Highway tragedy in Saskatchewan ....

Crazy Horse

Well-known Member
Man, this is a bad one ....... last night the team bus from the Humbolt (Saskatchewan) Broncos junior hockey team was hit in a highway accident near Tisdale, Saskatchewan. Fourteen on the bus lost their lives and another 14 were injured. The bus was hit by a semi truck/trailer unit, one report said the bus was t-boned, not sure if that is accurate or not. Junior players up here are 17-20 years of age and a number of them end up in the USA after junior to attend American colleges on scholarships. Sad story, hope all the survivors make it through and we're all praying up here for everyone.

I feel for the parents and family. What a tragic loss. I know Humboldt very well from my harvest days. Very good people.
Geez...imagine the lives and families destroyed in a small community like that...prayers sent, RIP
My Wife told me about it last night,I cant imagine how the truck driver would be feeling right now even if it wasn't his fault. If it was his fault he certainly did not intend to hurt anyone on the bus let alone kill 14 of them. God bless their souls be with their family and friends and the truck driver even if it was his fault. We all make stupid mistakes sometimes they have catastrophic outcomes and others we get lucky.
The young men were from various areas including some from Edmonton Alberta, its far reaching,Thoughts and Prayers
for everyone concerned.
Read a little about it on the internet. Frustrating that most of the article was devoted to who tweeted what about the crash and nothing of substance. The article didn't even say it involved a truck.
(quoted from post at 09:28:16 04/07/18) My Wife told me about it last night,I cant imagine how the truck driver would be feeling right now even if it wasn't his fault. If it was his fault he certainly did not intend to hurt anyone on the bus let alone kill 14 of them. God bless their souls be with their family and friends and the truck driver even if it was his fault. We all make stupid mistakes sometimes they have catastrophic outcomes and others we get lucky.

Happened at 5pm, broad daylight.
Pictures look like out in the countryside (stop signs) and not urban (stop lights).
If the truck did indeed split the bus in two, it would be a stretch to call this a "mistake".
Just my personal observation.

Truck drive is unhurt and while detained has been released.
The front of that truck does not looked damaged.
The bus may not be broke in two but the whole front is gone.
To me it sure looks like the bus T Boned or run into the rear of the truck.
This in no way means it was the bus drivers fault.
The truck could have run the corner in front of the bus or been stopped in the lane of traffic.
It will be days before they release what really happened.

(quoted from post at 04:38:19 04/08/18) Just my personal observation.

Truck drive is unhurt and while detained has been released.
The front of that truck does not looked damaged.
The bus may not be broke in two but the whole front is gone.
To me it sure looks like the bus T Boned or run into the rear of the truck.
This in no way means it was the bus drivers fault.
The truck could have run the corner in front of the bus or been stopped in the lane of traffic.
It will be days before they release what really happened.

<img src="http://photos.yesterdaystractors.com/gallery/uptest/a264241.jpg">
From that picture it looks like the bus T boned the trailer.

From a CNN update.
Speaking at the news conference, RCMP Assistant Commissioner Curtis Zablocki said the wreck occurred around 5 p.m. Friday when the tractor-trailer, traveling west on Highway 335, collided with the bus traveling north on Highway 35.
The driver, who was the lone occupant of the tractor-trailer, was not injured in the collision, Zablocki said. He was detained initially but is not currently in custody and his case is not currently being investigated as a criminal investigation.

Here is a picture of that intersection from google maps.


Based on what CNN reported; In this picture the truck would have been coming from the road on left and the bus coming from the right.


So from what I can see the truck either did not see the bus and pulled in front of it or ran threw the stop sign in front of the bus.
It looks like the bus had the right of way.
That's the way it appears in your description John, nothing official yet that I have seen, they're always pretty careful to officially speculate on what happened. Just shows us that a moment of hesitation, indecision or distraction can have disastrous results. Can't imagine what the families are going through, or any family for that matter who loses a loved one in any kind of an accident. Somehow big crashes like this seem more devastating. As for myself, I have never known anyone killed in a motor vehicle accident, or any accident if my memory is accurate.

Appears truck may have been driving straight across the 335 and bus hit middle of the "b train" trailer
(quoted from post at 22:29:43 04/07/18)
From a CNN update.
Speaking at the news conference, RCMP Assistant Commissioner Curtis Zablocki said the wreck occurred around 5 p.m. Friday when the tractor-trailer, traveling west on Highway 335, collided with the bus traveling north on Highway 35.
<img src="http://photos.yesterdaystractors.com/gallery/uptest/a264273.jpg">

Based on what CNN reported; In this picture the truck would have been coming from the road on [u:d49ab6b153]right (traveling west)[/u:d49ab6b153] and the bus coming from the right.

A minor correction above, not that it matters.
I see on google earth street view that 335 has stop signs with a flashing red light above the sign.The way the vehicles ended up on the northeast corner, I am thinking the truck was trying to make a right hand turn from 335 onto 35, swung out onto 35 and the bus hit one of the trailers on the driver side.
It would appear that way 007, your description seems to make sense. I suspect that sometimes when driving, a person looks but for whatever
reason, he doesn't see something or if he does then it doesn't register or it's too late. Could happen to any of us I guess.
Not that it really matters but I would say the truck was headed west and made a "LEFT" hand turn to head south.
The north bound bus then hit the trailer in the second B train trailer on the drivers side.

Any of a number of things could have happen.
The truck driver did not see the bus.
The truck driver saw him but missed judged speed and distance of bus.

And it could also have been complicated by the bus driver was distracted and did not but could have slowed down to give the long trailer time to clear the intersection.

The big thing that has me baffled is the truck driver was released.
You are in a accident where 15 people die and you are at fault; you are at least spending the night in jail till you make bond.
(quoted from post at 21:34:10 04/07/18) looks like a double flats rig and the rear bumper on the flat looks undamaged.
Front of truck appears to not be damaged either.


The bus was linear and pushed the truck/trailer sideways across the intersection and into the road shoulder/field. Skid marks tell all.

Heard about this on the news this morning, So Sad, Prayers for all of the victims, their families and friends, lives will be forever changed.

Sadly in the fire service I've worked fatality accidents involving strangers, friends, neighbors, but luckily no family members.

Looking at the bent frame rail on the front trailer indicates the bus t-boned the truck in that location, had the truck been traveling slow or turning the front of the bus would have been crushed back.
The fact that the front of the bus is sheared off and the left side panel bent out indicates the truck was traveling at faster speed making me think it was going straight thru the intersection, this leads me to think the truck blew through the stop.

Not sure about Canadian policy but US rules require the driver be taken the a medical facility to be checked for injuries, while there he would be been given a breathalyzer test and had blood drawn the test for alcohol and drugs. If no evidence of DUI at that time he would have been released until blood test were concluded and or accident investigation was complete, if found at fault he would then be charged.

Having spent 30 years as a over the road driver I hate to see accidents like this involving trucks, but I will not try to defend the drivers actions if he is at fault, in this case to me it looks like he is.

I was involved in a serious accident back in 99 that left a young man permanently disabled, not my fault but that hasn't stopped me from living the accident over a thousand times in my mind, can not imagine how I would have felt had it been my fault.
Just a bit of an update regarding the accident.

Over the weekend the death toll was up to 15.

Sunday the coroners office issued a statement.

One of the boys that was identified as deceased was actually miss identified he is alive in the hospital.
Tragically they were messed up so bad in the crash that it took 3 days before it was determined that one of the young men in the hospital was not identified/recognized properly.

Hell for one family yet a blessing for another.
Hope the rest of them pull through.

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