The end of CRP

David G

Well-known Member
It looks like CRP is done for the next four years, no approvals and local office said feds removed all the software for determining eligibility.
conservation reserve program. generally used along water ways and areas of high erosion. the gov pays you x amt per acre to keep it out of crop production. also gives wildlife habitat. there is also a pollinator program where you set off an area and plant flowers and such for honey bees.
Like Banjoman said I wonder if old contracts can be renewed. I've had 27 acres in filter strip along a drainage ditch for one 15 year contract and I rolled it into another 10 year contract. I think I'm entering year 8 of the 10 year contract.
Well I am glad the darn thing is dead in its past form. It was just a welfare program for land owners.

I am all for conservation. It really irked me to see farms ten times flater than mine getting the whole farm into CRP. That was BS. Target the erodible land. Filter strips, head lands, water way berms and etc. is a much better use of the money. It also improve water quality way more than whole farm/field bid.

Also allow established erosion controls be eligible for payments. I have seeded down head lands and grass water ways that did not quality because we put them in ourselves before the CRP ever started.

Then also make the land owners maintain the ground too. Around here it used to look like it snowed when the wind blew the thistle seeds around off the CRP acres. Other state make them do it but Dubuque and Clayton County sure did not seem to do much enforcing.
My father-in-law has filter strips contract expiring this fall. Can't re-enroll. So he has over 15 acres in 15 ft wide strips spread through 200 acres of CRP that has 6 years left on it's contract. They told him he can plant the strips to crops or take nothing. Well, his current tenant has a 24 row planter so he can't plant 15 ft strips and even if he could they would be little more than food plots for the deer. My view - this is what it looks like when the government quits paying you to not produce.
I keep my CRP weeds controlled.

We rented a farm from the Buchanan county weed commissioner when I was growing up, learned to hate weeds.
Since I am enrolled in the program....I will check on this Monday. The program was started under Reagan in the 80's and has
done "a lot of good" for our soil, wildlife, and country!
That is the trouble. They classified too much ground as erodible. I know your ground is way flatter than the majority of what we farm. We have the majority of the erosion controlled. It takes the HUGE rain falls in a short time to top our dams to cause much erosion.

Much of the original erosion calcifications was at the desecration of the county Soil Conservation Agent. I knew they would want to control everything we did if it was calcified as highly erodible. So I made him go by the letter of the slope/soil charts. Most of mine is classified as moderately erodible. In some counties I know the agents pushed the other way and the majority of their FLAT ground is classified as highly erodible. They did it because they got HUGE amounts of Federal money that way.

So in short the erosion classification on farm land is questionable at the best and flat out fraudulent at the worst. Too many people wanting to farm the Government over farming the land.
Had a lot around here not being taken care of half mile away had to come in and cut the brush then they lite match to it next thing you new 4 fire depatments their tax money spent caught fire a couple years ago
Yea I had read the Gov't was going to tighten up and reform the welfare programs of all types.Paying landowners not to grow crops is as big of waste of taxpayers money as it gets.
Hmmmmm! So corn price might be as low as 2 dollars per bushel..Some of the hills should have been left to pasture to start with.The no new irrigation well law was 25 years too late!!Way too much sandy and hilly ground was tilled from pasture to roll crop.The crp helps the roads by keeping the blowing snow off and the ditches from silting full from rain run off therefore helping the county budget. I don't see the program going away give it a week and it will change!!
I received approval a couple of weeks ago for a filter strip which I applied for in June only about 3 acres next to a creek which floods over at times into the area I wanted to put in permanent seeded ground.

I used to have all of my hay ground enrolled, I suppose it still is. All that I got was cost sharing for a new seeding, but that was pretty good. I took on a new field one time and it is about the flattest that I have, and I went in and registered it. A few days later the office called and said that there was a contract on it and that I could get paid for not growing corn. I told them that I would pass.
(quoted from post at 20:52:49 11/25/17) I keep my CRP weeds controlled.

We rented a farm from the Buchanan county weed commissioner when I was growing up, learned to hate weeds.

Part of the annual CRP payment is intended to be used for maintenance. I too keep my CRP as close to weed free as I can. A mile north of me is CRP filter strip, same as mine only that one has thick trees and weeds growing in it. Someday someone will have to pay the price to clear his CRP so it can be farmed again. Someone will pay for his negligence.
I have 30 acres of filter strips that the contract expires on this year.I signed them back up last spring. They came out and measured them and all the papers were signed.Three weeks later I get a letter dated oct 1 that says there not accepting anymore contracts. They tell me the 24 million acre limit has been reached.
Here in Minnesota they are forcing farms to seed buffer strips along waterways because a lot of the land was taken out of CRP. No payments to anyone just a "you are required to" law.
When we bought this place, over half the land was in CRP. We didn't really know anything about it at the time, but the way the realtor made it sound, it just sounded too good to be true. Well, at the end of the contract, I refused to re-up the CRP contracts. Folks around here looked at me like I was crazy! To this day they still can't understand why I don't want any of that "free money". Have learned over the years that some folks in this area actually make quite a decent living off of the CRP acreage they have. ...No thanks, I'll pass.
We just bought some farm land this fall that included 40 acres of CRP. Contract expires next year and we are not going to try to renew it.
JD Seller. I can't tell you how much I enjoy your post. I have been retired for 12 years now and been off the farm for many many years but still have a love for old tractors and farming. Your wisdom and the things that you talk about and explain have brought me many hours of entertainment. I don't comment to you very often but don't think for a minute that I don't appreciate you and your post. I would sure like to visit you and your farm but I don't travel so good any more. Any sir Thank You for it all. >>> "Jack" The Old Scovy.

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