Ornery coyote


Well-known Member
I've heard reports of coyote attacks on humans but this is the fist time I know of where the same animal made repeated unprevoked attacks.

www.fox4news.com/news/coyote-attack...risco Tx coyote attacks"if it didn't work.
I was woke up by my dog barking at
something out the window about 1:30.
They're was a coyote about 15ft from the
corner of my house. My rifle is at my
brother's house or there'd be one less. I
let a beller out the window and he snuck
That has been on our local news. They think they have captured the coyote and are testing it to see if it was rabbet.

I'm in the country about 40 miles from there and is sure gets you to thinking. From the sound of them I think there is a pack of about 30 of them near my house. I was sitting at my computer one day and looked out the window and saw one come out of the creek about 100' from the house.
(quoted from post at 00:07:07 12/24/18) I hope this is a link to the right story.

That's crazy! I've never heard of a coyote doing anything like that, much less seen such a thing. A couple of years ago, I passed right through a group of them while walking in to my deer stand opening morning. They were all around me, whining and trotting in circles, and must've been six or eight of them altogether. It was a little unnerving but none ever came closer than about ten feet.

Whistles and air horns may be an effective repellent if that's your inclination, but I've found a .44 to be particularly effective on them. Just a little heavier to carry, though. :lol:

I doubt it's rabid. This is what happens when they live on close proximity to people and aren't shot at, trapped, etc., they get desensitized. People are just prey to them. Our coyotes up here have enough wolf DNA that they pack hunt. If they got hungry enough.......

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