Think before you do

Local vet I?ve known my entire life about 20 minutes south of
me died last night. Details still aren?t 100% heard it was paint
thinner but nonetheless threw some kind of liquid in his
outdoor wood burning furnace and it exploded. Heard burns
were unlike anything any of the first responders had ever
seen. Happened on Friday night. Passed away Sunday night.
47 years old. Great guy very active in 4-h and all other
community events. Left behind a wife and 3 children high
school age and younger. I?m sure everyone on here has done
dumb things or things without thinking more than once but try
to stop and think about who else it might affect. I know a lot of
farmers will miss him but not nearly as much as 3 kids without
a Dad.
Sorry to hear about the loss. Common sense is no longer anywhere near common.

Camping at Yosemite main camp grounds, a man 30 feet from our tent decided to pour Colman fuel on his smoldering camp fire. We were in folding chairs reading. We both yelled at him using the same word Nooooooo. back away now I said. A huge ball of vapor was in the air. He ran, we ran, it blew and made a ball of flame where he had been standing, and put every smoldering stick of his fire in a 15 foot ring around his fire pit. it drew the attention of the DNR camp ground ranger who "discussed" the issue for about 15 minutes while he collected his fire. Jim
That is to bad I always feel bad for the family?s left behind theres a lot of things worse than dying that?s for sure . we?ve all done things that maybe we shouldn?t but some of us have been lucky enough to live to tell about it some of us not .
That's sad.

It happens that fast.

Knew a man many years ago, took a torch to a closed barrel. The explosion left him with the mentality of a 6 year old. Wife divorced him, kids abandoned him. Lived out his life on disability, near poverty, couldn't drive or do the simplest task.
I am sorry that this man lost his life and his family lost HIM. We all have done things that we can later look back on as being stupid.

A few years ago I had a pile of stuff out of a rental house that had gotten rain on and outside was damp. I had some old stale gas. So I mixed it will used motor oil. I spread it around the base. When I lite it the gas had vaporized even after having been mixed with oil. Burnt the hair off my arms and scorched my beard and eye brows. So I only use diesel or K-1 to lite burn piles with anymore.
I think if we are all honest, we've all done similar things that for the grace of God we lived. As a truck driver I see close calls almost daily. Hope the family can recuperate and live some-what normal lives.
newholland if you get a chance please pass along our condolences to the family, that is brutal hard. I get choked up thinking of his wife and those 3 little ones losing their dad. it do's make you stop and think of the many dum things iv'e done in my life and got away with it. the first thing that came to my mind was "there but for the grace of god go I" john and sue.
At least he won't have to undergo the terrible agony of the burn recovery. I feel so sorry for his family. Please pass on to them our deepest condolences. They say, Time will heal, but the hurt and loss will be with them a long long time. Condolences to you too, my friend, I know you've lost a vital member of your community and quite possibly a friend. Keith
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Had exactly the same thing happen to a young lad here. Just married, had a good job and kaboom. His parents took care of him until they were too old to care for themselves. They all ended up in a nursing home with nothing to their name.
I'm sorry to hear of the situation, it's very sad. I am aware of three of my ancestors who died in house fires caused by similar situations, and as a result I have never used any kind of liquid to start a fire. If I can't get a fire going with wadded up paper it's probably not something I should be trying to burn anyway, I figure, and in a stove or a boiler it's always possible to light a fire safely, if you're not in too big of a hurry.
Doesn't have to be solvents. When I was 17 I threw a bunch of wood chips in a wood stove when the fire was about out. Thought I put the fire completely out so I went back and stirred it a little. Boom, it shot flames out the door like a flame thrower burning my eyebrows off. Had I not being wearing glasses it might have blinded me. Never had any idea wood chips could do that.
I had a big cardboard box one time,refrigerator box or something. I poured just a little bit of gas along one side of it and lit it up. The fumes must have built up in the top back part of it because that thing blew but good. Burned my hand was all. I ran to a mud puddle and packed mud on it. I survived,but I sure learned a lesson.
Dad used to us gasoline on his brush fires because that's what was around.

Jeepers that was always scary.

I have diesel fuel now, probably not a perfect world either but - better.

Person has to think all the time.

Sorry to hear of the loss.


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