Countdown to Christmas OK, I ain't countin' no more!


Well-known Member
NW Minnesota
Hmm, seems I mis-counted my "countdown" days. For some reason I was figuring Christmas to be on the 24th. There's a lot of fancy and even possibly logical things I could blame that on, but it was most likely just another run-of-the-mill, normal, everyday Brain Fart. So will continue the Countdown to Christmas, but no more numbers. [b:c644c8ce9c]Apparently[/b:c644c8ce9c] I can count! :shock: :shock: :shock:



I hadn't thought about it was to busy looking at the pictures. Those red suits sure do go good with those red tractors though. By the way it is 2 days to Christmas.
Christmas Eve was always the beginning of Christmas for me, especially when I was 4. And I?ve never really grown up.

So the counting worked for me. :)

I had the same problem. I would have sworn by all that's Holy that Christmas was Monday. I was looking at the weather forecast Thursday and it gave the forecast for Monday,Monday night and then Christmas day. What the...? Sent me right to the calendar. Good thing I'm not in charge of things around here.
I agree I also figure that Christmas is Monday. Oh
well did we have Santa on a Oliver at
all? I may have missed it.
Sorry folks. Been through the online database (ie; checked the search engines) several times, but no Santa's on Case or Oliver tractors. Seems they are mostly associated with JD and International. Guess you folks just gotta find yourselves a Santa suit and climb on your tractor.

...One minor correction -- I did a search for Case tractors and Christmas. The results weren't pretty. Lots and lots and LOTS of pics of Case tractors, all burnt to a crisp! Not exactly something I wanna share. It's pretty graphic!

Looks like if I'm still doing this next year that many of this year's pics will have to be repeated. You folks need to get busy and get me some more pics! *lol*
Ok then it's decided I will try get you
some Santa pics with the correct color
green for next year!! Nothing like Santa
and a 1950T straight piped delivering
presents to all the girls and boys.
Maybe rrlund can get one with Mr.Claus on his
Wow!! I would certainly deem that an honor!!!!

Part of this site is not just in our interest of old/antique tractors, but in keeping them alive in this 'modern' world. What better way then to show all the different makes out there. So far, I've only found ONE steam engine, and it ended up being a damaged file. Guess you guys better get on the boiler. :wink:

Here's another....just to keep the engines running:
...Gonna put them in a new post for those who won't check back in on this one.

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