anything dangerous is coming at them.

We went and visited wife family today, instead of watching football or playing outdoor lawn games (we did later...) we watched mostly abc coverage, and cheered and jeered for Natt out in the storm. Clearly he was the newbie reporter and got the short straw and had to be out beyond the bank entrance they were holed up by.

One of us said boy, why do they stand out there?

I said, well, we will dial around the stations until we find someone standing out there to laugh at, so we are the ones putting them out there.....

True, she said!

And then we jeered at Matt on the screen again.

Maybe we are just bad people......



Both of you are things out of context and making a mountain out of a mole hill.
I didn't pay close attention to Harvey because I didn't have any relative living in TX.
I watched Irma because my sister was in the eye of Irma. She made it through safely.

You can't fix stupid.
I give the Darwin award to anyone standing in a hurricane with a microphone in hand taking a shower.
Watched Channel 8 news out of Tampa. They were smart. Had wind sensors all over. Showed real time wind speed along with Irma radar. No person taking a 100 mph shower. That was Smart.

Stupid is calling people names. Insulting people is Stupid, saying I have a brain tumor when you are not a Dr. Stupid is reading something into my post the way both of you always do. Stupid is saying I have no companion for ALL HURRICANE VICTIMS, TOTALLY WRONG.
Both of you always have a problem with whatever I post. Get a life and back off.
Stop making a mountain out of a mole hill.
I asked you to explain what you meant by that and you didn't answer. From the way you said what you did,it was a true indication of somebody with a problem. I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt if you had just been clear.

There are a lot of people on here who are seriously starting to wonder about you.

I'm only going to say this one time George,your skin is just way too thin for some of the controversial things that you say on here. And yes,I read your posts on the Site Comments Forum. Either get off the estrogen or stick to talking about your Terramite.
Do you think the weather man driving his van down the highway seeing a farmer on an old tractor in the dust and heat asks his co workers how much would you have to get payed to do that?
Standing out in it for 30 seconds at a time is easy. Imagine climbing a power pole in that to fix a line - those are the people that taking real risks. BIL works for West Star in Kansas and got sent to Katrina and is in Florida right now. Even worse was after the storm they would fix power lines and the "locals" were taking shots at them because they were cutting the illegal cable lines while they fixed the power lines.
Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill--Isn't that what people told you about your oil change being 1/8 of a inch to full?---Tee
I agree with you John that a cat4 or 5 storm can really do a lot more damage---our damage from Sandy was not the winds but the highest flooding ever recorded, and those substantial ocean waves and salt water did destroy a lot of infrastructure.
That was a very underrated movie: "Special Correspondents". Pretty funny, enjoyed it very much.
It's all about the ratings and filling air-time. I was at a wedding out of town over the weekend where I spent more time than I wanted to stuck in a hotel room. All I could do was channel surf while waiting between events. Between CNN, Fox News, the Weather Channel, I was sick of seeing people standing in a rainstorm trying to make what was basically a heavy downpour sound newsworthy. Telling people to evacuate NOW! Duh! The 3d graphic on how high a 15 ft storm surge would be, showing a person, then a car, then a house was mind-boggling stupid. It was funny watching the reporters struggle to find some kind of damage that was camera worthy. "Oh, Look, a sign blew over!! Did you get that (to the cameraman)". :roll: Another aspect is that they attributed one death so far (woman in a car). Probably more than that occur on a normal weekend in the state. Well, one could argue that Irma SAVED lives because fewer people were on the road. I also agree that you don't have to have a reporter standing in the middle of the road to REPORT on what's going on. I guess they're trying to give you that sense of being there yourself. I remember video footage from a hurricane somewhere a few years back where the camera was filming a reporter standing in knee deep water giving the impression that the place was inundated. Then a picture came out showing the cameraman about 10 ft away high and dry on pavement.

My gut feeling is that the damage from Irma is going to be less than anticipated (mainly due to strengthened building codes) and what WAS damaged (bushes, trees, light poles, etc) would be fixed before the snow birds came back down. I'm not minimizing the impact on people's lives. I'm commenting on the notion today in the media that we have to know minute-by-minute with detailed description on every event and their exaggeration of what is really happening. I guess we've brought it on ourselves by watching it. I CAN tell you that if I was at home this weekend, the TV would have never been on because I would have been out cutting grass, firewood, taking dogs on walks in the woods, instead of watching the idiot box.

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