It is that time of year

David G

Well-known Member
I thought I saw something scurry along the wall in my shop last weekend, put out 4 traps and caught 2 mice, a momma and a smaller one.

Bet I need to keep fresh traps till all the smaller ones are gone.
Maybe you need some cats. The more cats my wife has the less animals we have around our place. Haven't seen a mouse in years and only see a squirrel once in a blue moon.
Its been my experience that if you have one mouse in your house you will have more. Until you find the location they are getting in and seal that up they will be back.
Hope this can help some folks - Wife had forgotten she'd put a box of pecans in the shell in an outbuilding that we "thought" was fairly secure. Well, something got into the box. From the amount of shells, she thought it was a squirrel. I ordered some new traps from Amazon, but did a little research first. We got both of the traps below. Both are from the same seller, only one is meant for mice and the larger is meant for rats. However, let me tell you, those rat traps sure do catch the mice also!! WOW, these things work great! First day she caught two VERY healthy mice. Next day she caught two plump shrews. No squirrels yet, and no rats. Don't think I've ever seen a rat up here....other than me! *lol*
If I had to choose I would take mice, rats and squirrels in the house over cats anyday. Fortunately we don't have any of them in the house here.

It has always been a chore for the start of cold weather here. I keep around a half dozen of the old wooden ones baited during Oct. Nov. Dec. I wish that it were so easy to find where they get in. When it is really cold out I go around in the basement and search for any place with a little frost on the stone foundation, which indicates a little air coming in. Then inject the foam when it gets warmer.
Ever since we built this house 18 years ago, we've had an occasional mouse in the kitchen. I tore my hair out trying to figure out how they got in.

Then a couple of years ago, we had to replace the water heater. It sits in its own closet off of the kitchen. Low and behold, where the gas line comes through the floor in an inaccessible spot behind the heater the opening was just big enough for a mouse to squeeze through past the gas line. Fixed that in the course of replacing the heater and, knock on wood, not a mouse since.

Not as bad as another house we once owned. There we had a garter snake in the house a couple of times. Took me a while to figure out how they got in.

I don't bother with trying to trap the furry little varmints. I feed them. I place the bait chunks on a wire and secure it so the critters can't run off with it. I keep 4 feeding stations in different places around the shop. This time of year, one chunk of bait will last about 2 to 3 days. Sometimes less.
I had snakes in both bathrooms a few years ago, never did figure out how they got in there.. On the sink and inside the toilet tank. Been 4 years since had that problem.
I got a panic call the other night- a mouse three feet tall was in the bathroom. The longer the story went on, the larger he got. I introduced him to Mr. Victor's Improved Mouse Trap, and he has now gone to Disneyland. Hope his buddies got the message.
On a more serious note, a neighbour contracted Hanta Virus from deer mice while rooting around in old granaries. He survived, but it was touch and go. unc
I have one bait station in my dairy barn (now houses about 70 rabbits). Mice manage to eat 3 poison cubes every night. This had been going on for weeks. About to start my second tub of bait. Will this ever end?
I read on this site that " dryer sheets " at the corners of garage doors, and garage "walk in" doors keeps them out. Started that 3 years ago, haven't had one since. Give it a try.

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