Well, dang nammit! Again?

jon f mn

Well-known Member
This dude sideswiped me today as I was making a right turn at the light.


Of course he had to lie to the cops and say I swung out of the turn lane and hit him, but you can see my tracks when I went through the intersection to follow him that I was clearly in my lane and close to the curb.


You can also see that all the debris is in the turn lane. The snow is off his truck.


Of course the cops knew him, and not me. They said the report will just say what he said and what I said, and let the insurance fight it out. Oh well, that's how it goes I guess.
jon, I need a little more information. Was he driving the yellow truck? What part of his truck hit you way up there on your truck/
That was something you really should purchased. Would have been an open and shut case. Video would have shown you going in a straight line the whole time.
Whose fault ? Don't matter. Damage costs - a few hundred $$ - end cost with axxhole ins. jerks and their lawyers - THOUSANDS !
dang nammit is right jon, it looks like a dash cam is going to become a required part of every vehicale you drive. i had an incident Monday that scared the cr*p out of me in edmonton, the city is closing vehicale lanes and turing 1 lane into 2 way bycicle lanes, (going green don't you know!) had 1 hang a left right in front of me into my lane and kept going in front of me down the street! when i laid on the horn he just gave me the finger and dodged back into the bike lane
:evil: i had to hit the brakes to keep from running him over! i guess i should have hit the gas instead. it looks like dash cam time for me to.
Jon, never saw a dash cam so can you explain to me how what others are saying it would help yoy. I can see about something in front of you but about something to the side and in back of the camara? I know you have had plenty of picture from your time on the road.
Nuts like that are why I say my best days are the ones I stay on the farm and don't even see the road. I hate it for you that you had to deal with the loonie tune even though there was no fault of your own.
Looks like the makings of a bad day
there Jon. I'm sorry to see it.
The overpass in the photo is only about
a mile as the crow flies from my house.
(quoted from post at 10:39:26 04/05/18) Some of those towing companies hire some real yahoos to drive for them.

WHUT HE SAID... The most un-qualified drivers out there I would wager 99 out of a 100 do not secure the load proper and always in a hurry to get to the next tow... They think they are above the law because they have a set of caution lights Until they are issued a set of blue lights (blue in NC) they are not special...

Part of it is when they get a call from the police often they are told to get there as fast as you can that does not mean you are special.
AAA is always after big rigs but never there tow truck contractors its OK for them to fly around like a bat out of ell with unsecured loads...
Did the cops measure the width of the mirrors on both trucks? I've heard of trucks getting tickets because the outside measurements of the mirrors exceeded legal width for the truck.
If either truck was judged over width they'll get the ticket most times.
I had a girl try to say I swung into her lane once the
cop told me he didn?t know which one of us was
telling the truth I took him to the back of the bus and
you could see her skid marks coming into my lane
cop says she is getting the ticket
With them pictures I would send them to the
insurance company and I think they will fight for you
theres more evidence that he was in your lane and
not you in his
Looks like the guy that hit you also had his hat screwed on backwards, tells me a lot! hehe

Two things Jon, First the correct spelling is Dang nabbit, second, it makes a whole lot more sense, for him to be doing it with that roll back than for the kid with the Toyota who tried to force me over when driving the Triaxle dump on Monday.
Not to worry Jon ...... just tell the cops and the insurance companies that the legal team here at YT have it all sorted out and they've
decided that the tow truck driver is guilty and all he has to do is shell out money for the repair. I noticed though that his mirror
certainly seemed to escape damage somehow.
DOES pullin containers pay anything in mn, step son does this in ohio, lucky to clear $1000. a weak... thats
no money to own a truck
Same everywhere, the cops wont determine fault in a fender bender unless somebody admits to it. Like it or not no fault is being slowly shoved down our throats which is great for the idiots and bad for safe drivers. Heck even IF the other party admits fault their insurance company is allowed to string you out forever on a settlement. Last time I was hit the other guy admitted to the cops he was at fault and I still had to turn it in to my insurance to get paid after his company would not return calls for two weeks.
Well look on the bright side. LOL.
At least you can tell your boss you are not the only one in the past 24 months to be charged with Failure to Maintain Lane.

Yea I know. After sitting in this house for the past 4 weeks with a broken foot I am getting a little board.


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