wilson ind

Well-known Member
Hardly watch anymore. however caught Alaskan show where fellow took abounded John Deere 420 crawler (somebody owned it!!) and drove 20 or so miles. He seemed surprised that near end of trip transmission seized up. What moron would drive anything setting in wilderness for over 20 years without checking gear box and final drives for water seepage and oil leaking out? Also Alaskan homesteaders were rounding up Buffalo with helicopter . After getting in some sort of corral the chopper made landing close . Amazingly the buffalo bolted through the corral. Now why would anyone think a loud machine landing close after being used to scare them in roundup would cause the herd to bolt??
I stopped trying to figure out those "reality" shows long, long ago. ....Shortly after that, I stopped watching them, also. :wink:
I watched that episode a week or so back.

That "abandoned" crawler, that had been sitting for 30 years...

Strange, it had a new tarp over it, a rebuilt starter, new battery cable, and unless I missed something, still had a good battery after all those years!
All those shows are hyped up crapp...like most of all TV shows,,an insult to our intelligence
Hello Stevd@Advance,

Yes you missed something! He paralleled a 12 volt battery with the track's 6 volt one for more power......Yep!

I am beginning to think that life would be better without TV. Thinking maybe I could just take the TV out and tell my kids to give me a call if they heard anything I needed to know.
Have you see the one where the poor newcomer. Must find a source of food or he might not make it through the winter. Then they pan the camera to show his cabin and if you look as they are panning. You can see a shopping center below the hill.
I can't tell ya when my anniversary is, or any of my kids birthdays, but turned the TV off December 18, 2012 and never watched it again. Decided I was inviting Satan in my home every time it was on.

I caught a buffalo for a neighbor one time. He had no business owning the thing. I think he and his wife set out to own one of everything. I shot it with enough rompun to kill it4 times over, and it managed to clear a 7' panel. It's not hard to deflate a cow, there wasno exhausting this buffalo. Ended up the guy we took it to, bought it to slaughter. Been nice to have just shot in the pasture.
So who is dumb here?
The director and producer who made the program or the guy who watches the whole episode and and then complains about it afterwards?
Russ and Rodeoman, right on!
The only Alaska show I will watch is deadliest catch. I got to meet a couple of the captains when they bought new engines for their boat. Really nice and down to earth people. I ask them if it was scripted and they said it would be hard to script a show when your on the sea trying to make money. They actually have to tone it down for tv! Another good show is forged in fire, it does not have all the drama.
We tried a TV service for a while when the kids were still at home, didn't think it was worth paying for, so we don't.
I rarely watch TV nowadays. I'd watch a rerun of some DECENT program in the winter if I could find one but even on a Saturday nite, I'll spend a half hour or so looking through what Netflix has to offer and then give up and go to bed. Luckily, we don't pay for Netflix, we're a second user on my daughter's account.

I did turn it on the other nite when I made a bowl of popcorn for dinner. I started at Ch 2 and went up to Ch 324 and found nothing I was interested in watching and turned it off. I did stop at a couple shows out of fascination. Kind of like watching a train wreck. There was one where all these couples (diverse if you get my drift) were sitting in a circle and the hostess was asking the girls questions until they tried to fight. What amazed me was how the girls were dolled up, leaving nothing to the imagination, with purple or green hair, nails long enough to put 2x4's together, cussing like drunken sailors. Click. The next channel was a Kardashian show where they were getting into a car to go to a club and the big drama was that one of the girls wanted to hang out with a guy there and one of the Kardashians didn't think that was a good idea. :roll: Click. Next channel.

What I HAVE been doing lately is surfing Youtube on how to do stuff I've always wondered about or googling historical stuff.
It was Mark Twain that said 'He who gets all his information off TV is less informed than someone who has no TV at all'! ;-)
Local farmer up here that runs a "wildlife preserve" had a herd of bison get out when they were trying to relocate them.

If you think a bison, or buffalo, or whatever you want to call them, would respect a simple barbed wire fence, you've got another thing coming. They're Abrams tanks on four legs, and if they want to go in a direction, they will go in that direction.

These bison that got loose locally bashed their way out of a completely gated-in barnyard and took off. Busted through every barbed wire fence they encountered like it wasn't even there. Ran over every person or vehicle that tried to get in their way. No helicopter in sight.

I think they rounded up some of them but there were a few they had to hunt down and kill because they could not catch them. Fortunately for the owner, he served bison burgers in his restaurant.
DISCERNMENT, GENTLEMEN, DISCERNMENT! There is a lot of information out there on all forms of media. It is up to us to utilize our experience to determine fact from fiction, reality from fantasy, news from propaganda. That does not mean that we should "throw out the baby with the bathwater".
I think the previous owner of the crawler died. I think they said they found him down stream 30 miles ?
He opened up the gear box and was going on how bad it was. Looked pretty good to me ? Since that has the optional directional reverser I'd bet that is the problem with it.

On the Buffalo round up I thought they were asking for trouble thinking barbed wire would hold them. And then when they landed the chopper that close ! look out !
Had it not been for the wink at the end, I would have reminded you that ol' Mark died about 100 years before TV. I think he did say, though, in regard to a "service economy", that "you can't base an economy on doing each other's laundry."
I love those shows. The wife leaves me alone because it is a solid hour of me laughing and yelling at the TV.
I do wonder how some of these guys face their neighbors on a dailey basis. I guess the check helps a lot.
(quoted from post at 05:13:58 11/01/17) It was Mark Twain that said 'He who gets all his information off TV is less informed than someone who has no TV at all'! ;-)

Didn't he say the same thing about the internet????
Several years ago a dairy farmer friend of mine was very seriously injured in a fam accident. He spent many weeks in hospital. There were several weekend work parties attended by friends, relatives and neighbors organized to get not only necessary work accomplished, but many farm improvements too. Just like we used to do in this country 50 years ago when I was growing up. Why did we stray from this tradition to become so self-centered?

Why on earth would you admit to watching crap like that? Turn the TV OFF! Go to your local library and check out a good book. Or work on an old tractor. Either way you will learn something worth while.
LA in WI
(quoted from post at 10:33:34 11/01/17)
(quoted from post at 05:13:58 11/01/17) It was Mark Twain that said 'He who gets all his information off TV is less informed than someone who has no TV at all'! ;-)

Didn't he say the same thing about the internet????

Nope! That was Abe Lincoln.


I also totally abhore those so called reality shows.Although that vet dude , the incredible Dr Pole or what ever his name is can be good. Anything that looks interesting is recorded on the DVR for later viewing and fast forwarding through the commercials . Many times the show isn’t ingesting enough to watch and auto erases after 90 days. There are some good documentaries on PBS, TVO, National Geographic, BNC and a few others .
I used to enjoy the sport of an outside antenna and picking up distant foreign broadcasts that were supposed to be out of range .
I think one of your friends used the term deplorable to describe half the population.....I would guess you and her are on the other half, simply wonderful!

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