No way I would drive this

I was running 67 mph down the interstate today (top speed) when this passed me.
I do not know if you can tell from the picture but all 4 trailer wheels are running on the inside of the tire.
Looks like he loaded something way to heavy in the past and bent the heck out of both axles.
No way you would catch me driving some broken junk like this on the interstate.
As soon as I noticed him I slowed way down and let him get well ahead of me.


An exploded view that may show it better.

looks like 75% of the landscapers around here. I think it's a "thing" with them. and "Brakes? We don't need no stinkin brakes".
I have seen trailers like that when we were in Florida. The axles are bent and yet the owner ignores it. It is very dangerous not to mention tire failure caused by the angle the tire is contacting the road. I will say one thing , in Ontario the MTO would have you on the side of the road so fast your head would spin and when they got done with you you would need to sell your house to pay all the fines. The picture you have is an accident waiting to happen !
Looks just like the brand new car hauler I bought. One trip with just over half a legal load. They build them with 3500 lbs axels and when I phone the company and told them I wanted heavier axles as these bent. He says they all do that. Dumb a$$ why would you sell a peace of junk that bends right away. He wouldn?t even give me a deal on heavier axles to replace them. I went and bought 5200 lbs axles but not from him
It's ok John and I'm sorry for my comment. I see a lot of people on the roads pulling things in rough shape way too fast too. Running a farm means having to have a lot of equipment unfortunately, at some point that equipment was brand new and it's hard not to be excited when it shows up.
I've seen that, but on a county or township road and you know the fella is going 5 miles or else, and he likes to scout fields so might manage to hit 40mph.... Good trailer for that.

Downt he interstate, not so much!

Things like that are why DOT folks were invented,once read in the NC Ag Review about a farmer that had a trailer come loose and went into the oncoming lane and killed two people.
He had used barbed wire to hook the trailer to his truck.
Potato haulers do that too. Summer of 1982 I helped my High school Buddy and his dad harvest potatoes, drove truck to load along side harvester in the field, unload at the cleaning, sorting, bagging shed. One aftwrnoon after we stopped harvesting, a nice looking about 10 year old F-350 dually with a combination box, grain tight sides 4 ft high and livestock or stake side extentions another 2-3 ft on top of that. Three guys in the cab. They loaded up plumb full, 100# sacks to the very top of the extentions, them a couple more sacks heaped on top, 10,000 pounds, about double what it should have carried. I was fueling trucks, cleaning up the unloading conveyor, worked about an hour, jumped in my pickup and took off the 20 miles home, I get to a rough railroad crossing, 2-3 sets of tracks. Just beyond the crossing, along the side of the road beyond the stopsign sits that F-350 listing to Port, the left rear duals are GONE, truck resting on the brake backing plate, axle stub where the wheel bearings mounted was Gone, axle shaft and whole hub Gone. I turn the corner, about 500 feet down the road one of the three guys was rolling the duals still bolted together, hub still there, even the axle shaft sticking out a couple feet.

I imagine the truck was junked. I've put some tremendous over-loads on trucks, but never That much. Truck was probably rated 10,000# gross and weighed 5000# empty, maybe a bit more. 5000# would have been enough of a load, 10,000# was just stupid.
Had a brand new car trailer with 3500 pound Axle on it. Loaded a small car on it and the axle looks just like the one in the picture. Pure under built.
(quoted from post at 23:50:48 05/23/18) Things like that are why DOT folks were invented,once read in the NC Ag Review about a farmer that had a trailer come loose and went into the oncoming lane and killed two people.
He had used barbed wire to hook the trailer to his truck.

How much you want to bet that this guy made it to his job, and not a single DOT or cop hassled him in the least?

Further, how much you want to bet that this guy loaded that skidsteer back up and went home along the same route, and got all the way back, without a single DOT or cop even giving him a second look?

If you or I tried that, we'd be surrounded by flashing lights and drawn guns the moment the front tire of the truck touched a public road.
Most farm kids would probably know this is a danger, I cant imagine some of these people that are working, we all know here, this could kill someone
I'm not sure there is a dot infraction right now. When it was overloaded enough to do that would certainly have been a dot issue, but if the brakes work and no parts are worn out and it's not currently overloaded I doubt there is anything the dot could do just because of bent axles. And it may be a case of new axles installed upside down.
(quoted from post at 04:49:17 05/24/18) Sure hope you made a 911 call!!

Willie diesel pilot retired.

911 - Seriously? 911 is overloaded as it is. I'll bet this guy hauls that load on that trailer everyday, and has been doing it for a long time. I'll even bet that Highway Patrol or whatever they are called in whatever state that is in have passed him on the highway without a thought. I'm not at all sure there is even a violation there as long as he has a solid hitch and safety chains and decent tie downs, etc. It is ugly and unsafe, but so was my ex-mother-in-law when driving...
The driver of the vehicle is a married man,paying Tax's,purchasing goods,coaches the local ball team,member of the local church administration,served his country, entrepreneur,all six of his children are attending public schools. The driver was quite likely legally married in the eyes of God.
The driver obviously is doing the best he can.
Could be a brother of mine.

Your exactly right the dot never would have had to exist except people kept doing stupid stunts truckers high on drugs staying awake 3 or 4 or more days just to get the load there on time . Guys that don?t tie stuff down right
(quoted from post at 03:38:18 05/24/18) Looks just like the brand new car hauler I bought. One trip with just over half a legal load. They build them with 3500 lbs axels and when I phone the company and told them I wanted heavier axles as these bent. He says they all do that. Dumb a$$ why would you sell a peace of junk that bends right away. He wouldn?t even give me a deal on heavier axles to replace them. I went and bought 5200 lbs axles but not from him

I have 3,500 lb. axles on my stock trailer and they don't bend, but I don't over load it either.
john I think he's trying to get on the evening news :lol: "spectacular wreck on the freeway", we see the same up here, not near heavy enough axle for the rated load of the trailer, and some just overload them way beyond what they are rated to haul.
It's OK, he has farm tags, LOL.

More seriously, today the Nebraska State Troopers (Highway Patrol) setup a local roadblock in the Omaha area to check all trucks. They went on the local TV news to specially mentioned that they were not just checking semi trailers any more but all trailers including landscapers and lawn care outfits. They said today were issuing a lot of warning to educate the public about trailer regulations. Even the State Trooper said it was long over due.

I bent the axles on one of my trailers. I replaced it. It was not that much money and not that bad a job. The only thing was I should have picked up more bushings while I was getting it.
It's OK to defend that guy as a supposed family man, coach, church goer and whatever else till that trailer lets go and kills your wife, kids or grandkids. If the guy was so upstanding he would be concerned about the wellbeing of others don't you think? More than likely that planned trip to Vegas or weekend at the bar is far more important than people he doesn't know.

Yep, great bunch of decent people on here that are perfectly ok with needlessly endangering others so they can justify saving a buck!

My guess is if you point it out to the guy he will do one of the following:

1. Deny there is anything wrong, "It's been like that forever and I haven't had any problems yet!"

2. Punch you in the face and/or tell you to mind your own business.

3. Acknowledge the issue, then provide a sob story about why he's too poor to fix it, doesn't have time, or whatever.

Actually I kind of concerned about the driver taking pictures with his phone while driving down the road. The guy with the trailer probably has both hands on the wheel......
(quoted from post at 13:11:13 05/25/18)
Actually I kind of concerned about the driver taking pictures with his phone while driving down the road. The guy with the trailer probably has both hands on the wheel......

Hey Dhermesc, get with it will you? google dash cam. Seems like everybody that runs any amount of miles has one these days.

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