
Well-known Member
I was watching the baler video, was interesting. I doubt I could operate that. I can't turn my neck to look back anymore. If I need to see something behind me whole mowing, I need to stop and get out of my seat. I can see way back, but not directly at my mower. Thinking of installing a mirror. Anyone else have that problem? Stan
I asked my Dad to help me move some dirt about 15 years ago. He drove the tractor and I operated the dirt scoop. He could not turn his head far enough to back up. I am 62 and I have lost some of the same movement. A person should do stretching exercises to help maintain their range of motion. Maybe tomorrow.
I put a car backup camera on my combine since I couldn't see what was directly behind it. Now I can see what is there before I back up, see who is approaching behind me on the road, and see if the straw chopper is still working. Similar to this one but higher priced.
Backup camera system
I dug about a hundred post holes for my nephew with my tractor mounted auger. Had to look back on every hole, of course, to get in the right spot. 2 visits to the chiropractor and a week of misery after that little jaunt.
Ya, join the club. I use the rear view mirrors on the cab as much as possible. On an old cabless tractor I'm pretty much screwed when I have to look back. It does help to drive a tractor that has an open platform so I can move my feet around and rotate my body somewhat.
I use to turn around untill i met a buddy at church that also puts up hay and use to be a truck driver.. chewedd me out for turning around.. USE THE MIRRORS.. so I started using mirrors.. now thats how i back, using mirrors..lol
Mine bunged up on me when I started picking corn this fall. I went through agony for two weeks. Then I was reaching up with a fork handle trying to slide a 14 foot 2x10 down from the loft. I didn't see the eight foot hardwood 2x4 on top of it. It slammed down right square on top of my head. I felt something give in my neck when it hit me and I've been fine every since.

Bottom line,maybe somebody just needs to hit you good and hard over the head so you see stars. LOL
Years ago an arthritic neighbor's primary tillage tractor was a JD 4430. He had mirrors mounted all over that thing, both high & low. He had a couple in the cab, extra ones mounted high outside the cab, a couple mounted low to view under the cab & a couple mounted to the front of the tractor to give him a wider view. He said they helped a lot to reduce his neck & back pain. I never asked him about his monthly Windex bill.
Yikes, so I can look foreword to something getting stiff as I get older in this farming deal?

I have had a pretty good neck, my knees will give out tho. They have always been weak, not painful, just get weak if I go too hard for too long.

I put a mirror on my tractor, I have to drive down a paved county road 2 miles to get to another property. One day I was going along, with earplugs in and a big loaded logging truck passed me going pretty fast!
Yes, my neck used to be so stiff I couldn't turn it either. I went to an old lady who went to school to become a massage therapist. Back then she was taught to rub on Castor oil. I know just how crazy it sounds, but it WORKS. I'll bet there aren't many on YT that have tried it.

In June Indiana made CBD oil legal. I rubbed it on my arm that was diagnosed with tendionitis years ago. I no longer have tendionitis.

If I were to use a scale of 1-100 to describe my neck and arm pain before using castor and CBD it would be 100. Now I mix both oils together and rub it on every morning and night. Now my worst pain may be a 5.

I've posted using my CBD and Castor oil remedy in the past. I've never heard any posting back to say if it works for them. I know many people that now use castor oil and they swear my it. CBD oil isn't cheap. Castor oil from walmart is cheap, $2.67 for 6 oz.

I know this sounds like snake oil. Has anyone tried castor oil? CBD?
Ok George I have been waiting for you to mention castor oil again. I?ve been using it for about 3 years since I read you couldn?t bait a hook before you started using it. I?ve used it on my fingers and neck and it works great. My brother uses it on his hands also. I had plantar fasciitis and I applied it to my foot along with using a shoe insert and that cleared up. It is cheap and works good.
It is hard to find a place or method to mount mirrors on an open station tractor. I sure would like to see some pictures of how you fellows did it?
I'm glad that my posts in the past actually helped someone. Glad I went to the old massage therapists too.

It does help my thumbs too, just don't want to lick fingers. I'll be putting minions on a hook soon. Castor oil helps with fisherman's elbow, which is similar to tennis elbow.
Mr. Chief. I have that issue in spades. When I plow with my rollover plow I mount a special mirror in the cab so I can see the plow plowing and rolling over at the end of the furrow. On my 4320 cab tractor I drilled a hole in the cab wall and mounted a mirror just forward of my right shoulder.
On my 4250 I got some of those RAM mounting components and mounted the mirror to the right window with a suction cup. It stayed there all season and did not move.

My neighbor who is about 78 now had me mount a truck mirror to the front of his 4020 canopy. He loves it.

As for a fender tractor you will have to mount to the fender, either make or buy a bracket.

If you want any more details on anything I said here just say so.


Two years ago I was referred to PT for bad shoulder pain. It had never gone away after surgery. In a half hour he figured out what my problem was and got me going on a work-out to get range of motion back and then strength. I have been nearly pain free and have much more use of the arm since then. Two weeks ago I started PT for hip pain. I have already gained a lot of range of motion and pain is much reduced.
My vote is both mirrors and a backup camera. Some have two inputs for two separate cameras for more coverage. I have one on the IH 560 I tractor drive with.
I guess I am lucky to still have the range of movement that I do after reading of other's problems here. I run several pull type units that require looking over mostly my right shoulder. Haybine, round baler, combine, snowblower in winter. I am skinny enough that I just kind of twist myself half sideways in the seat so my neck does not have to twist so far. Its not as easy as it used to be but still getting by.
Two bad discs in my neck and two more in the bottom of my back, know all about it. Wouldn't be quite so bad if my right arm didn't go numb when I turn my head to the right. Thinking about just being a sonic backer, back up until I hear something and go the other way.
Can't help wondering if that"s what's wrong with my neck. 45 years of looking back at balers, scrapers, bale wagons, etc.
(quoted from post at 17:19:22 12/19/18) The title of your post reminded me of Exodus 32:9

