Another blasted import


Well-known Member
This was in todays paper. Think it is time to stop importing stuff from the land of sometimes right?


we got the asian ash bore beetle up here in ontario canada.
completely devistating bug that has ruined thousands of acres of ash tree forest.
the government tried to contain it by literally coming in and destroying(cutting ALL ash trees down and burning on site)
it was an unbelievable event for the land owner who all he could do was stand and watch.
unfortunately it did not contain the bug and it has now spread all throughout the province.
I really thought that with our very cold weather it would not survive but i have found signs of them in our bush also
all because of government not doing their job and preventing pallets and skids contaminated with the bug to be imported.
now the Chinese is buying up all our good lumber because they have non left over there.
Another sign that we are living in the last days. The world will loose a lot of its trees.That's going to have a large effect on climate. Repent, be saved, be baptized. (not sprinkled)
If it just went after tree of heaven it would be alright as that tree is not native to North America. However, it sounds like it will go after beech and others. Yes our forests are under assault from various pests, some native and some imports. It does make one wonder what tree species will be left in the next century. The emerald ash borer has been widely spread by the movement of firewood and thousand canker disease of walnut occurred from the movement of logs from western states to eastern states. Asian longhorn beetles are another scary one that if not contained is going to take the maples.
Several years ago I bought milling machine and it was made in China. It came on a pallet wraped in plastic and coved with cardboard. When I opened it up the wood in it was slabwood bark and all. I got to believe that this is how a lot of this stuff is coming in the country. That wood went straight to the wood stove
They cone into the country by cargo ships etc... everything we,.... the USA uses comes from overseas {Practically} that is..Larry in the NE
Yes, but around here the Fox like them too. Yum yum. The only ones you see are raised and released.
This article is different from that, but I remember about five years ago where a woman had bought a finished wood table from China and some wood-boring bugs had fallen out of it.
Looks like "Free Trade" is kind of expensive. Emerald Ash Borer, Wooly Hemlock Adelgid, Crape Myrtle Bark Scale, Fire Ants, Dutch Elm Diseae. Wonder what all of those cost us?

Years back they used to fumigate incoming loads of various things with pesticides, etc. I imagine those days are gone?

FWIW, this is nothing new. In the 50's it was White Pine Blister Rust, spread by Currants IIRC. And there was the Chestnut Blight and whatever that fungus is that kills off Elms. There are probably dozens of diseases of apples and other fruit that didn't used to exist. The more things change, the more they stay the same.
Emerald Ash borer was just found in my county (in my town fwiw) within the past 3 months, my county is now a quarantined county.

we have been surrounded by quarantined counties for a couple years. been kinda PIA for some that had to change their source of firewood, one friend of mine that lives in one of the county border areas couldn't get firewood from his neighbor across the street.

the EAB will do to ash, what the blight did to American Chestnut, it will wipe it out from our forest, just a matter of time.

I have one ash on my property, a shade tree right in front of my house, I'm trying to determine if it will be worth the efforts to save it, I would like to maintain the diversity of 20± species of trees on my little 2acre houselot

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