I don't think anyone will believe me...

Dave H (MI)

Well-known Member
...but I am DONE! You would have to have a very good memory and I don't think most of us do so let me point out the relevance. Two years ago I ran the combine into January. Last year it was early February. This year I am done on December 2. Could have finished yesterday but it was the daughters b-day and we had plans. Two whole months early. Wish I could say I was thrilled with the yields, but that is another story for another day and maybe some here can provide advice. But the planter worked like a charm. The combine ran ALMOST trouble free. I choked both elevators when I snoozed at the switch and overfilled the bin...easy fix. Today I started up to run the last few rows and was oiling the gathering chains when one jumped a sprocket. Shut her down and found a driven sprocket was toast. Had exactly 10 minutes to call Aldermans and have one put on my account and left outside the door before they closed. Drove up and got it, swapped them out, took about ten minutes. That was the only repair I had to do the entire season from planting to elevator. Grain truck ran great. Elevator only shut down on me one day. Good season. Now I need to get my yields up if possible. :)
Sometimes you are the windshield, sometimes you are the bug.....good for you, that's what gives us the incentive to do it all again.
Congrats, Dave! Lets get together to celebrate! You pick breakfast or lunch at Fowlerville Farms restaurant. we'll even invite Spook! Or anyone else that wants to show up. Maybe next Tues or Wed? John
Glad you're done Dave, it's a good feeling. Sure is nice when the dealer has the part and you can get it before it causes a lengthy delay too. We finished up a couple weeks ago, after being delayed by a little problem with the combine drivetrain. Got her fixed up and knocked out though. Don't worry about the yields, they are terrible in a lot of places from the lack of rain and deer. Without the rain for 3 months during peak ear production, it really hit the yields hard. Without looking at the papers to be sure, I'd have to roughly guess, but I'd say our corn crop averaged 100 bushel/ac on most fields but a couple were around 125 bushel/ac, pretty darn poor. However the moisture was good at 16%, and the test weight was 58-59 lbs/bushel, so that was nice not to be docked. The average on the soys weren't anything to brag about either, roughly 25-35 bushel/ac across all fields. Hard to swallow when we normally average 60, but like dad says, if you can't swing it without Uncle Sam helping, you shouldn't be a farmer. Better luck to all my other fellow MI farmers next year hopefully.
58 test weight, 14.9-16.1 moisture. I got 74 bpa on a well planted stand. Worst yield I ever had. Some weather issues, some were my issues. More later.
Were you the one that was looking to put up some smaller bins to help your harvest progress better in normal years? Sounds like harvest went smoothly for you this year. I also heard that in the area of my hometown in KS the harvest was sort of spread out with minimal peaks and elevator lines were not horrible. I would not rule out pursuing bins they can be a very valuable resource many years. Many experienced farmers say having enough bin space to store at least half your yearly yield is one of the most profitable investments to make in a farm operation. Best of luck in the future, l wish I was in some kind of position, to do some farming of my own.
" That was the only repair I had to do the entire season from planting to elevator. Grain truck ran great. Elevator only shut down on me one day. Good season. Now I need to get my yields up if possible."

That's just begging for trouble ;^)
We just got down to about 15-20 acres of beans yet. Been so wet we have been mudding things out for a month. Got about 70-80 acres of corn to do then will be done.
I hate mudding things out it is so hard on the ground.
Why don't you guys shoo some of that rain our way. Haven't had enough to do any good all summer. I don't know of anybody who wasn't done last month.
Finished mine almost month ago. Average moisture was high at first, then came down to 17% or so. Overall yield was 214 bpa wet, and 199.8 dry, $3.65 per bushel. Not gonna get rich, but that ain't too shabby......

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