
Well-known Member
I don?t Go places

Well, my daughter and her new husband want to farm. They want to raise vegetables for the well heeled folk around Saratoga NY. She makes good money as an assistant professor at Harvard. I asked her about how long before she thought she could transition to full time farming. That brought some lively discussion. My son's neighbor has a subcompact Kubota, and a nice front lawn. I complemented him on it and that started discussion.
LOL you guys have no idea. At any family gathering on the wife's side. Sister in law and hubby. Can't talk to either. She runs a daycare and that is all she will talk about, hubby only talks about work (CNC operator). Oldest BIL, only talks about how inept _____is and how great _____ is, single. Next BIL lies. A lot! Nothing vicious, just stuff to make himself look important. Should have been a politician. To the point no one talks to him. His wife? Oh boy try talking to her. This late 40's, slightly overweight woman talks about wanted to ride horse.....NAKED :shock: :( . Next one can only talk about what a great fisher and hunter he is. Divorced. Last one is under total control of his wife. She sees he's have a conversation that she isn't part of she demands he do something. So my days at family gatherings are not fun or entertaining at all.

Tell them your on a tractor site on the computer everyday,,youll get some strange looks,,,,,I know I Do when I tell people about Talerville,,,,lol
I am getting to really like quite holidays at home. When the wife was here it was kids, kids, kids. Always fighting and squabbling siblings, over the years
just got sick and tired of it. Now she's passed on, daddy doesn't put up with that stuff so they don't come back...for handouts either since I dried up
their umbilical cords.......50's and still on the ninny....thank you mommy. My current sweetie and I do just fine as she shares my feelings, aspirations,
and attitudes.
If I wanted to cook and eat outside fighting Yellow Jackets and flies eating hot potato salad that'll probably make me spend the rest of the day in the bathroom
I'd join up with the Pilgrims they did it because they had to though.Like camping who in the World wants sleep outside on the ground when they have a nice comfortable bed to sleep?
Not me that's why I built my house not to have to do those things I get enough 'outdoors' doing farm work,cutting wood etc.And tractor drives I get enough 'seat time' during hay
season on tractors to do me.
Yea the family thing ain't what its cracked up to be lots of times several of the grand kids(brother's kids) soaked my mother for money all the time now that she is in bad shape and needs help
you think any of them will ever come help my wife and me take care of mom? Not a chance one hasn't been to see her in over a year.No birthday,Christmas,mother's day presents for the last 2 years not even a card.When money got cut off they ran out.
I can relate to that. And, here you get to add your 2 cents. Once riding to a city over 30 miles away with another couple, the other lady talked without catching her breath, talk talk talk. She gets on the phone with my wife and they can talk for hours. She talked about several topics I wanted to add my 2 cents but didn't get a chance and she went on to something else. As we arrived at the city she said to me "you haven't said a word..." then kept on going on and on.
My granddaughters tell me I could have a good conversation with a fence post so maybe I’M the boring conversationalist in the group. LOL
That's my point exactly.....I should be the one getting the care. Don't have to back up to the pay table as I worked hard to get them to make something out of themselves. Daughter took the initiative and really did a good job with her life. Her only problem is deciding whether or not she is "mommy #2" to the other sibs, or not. Being an advance degreed "Adjunct Professor of college English Literature", looks like a steep hill for her to climb. But we'll see.
It's like riding a motorcycle- (no a.c.) BUT, when the weather's right it's very good, same with a cook out. When everything's right it can be extra special. I have some fond memories of those.
Old Tanker ....... I suggest you forward a link of your post to everyone in your family. Best to get it out in the open and dealt with, it's
like a festering sore and you must let it heal up lest you spend the rest of your days suffering ..... ha!
Being the oldest. I pulled rank when mom died. Told my brother and sisters that the youngest brother. Would chose how to give things
out. Just as mom wanted. They haven't spoken to me in five years. Ok by me just me and Charlie get along fine.
(quoted from post at 01:56:37 07/05/18) I don?t Go places

Well, if you're Pablo Escobar, they're likely to talk about anything with you just to keep from getting killed!

(That picture is of Pablo from the TV show Narcos)
I wonder if that woman in the car with you, happened to be my sister. She cannot stop her jaws from flapping at warp-speed... never gives anyone else a chance to speak. LOL

I tell them the same thing - but as a gal, I might get even funnier looks.

THEN I tell them that one of my favorite hobbies is taking pics of rust in junkyards. LOL!
Sometimes i don?t have a house to sleep in . Working on getting a cabin built here but haven?t got it done yet

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