Marbling question/quiz


I have two cuts of meat from my steer last year. One is a t-bone and the other is a sirloin. What would you classify the marbling at? Choice, select,...? Also what breed of cattle do you think it's from?
The problem as I see it , is that todays consummers do not understand marbling, that is the essence of the steak for flavour while cooking.
Our long time butcher always liked our beef and always said Dad knew how to marble it. I don't recall it all but it involved feeding heavy
for a week or so, feed light and then heavy again as you finished the animals.We always did well on the cattle market , that was a long time
ago..1960's or so. I'm going to guess that heavy marbled steak is Herford. Steak that isn't marbled doesn't have much flavor as far as I am
I say Prime yield grade of around 4. You would get docked in todays market because of to much fat, but then again the American public has NO CLUE what real beef tastes
like, just the junk that is at Walmart, Krogers, or wherever.
BK this is more than likely what you are looking. For picture guide
and then an illustrated one of all the grades. If you really want to
go crazy then go check out WAGYU which is American and KOBE that is
from Japan. I have had a tiny piece of real Kobe and it is so good
your eyes spin!!! Have not gotten any Wagyu yet. This stuff makes zip
Filet Mingnon look like dog food. Actually filet is a very tasteless
piece of meat. I will take prime rib or club cut any day. The picture
of the big chunk looking like a roast,,bet that is around $100.oo no
problem. You need to understant that the white clean and soft fat will
melt out as the meat is cooked and the muscles pull together as it
cooks. I5 is s1o tender a so tastey !!! *notice to flower seal on the
cuts. KOBE





Fat is flavor most americans have been fed a line of BS so long they eat it up. Fat doesn't make you fat
we have eaten it for hundreds of years. Just in recent history we have had a problem with fat people what
has changed. We have processed our foods and added sugar to everything. Take the fat out of food taste
like crud add sugar to it LOL. Sugar is as addicting as cocaine yet the gov does not say a thing.
Just like when they got rid of the trans fats for use in making your french fries. Have NEVER been the same!!!
The beef is from a 13 month old Holstein steer. Thanks for the input on the grading. I was leaning more towards prime but didn't know if it being my beef was influencing me. I agree with you guys on sugar and processed foods making people fat, not fat. Not saying sugar is the only culprit. Moderation is the key.

I have these guys on full grain with pasture while young and limited hay when older.
holstien, pastured but grain fed, about 1,000 pds or one year old, best eatin beef you will get....thats how
I do mine about 25 head a year and always sold out

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