Yes, I was just talking about this with my wife this morning. Despite the numerous times that the Lord punished Israel, so many people who think of themselves as Christians have no knowledge and talk of their god as a "loving god" and that they needn't worry about sin.
I have had a bad disc and spur at the same level for years that need repaired but don't like idea of them going through the front side of neck. I use a mirror on loader tractors for pushing snow along highway by driveway to keep eye on traffic. I live along a 4 lane highway and people don't know enough to change lanes when they come up on you.
Not to scare anyone but just some advice. Parts of my body started going numb at work back in 2012. if I looked up for very long , I got very dizzy. Arms and hands going numb. Mis-diagnosed for long time. Dr finally had me go to neurologist and had MRI on neck. Soon as they read it..pulled me from work and put collar on and scheduled emergency surgery. Severe cervical spinal stenosis with bone spurs protruding into spinal cord and 3 discs gone and vert. severely pinching nerves. Beginning of loss of continence and bowl control. had the 3 1/2 hr operation , spacers/titanium plate and ground out the spurs from spinal tunnel. No, I didn't come out like a 40 yr old and start playing basketball. Went to 7 days of in house PT just to re-learn how to walk , tie shoes, button shirt , shower etc . Pinched or damaged nerves do NOT heal . They may re-generate to some extent but will never be same. Continence/bowl is about normal but one has to keep mind of it. Nothing, including walking, is what you would call normal or natural like before. You have to "think' about every move. Muscles and the nerves controlling them are in the "ON" mode all the time so doesn't take long to become exhausted just being up and around. Lot like a stroke but from different causes. Just google cervical spinal stenosis . They said I was one light fall away from a wheel chair. Very serious issue and a "bone bender" cannot re-generate discs and cannot get rid of bone spurs and other than hanging you from a bar for hrs every day to un pinch your nerves....he is not doing you any good. As far as the poster who is unsure about the incission in front of neck to do this operation...that is the least of your worries. healed up quickly and with no disturbing of the muscles in back of neck. A very fragile part of the body the cervical spine is. You could ask Dale Earnhardt accept he learned the hard way and that's why they have the "HANS" device worn in racing now. Just sayin', don't take it lightly.
(quoted from post at 20:56:10 12/19/18) Not to scare anyone but just some advice. Parts of my body started going numb at work back in 2012. if I looked up for very long , I got very dizzy. Arms and hands going numb. Mis-diagnosed for long time. Dr finally had me go to neurologist and had MRI on neck. Soon as they read it..pulled me from work and put collar on and scheduled emergency surgery. Severe cervical spinal stenosis with bone spurs protruding into spinal cord and 3 discs gone and vert. severely pinching nerves. Beginning of loss of continence and bowl control. had the 3 1/2 hr operation , spacers/titanium plate and ground out the spurs from spinal tunnel. No, I didn't come out like a 40 yr old and start playing basketball. Went to 7 days of in house PT just to re-learn how to walk , tie shoes, button shirt , shower etc . Pinched or damaged nerves do NOT heal . They may re-generate to some extent but will never be same. Continence/bowl is about normal but one has to keep mind of it. Nothing, including walking, is what you would call normal or natural like before. You have to "think' about every move. Muscles and the nerves controlling them are in the "ON" mode all the time so doesn't take long to become exhausted just being up and around. Lot like a stroke but from different causes. Just google cervical spinal stenosis . They said I was one light fall away from a wheel chair. Very serious issue and a "bone bender" cannot re-generate discs and cannot get rid of bone spurs and other than hanging you from a bar for hrs every day to un pinch your nerves....he is not doing you any good. As far as the poster who is unsure about the incission in front of neck to do this operation...that is the least of your worries. healed up quickly and with no disturbing of the muscles in back of neck. A very fragile part of the body the cervical spine is. You could ask Dale Earnhardt accept he learned the hard way and that's why they have the "HANS" device worn in racing now. Just sayin', don't take it lightly.

Randy, thanks for the heads up. I am finding so many little things that one can do to keep myself off the couch and productive.. At 70 yrs I am still able to do many physical things with guys (and gals) 10 to 40 years my junior. When you try to tell guys about these self helps everybody seems to want to just focus on mechanical work arounds and their reductions in their activities instead of trying to work themselves past it.
Thanks Showcrop and I hear ya. I , at 68 , still do 90% of what I did before but all in different ways and at different speeds than before. Whenever I stand up, I have to completely stretch everything , like a dog does, before I can start out walking as all my muscles are tightened yup at a sitting position. Even in bed at night, I wake up every so often and have to stretch out lengthwise for same reason. All my muscles are getting the "go" signal all the time. Have a lot of "hot spots" throughout body and when water spots splash on me when first getting into shower, they feel like tiny electrical shocks. Left foot is so sensitive can't hardly stand to wear a shoe on it. Left arm is very stiff/numb and cant feel with left hand/fingers at all. Lots of issues but I see people every day in town with far worse issues. Life changes but it's still up to us if we choose to still have a life or just roll over. I choose to have a life. Some days I just choose to "take a day off" from it all and just chill but then back at it. My JD carb building business/hobby keeps me going also. You just keep on 'truckin'" and we'll all be good for many years. Only thing that will stay the same is ones "will" ! Have a Merry Christmas !

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