Math Sucks (Sometimes)

David G

Well-known Member
As an engineer, I pride myself in being able to do math, well I incorrectly thought that there were 16 pints in a gallon, but there are 8. My 6610 takes 140 pints of hydraulic, well I was thinking that was 8 3/4 gallons. I dumped that in, and checked the dip stick tonight, well none is showing. i came back in and redid my math, well at 8 pints per gallon that makes it 17.5 gallons, so I will be adding more Hygard.
David G,

I had to break out pen-n-paper to double check your numbers. Yep, the initial assumption was off. On ther other hand, I like math, it's not emotional and really only the international language.

Every spring when I start applying chemicals to the fields I have to rethink this OZ, PT, QT, GAL stuff. 16 oz per acre X 66 acres divided by 128 equals the amount of gallons of product per tank. Sounds easy but a miscalculation can mean injured or dead crops and that equals little or no income for the year from that field.makes me nervous the first few tankfulls till I feel comfortable with it.
Even more confusing is trying to make up a batch of premix for the 2-cycle engines. That can be a real brain teaser. I do know that a 40-to-1 mix takes 3.2 ounces to a gallon of gas. Gets confusing when you are not working with even gallons.
Up here, we supposedly use metric but a lot of the mixing formulas are in ounces, quarts, pints, gallons, etc. That's OK until you realize there are British versions of that system and then the US system. For example, our gallons are 160 ounces, US ones are 128 I think. Then the pints and quarts are smaller in the US too. Not sure if the metric will ever really take over, it's a better, simpler and foolproof system but people find it difficult to really change over unless you really use it every day. Up here, metric purchases for gasoline are everyday events now as is temperature in Celsius, etc. Other stuff not so much.
Fixerupper; Local farm family decided to buy their own sprayer this year. They also had the college educated Son-in-law, just graduated last spring, be the "new" sprayer operator. State certified too. LOL He miscalculated on the corn herbicide. Doubled the rate. This was on 3000 acres. Extra $20 per acre cost, $60,000 lost. Even better they will not be able to rotate those acres to soybeans or small grains for two years. I will say super clean fields. LOL

They did this to "save" the $5/acre custom application rate. They could have paid the custom rate for two years on all of their acres, just on the extra cost of the product.
how do I know to get 100cc the ratio rite has done all the math and all ratios from 1to 1 to 100 to 1 in pints quarts and gals . he already screwed the pooch on the pints seems pretty straight forward
(quoted from post at 19:18:15 11/24/18) 4 liters (about a gallon US) 100CC pretty straight calculation.

Umm, math error? Isn't that 1000cc? Proves the point of this whole post.
Then there's the pounds per gallon, different fluids have different densities, ie. oil, calcium in your tire, etc.
Tesla like math, particularly the numbers 3 6 9 . Many stories about his obsession with these three numbers. He wouldn?t enter a house or building until he had walked around it 3 times.
Only the USA and one or two tiny countries in the entire world are still not on the metric system. Being first taught the Imperial measure with pounds and ounces, inches , feet and miles, I have had a miserable time trying to imagine this in metric. So I , like all Americans, still think in the old system, and have to translate to metric. My boys have little idea about Standard Measure , and look confused when I tell them the temperature.
Not sure why the American liquid measure is different from the old Imperial measure the system originated from. Imperial pint was 20 oz and a Quart was 40 oz and four Quarts in a gallon. The American liquid measure one Pint 16 oz, one Quart 32 oz and still four Quarts in a gallon, thus the American gallon was smaller quantity than the Imperial gallon. The American quart is very close to the same volume as a litre. Okay my head is spinning !
Yep metric keeps people from actually having to THINK once in a while and that's a good thing.Really? World is becoming a small group that are really intelligent and thinkers and the rest are dumbing down using all the innovations created by the first group that lets the 2nd group become more mindless all the time.
[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]"ABC News Maths"[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]

Probably more accurate than CNN math.
Just be glad you were not a passenger on the "Gimli Glider"....seems the crew had some difficulty converting litres to gallons to pounds of fuel, and ran out halfway across Canada...
I too am old school. However, I am into vintage square rigged, sailing ships and I have a scale pasted on my work bench in inches and millimeters. Grant you mm is the way to go. Getting used to having both types of wrenches in your hand when working on anything these days. If your visual guess misses the size, metric is much easier to recover. Metric for a given size are slightly larger than SAE. I bought a metric set of large, deep style, impact wrenches because metric would fit metric and the slightly smaller I got 2 for the price of 1. Same goes for the smaller wrenches.
I remember school days where I would have homework assignments. I hated essay subjects as the essay is so subjective. I loved math an there is only one answer and it is independent of how your teacher/prof feels about you or themselves on a given day. Plus when you did the assignment you knew you were finished, not wondering if you this or that to suit.
I had a lot of difficulty in my Differential Equations Class--could never really get the concept of solving them.
Brendon Warren - Wanna bet . . . which is heavier a Pint of Water or a Pint of Gold ? -- Broad statements like you made are very misleading , because of the DENSITY of various materials and their WEIGHT for a SPECIFIC VOLUME .
Dr Walt .... not sure where you picked up your doctorate but your reply to Brendan shows me that you're slow on the draw this morning. I'd say that he blew one by the good doctor.
(quoted from post at 09:20:18 11/25/18) I had a lot of difficulty in my Differential Equations Class--could never really get the concept of solving them.

And have never ever used them again.
If there were only one metric system it might be fine . Since there are more than one and not all the same it does no more than make it terrible to use. The argument that it is in tenths is crap since we measure in thousandth's for fine measurement and it is in tenths equivalent. Now with the advent of calculators even the standard foot can be divided into tenths then adjusted back to inches like .75 is the same as 9 inches in a measurement for a foot. As for fractions it is much easier to do the math in your head if you convert the fraction into decimal equivalents.
(quoted from post at 05:17:38 11/25/18) Yep metric keeps people from actually having to THINK once in a while and that's a good thing.Really? World is becoming a small group that are really intelligent and thinkers and the rest are dumbing down using all the innovations created by the first group that lets the 2nd group become more mindless all the time.
Yet the US system of weights and measures is based on the metric standard brought over from France in the 1700's. So feet, inches etc based on a metric measurement!

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