What's your least favorite thing to do?


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Mine is sitting in front of computer getting paperwork ready for CPA and making new spreadsheets for 2019 taxes and 2 checkbooks.

My boy built me a computer when in HS. I've been using works 4.5 for the past 20 years. Computer is still working. My backup is a 3.5 disk that I transfer my records to a second computer my boy made for me about 15 years ago. This computer is in my bedroom connected to a printer/copier.

This morning started out at a frosty 27. So it won't be so painful to sit in front of computer. It's going to warm up this afternoon. Then I'll find an excuse to work outside. Need some terramite therapy clearing asian honeysuckle.
There are machines/options. I bought a little track loader and put a tine bucket on it for picking stones. This removed stone picking from the bottom of my list!

I do my own the old fashioned way.

The IRS does not like paper filers so it becomes more and more inconvenient to get forms and instructions each year.

We Just picked by hand, the whole family out in the field with a flat rack. Dad had a pitch fork that he had extra tines welded on and he picked with it. We kids used buckets, fill your bucket and carry it to the wagon to dump. Unloading was by hand as well. Now we have rock forks that go on a front end loader and you just drive along scooping stones. There are rock pickers now, some that will windrow the rocks and then the picker comes along scoops the rocks and they tumble around inside breaking up any dirt clumps, then they dump hydraulically. That equipment wasn't around when I was a kid
Driving to and in town. It just keeps getting crazier on the roads. And my getting older does not help matters.
Teaching people a complex idea when 10% have no intent to even listen.
Most favorite thing: teaching the other 90% Jim
#1 thing I hate. Shopping with any woman!!!! LOL
#2 Driving in just about any city anymore. Too many idiots.
#3 Paperwork for any government agency. No common sense on the other side of the table 90% of the time

Then just plain dealing with people in general as I have gotten older. It seems about half the time they are either lying to you or trying to screw you. Life too short to have to deal with them.
Least favorite thing is trying to decide what to do next--prioritizing. After that, I don't care--I just do it.
Taxes, laying/working on the Floor, picking stones. WOW! I couldn't agree more.

Taxes, I use TurboTax which I find pretty good. You can use the Q and A method or use the Forms method. I tend to use both, Q and A to on the first pass and Forms on the check pass where needed. I need to get better at using their help tools. I do my personal, in prior years I did my Mon's and my three kids, a Partnership, an LLC and two Trusts. I took an H&R block course one year and did taxes for H&R Block on year. The IRS.GOV is really quite good.

Working on the Floor, at age 65 I just cannot get up and down as I used to. I used to change my own vehicle oil and filter but no more. I still do the tractors.

Stones (or picking up firewood), I no longer live on a farm. When I was growing up we lived in the Kettle Morane area in Eastern Wisconsin. On some of those knolls you could fill the flat rack in one stop, and then go hand unload it. Just as was mentioned we used bending over and forks. It could hurt if your sibling tossed a good sized rock that bounced off the flat rack and hit you in the head. I bent down next to the wagon for a rock and on straightening up I got a rock almost the size of a coffee can in the head.

I like doing firewood but my back has been an issue. I got a grapple for my compact tractor, that is really a great tool. I am trying to figure out a way to saw at waist height and then not have to pick up the blocks for the splitter.

Sorry, a little long.

Least favorite thing ..... OK, how about opening up the paper every morning and reading the letters to the editor where day after day after day, people are complaining and b------g about the same thing that others have already b-----d about daily for the past number of years. Usually about some political figure or party or someone who thinks or looks different than the writer does. Do I have to read those letters? Of course not, but we all do things we dislike, just read through the replies here to the original post ..... LOL !!!
Running the weed eater is easily my least favorite chore followed closely by house painting.

I use a lot of Round Up to minimize weeding but there are some areas I can't use it like the ditch near the highway - Too steep to mow and the road mowing crew only comes around 1 or 2 times a year.
George, my least favorite thing to do echoes your least favorite. I see the tax accountant the 23rd of this month. If I have entered everything properly throughout the year then this time of year is easier. Biggest time consumer is going through every nit pickin entry to be sure it is categorized properly.

Next least favorite thing to do is getting a new knee!
Extensive shopping, taxes, driving in big cities, going to dentist, vehicle shopping, cleaning house. Pretty much in that order.
Suddenly realizing that a human who is requesting assistance has no intention on listing, as they in fact are only trying to obtain affirmation that they are correct.

