Made an appointement for the camera


Well-known Member
It has been almost 9 years since I had a colonoscopy. I have put it off long enough. I have been having excessive gas, is the main reason now. It was fun for a while, until the wife got real tired hearing it. I am getting it from both ends. I asked the doctor if he uses the same camera on both ends. He said If I do you get a 50% discount. Hope he was joking. About the worst part is drinking the juice. If you've ever had it done you know what I am talking about. Stan
I had one in June. A little good news, the home preparation is a lot easier now than it was ten years ago. It's still not great, but it used to be a lot worse. I hope your test results are all A-OK.
Drink the juice and then give yourself a good old fasion water hose enema. In the shower. Thrills run up and down your legs. That should do it. Remember as a kid when they would make you drink so Castro oil? WOW WOOOW VAROOOOM. Did that stuff ever clean you out. You could poop last week's lunch menu!
VA in Sioux Falls had me scheduled in Sept. They have a "week before" diet, and "the day before" diet as well as the colyte prep.
Well, the day before I called to cancel, as I had not received the "juice". I'll have to call and reschedule, but I think I'll wait till the corn harvest is done.
I go in on Tuesday to have that done and I sure do not look forward to it. Plus have to drive almost 100 mile to get to the V.A. to have it done
Me too, 37, on Dec 01.

The procedure is no problem as you're out but the night before is no fun at all.

If they use the same probe for both tell your doc that you want the upper first.

Last time I went, got to drink a gallon of antifreeze (propylene glycol). Spent a couple nights sweating that stuff out of my system. Ruined a perfectly good set of sheets.
The last one I did they had me get some Gatorade and put some powder in it, tasted just like Gatorade. First one, they gave me a gallon of salt water, it was absolutely wretched!
One done locally a year ago next month.Removed 5 out of 8 polyps. Last three was done in Houston by surgery a month later.None cancerous thank god..November 27TH got a follow up scheduled.You are right ,the night before prep is the worst part.Told the wife I could sh!#T through a screened door. LOL.
Just ask to be second on their list.....nothing puckers like a cold camera where the sun don't shine....Ben
You're right, the prep juice is the worst part of it. Last time I had one, I decided to drink it down fast as I could and get it over with. That's what I'll do if I ever have an other one. Nurse said she was going to give me a little shot so I wouldn't feel much. I said give me a big shot so I don't feel anything. Nothing to it, never felt a thing.
I'm 67 and have never had one.Doctor has never mentioned it.Guess I should look into it.
April of '16 at the age of 59, I had my first one done. Nothing was found, but one benign two mm diameter polyp. My prep wasn't like others talk about, had Miralax and something the Dr prescribed. Didn't have the explosive cleaning out some talk about. I don't know what they put me under with, but I slept like a baby!! I'd like to sleep like that every night!!
I had one about 10 years ago that they used something different than Sodium Citrate?
It didn't clean me out. They did the scope anyway. Imagine using a scope in a manure lagoon! Guess what they saw. Nothing! Waste of time and money. They charge the same whether it was a good picture or not. Then another 5 years of wondering. The last time they used the tried and true stuff. Is not pleasant, but worked. Clean bill of health. Pun Intended!
yup, i had one a year ago. Slept like a baby too. When the nurse woke me up, i asked her if i could get a 6-pack of that stuff to go. She laughed and went and told the doctor.
Had one 2 1/2 years ago. Everything OK, the doctor said at my "advanced age" (80 at the time) I wouldn't need one again unless I had symptoms that indicated the need for one. I didn't know whether to take it as a joke or deck him.

The nurses really riled me, too, through the process. I don't know if this is what they're being taught now, or what, but every nurse that I encountered while I was seated would look at my chart, obviously notice my age, and ask if I could stand by myself. I took great delight in informing them that I'd mounted and balanced a set of tires on my minivan two days before.
I had one 15 years ago and found nothing but was one the most painful procedure I have ever had. Doc wants to do another but I have put it off.
they gave me some test strips if something shows upon them i need to go in for the big one drinking the juice and all that comes with it
My father died of colon cancer 40 years ago. I am 76 and had my fourth scope in May, removed 3 polyps and (something he said he had never seen in 35 years of looking up backsides) he could see a polyp in my small intestine that he could not get his tool to. In June I had what I call a PGR (Partial Gut Removal) they went in beside my navel and removed several inches of small intestine and several inches of colon. So now I have done the flush five times (twice this year) and it isn't any fun. While I was in recovery, bxxxxxx broke into my house and stole over 40 firearms between what my brother and I had. He is in nursing home on dialysis 3x a week. Everything tests benign so far. Get to do the scope again next year.
Hey Old, tell them that you want to stay at the Hoptel. They put us up there because we had to travel 85 miles and there were only 2 rest areas & I didn't think with taking that stuff, I could hold it till I got to one. There was no charge and it was pretty darned nice with a kitchen (even tho I couldn't have anything to eat or drink. Procedure was no pain at all, went to sleep and it was over when they woke me up, 7 polops with none cancerous. wishing you well my friend.
hummm ,,. it was not paunful for me at all the 3 times they did me ,.. maybe because "i seem to take it up the azrealgood with all the foulups in my life of troubles " LOL,. in all honesty,. i do recall ,.the throat deal did bother me for a couple days ,,. i combated that problem by being a ice cream junkie for a couple days ,. Cheif , i have had the "mouse on motorcycle problem" most my life since my 40s' ,..stomach bloat ,. if i take antacids , that helps , also Probiotic or health food EnChINAceA and cc-a... what you need to watch out for is dark blood in the stool ,.. if any of you have that or know someone who does ,,. DON'T MESS around ,get to a ButDR'.. thinking it will get better,.is not wise . it mite ,.,. but it is like tussian rollete
They gave me the IV and juiced it up. I got sleepy but no worse. She dosed me again and I got sleepier but not out. Doc came in and said, ?How is our patient?? I said, ?Fine.? He snapped around, looked at me, glared at the anesthesiologist and walked out. She dosed me again real good and I went out. I couldn?t hold a conscious thought for three days. It didn?t kill me but wow. I haven?t been that out of it before or since. I was higher than giraffe nipples. Hope yours goes better than mine!

I've had two. First time woke up when the nurse was massaging my stomach to get the camera through. Second time woke up feeling the doc trying to push the camera through the turns of colon. Not a fun sensation. Both times doc increased the drugs and I went back to sleep. Don't consider them traumatic memories just part of the necessity of getting it done. Well worth it.
Had it done last year, they gave this stuff to drink called "golitely" (whoever gave it that name has a sick sense of humor). I didn't sleep at all before the procedure, so when they sedated me I was asleep before the sedative took full effect. Next thing I remember was waking up. If they give you the "golitely" put it in the refrigerator it after you mix it, then drink it using a straw (so you don't get it on your tongue, so it won't taste so horrible).
There was an article in a magazine (American Legion?)a couple of years ago telling that some of the VA's had been caught not cleaning and sterilizing the equipment between patients. Probably goes on more than we may think, lots of lazy people out there. Not a good thought. I have been through three of them. I wish they would come up with something a little easier to drink.
I will have my second one in the next three months.I felt so good after the first procedure, that I wish I could feel that way every day.
I'm thankful the one I had in May was good,just a few polyps he took out. The whole process to me ain't that bad, it's the being so hungry I don't like. The surprise I got this time was the thousand dollar bill I got from the hospital for the "free " screening my insurance provides for us. Apparently the hospital coded it diagnostic instead of preventive. Codes must be written in stone cause I sure couldn't get it changed. Good luck

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