How long do you wait to get paid?

jon f mn

Well-known Member
I recently made a deal to sell some tractor heads. Part of the deal was that I would send them in to be tested for cracks and fix the cracks and plane them at the buyer's expense. I did that and it cost me $130.00. The heads are $500.00. Now the guy isn't coming up with the money. I still have the heads, so I'm not out that, but the $130 is out of my pocket. His excuse lately is that he is too busy to get to it. I'm wondering how long it is appropriate to wait til I list them for sale again. I guess I would be more patient if I hadn't put the extra $130 into them.
From my experience,if you call him,one of his kids answers the phone and you hear him in the background saying "Tell him I ain't here.",it's time to move on. BTDT.
IMO, such a deal should have required some amount of deposit on the potential buyer's part in order to prevent this kind of hassle. On the other hand, that also could have jeopardized the sale.

Billy has the right idea - relist them with the "New and Improved" price.
I would draw the line at 30 days. That's being lenient.. I have learned to state ! OK, the deal must be finalized within xx days !! for the ones that say, I will get there soon,, or I'm busy for a couple days... In the mean time I could have a serious buyer...
That's what you get dealing with the public. I would have just sold him the heads
and let him get them checked.Relist them and forget him.Add your expense to the
heads,someone will appreciate them.
Testing for cracks and planeing the heads is on the seller unless he is selling them for scrap.
Any buyer is going to what to know he is buying usable items.
So you are out nothing so far.

With that said I sell to the first person here with the cash.
If you call and say you are on the way I would hold them rather than have you make a wasted trip but that would be my limit.
Should be worth more now that you have had them checked/planed/etc. Relist them. If he wanted them, he should have gotten you paid up front. Sell them, then when he calls back, tell him you didn't figure he was interested anymore since he didn't contact or pay you for them. Can't spend your whole life waiting to cater to someone else that doesn't reciprocate Jon.
Hi Jon, always look forward to your daily funnies, thanks. I assume that pick-up was to be after the heads were checked. We've all experienced issues that delay our schedules, his excuse may be legit.If it were me and it has only been one week and your are able to contact him, I'd call him and say he has one week to bring the cash and pick up the heads, after that you are putting them up for sale. The time for pick up is arbitrary, so pick the number of days you are willing to wait. If you try to contact him and get no response, put them up for sale.

I agree with Glen Idaho about pick an interval but put it in writing and mail it to him certified. If it has been say three weeks give him until a date of maybe two more weeks from the date that you put on the notice. Then if he gets upset he can't bad mouth you and get sympathy from anyone.
I am a firm believer that anything for sale is for sale until the money is in hand. By the way thank you for all the funnies. First thing I go to on the site
I called a guy about a used tractor rim today.
Drove to his house to get it. Today.
Paid him, in cash, today.
If he doesn't want it, he doesn't want it.
If you can contact him, ask him if he wants it.
If he doesn't then relist it.
Have you taken any money as a down payment on the heads or to hold them for him? If not, you are not obligated to sell them to the guy. I would advertise them again including the extra work that was done and adjust the price to include the extra $130 for testing, and planing. Sell to the first person who put the right amount of cash in your hand, whom ever that turns out to be.
I do the same now. I've changed plans and waited days for no shows too many times. I tell people this and generally understand.
Have an outstanding payment on 23 round bales sold to a neighboring dairyman last fall just about this time. Went to see if I could have payment this spring. Got a sob story about milk prices. Guess I'll have to go tell him about wife's recent hospitalization, and ho poor pay Medicare is. This year any unharvested hay got mowred and let go back on the ground no hay for him this year.
A down payment, before you spend your money. Then the buyer is invested and may not back out so easily.

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