I remember talking with my dad about something unpleasant we had to do, and he'd say "Well, at least we ain't pourin' concrete."
Well, lets see, I'll try to get this in order starting with the worst...

Facing the wrong side of eternity (but that's covered!), slow painful death, prolonged pain/disability/addiction, death/disability of loved ones, prison/slavery, poverty/debt, divorce, disgruntled spouse, being stalked/threatened/attacked/falsely accused, loneliness, disrespectful/destructive/belligerent children, job place harassment/intimidation/general dislike, lawyers, doctors, dentists, paying taxes, rap music, commercials, chick flicks.

I'm sure there are many more... Kinda depressing subject.
So many unfavorite things, so little time.... But one thing I dislike is finishing drywall joints. I like hanging drywall, and I don't mind initial mudding and taping. But sanding the joints is where I usually delay until "later," which sometimes never comes.
Fixing fence, or tearing out old fence. Don't so much mind putting up new. The craziest agrivation is dumping a combine hopper before it's full. I almost can't dump a less than full hopper. Would rather drive back from the other end of the field than dump a less than full hopper when I'm at the truck. I know that makes me crazy, but I'm ok with that. Lol
The 90% cover a range from solid understanding, to mediocre acceptance. I believe, from 45 years of teaching, that it will not get better than that. Jim
Getting up and going to work at my have to have job. Can't make it just from the farming stuff yet. Some day hopefully.
Some of the things you guys hate the most, I get a kick out of. I truly enjoy taking my wife dress shopping, it makes her so happy, just like a little kid ! I don?t have any problem with go to get groceries either. And as for city driving, what?s the big deal with that ? I regularly go into Toronto, and will be going next week. I have been through several cities in USA, Chicago, Detroit, as well as a number of smaller cities through the mid west, like St Paul, Dubuque, Grand Forks. Cities all seem much the same in many ways. Surprised that no one mentioned a dread for public speaking, that one doesn?t ruffle my feathers either
Don’t much enjoy having to get up and go to a regular job. Especially one with irregular hours. Changing oil on something an engineering student must of designed. Grocery shopping or doing the laundry.
I?m the same way Tom I absolutely hate working on cars and trucks I would rather split a tractor than look at a car or truck
Go inside Walmart.

I get one tomorrow not happy about it. I can't eat until it is over. No food after 9 am this morning.
I got my second one in July no pain just some aches wait till next hay baling time I couldn't do it 2018.
Didn't get done the way I wanted.
x2, Totally agree. I avoid going through Georgia on my way to Florida. Instead I go via Alabama.
It's not the actual Colonoscopy I mind as much as all the party drinks the day before.
Trying to figure out what?s wrong with a robot milker on a Sunday when your visiting in-laws 100 miles from home or at 3 am
I have a technique to finish drywall. No sanding. Use a 12 inch knife. The final coats are skim coats. They I use paint brush and paint to feather out the edges. Last skim coat is about half paint and half mud. It takes a little longer because I never put too much mud on. I hate sanding inside an old house. I hate drywall dust all over house more than the actual sanding in new construction.

I just finished my last skim coat today. Paint tomorrow. I use a painters tarp to keep mess off floor.
I use the thumb on my backhoe to pick the log up cut it then use the bucket -thumb to put the rounds in an old pickup, I then back that up to the splitter which I have on car ramps so its the same height as the tailgate then I just split and throw into wood shed no back issues
I like your thinking. I have been considering a mini-excavator to fix the ends on my 6' driveway culvert. I have also seen firewood splitters on a mini on YouTube.

Wow Bruce;
I was embarrassed to list mine but they pretty much line up with yours. Shopping with my wife is my most favorite. I do ALL of the grocery shopping and cooking plus wash clothes.

I don't enjoy plumbing because I don't know as much as I would like to.
I love to sing and have been in a Barber Shop Quartet but It scares me to death to sing in front of a crowd.
Public Speaking is really a lot of fun, I just have to remember to shut up.
I hate doing something for someone else and then finding out they have fooled me or used me.
I forgot to mention, DEALING with the Insurance Cos, IRS, Medicare, or Sales people on the phone. Dsmythe
I agree on driving in Atlanta traffic. I am about 55 miles east of 285 and try not to even go in that direction.
Anymore it is getting up to do any work. And driving in heavy or lite traffic. Just no energy for anything.
fixing other peoples screw-ups or unfinished tasks . or trying to give a stubborn or smart cow a needle when u cant catch her.

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