(OT) Corporations selling your private info

That article was just now posted, but a similar thing happened several years ago at my Dad's funeral. The "other" sibling and her brew were there -- not so much for the funeral, but to divvy up the estate.....even though Mom was still very much alive! Well when Dad's funeral was over, her youngest monster...er...a...."boy" picked up a phone sitting at the rear of the church.

When the owner realized the phone was missing, she panicked. Then her son (a 'good' kid!) said he knew how to find it for her. He got on another smart phone, opened up a program that apparently came with those phones, and just like the article described, a google map came up with a blue circle. Map was supposed to be accurate to within about 5 feet....maybe 5 yards; can't remember now, as this was wayyyyy back in 2014.

The blue circle was showing to be in a Walmart parking lot about a mile from the funeral home. They followed the map and then came upon a truck sitting all by itself in that parking lot. It was the other sibling. That bunch seemed quite upset that they were being accused of stealing the phone, and put up quite a fuss. Then the owners said the sibling could either hand over the phone, or have the police get it from them. That's when it was learned the little monster....er, 'tyke' in the back seat had seen it laying there and chose to take it and play games, take photos, basically using it as his very own, and right in front of dearest moomy and doody -- who I'm sure knew it was a hot phone since their kid didn't own one.

When the "kid" relinquished the phone, he told how he saw it just sitting there on the last pew. Obviously it was a runaway and had no owner, so was fair game for him to take.

Even after being caught red-handed, dear Sis, in EXTREME protest, kept shouting out that her son was NOT a thief! ....The owner of the phone? The wife of the owner of the funeral home.

It should be noted that no portion of this story has been made up or exaggerated.

So, I know that finding phones in that manner has been around for at least several years. I suspect that it's possible on any smart phone that has GPS enabled.
(quoted from post at 20:25:50 01/09/19) That article was just now posted, but a similar thing happened several years ago at my Dad's funeral. The "other" sibling and her brew were there -- not so much for the funeral, but to divvy up the estate.....even though Mom was still very much alive! Well when Dad's funeral was over, her youngest monster...er...a...."boy" picked up a phone sitting at the rear of the church.

When the owner realized the phone was missing, she panicked. Then her son (a 'good' kid!) said he knew how to find it for her. He got on another smart phone, opened up a program that apparently came with those phones, and just like the article described, a google map came up with a blue circle. Map was supposed to be accurate to within about 5 feet....maybe 5 yards; can't remember now, as this was wayyyyy back in 2014.

The blue circle was showing to be in a Walmart parking lot about a mile from the funeral home. They followed the map and then came upon a truck sitting all by itself in that parking lot. It was the other sibling. That bunch seemed quite upset that they were being accused of stealing the phone, and put up quite a fuss. Then the owners said the sibling could either hand over the phone, or have the police get it from them. That's when it was learned the little monster....er, 'tyke' in the back seat had seen it laying there and chose to take it and play games, take photos, basically using it as his very own, and right in front of dearest moomy and doody -- who I'm sure knew it was a hot phone since their kid didn't own one.

When the "kid" relinquished the phone, he told how he saw it just sitting there on the last pew. Obviously it was a runaway and had no owner, so was fair game for him to take.

Even after being caught red-handed, dear Sis, in EXTREME protest, kept shouting out that her son was NOT a thief! ....The owner of the phone? The wife of the owner of the funeral home.

It should be noted that no portion of this story has been made up or exaggerated.

So, I know that finding phones in that manner has been around for at least several years. I suspect that it's possible on any smart phone that has GPS enabled.
Families can be very special sometimes! :shock:

It is too early in the morning for many stores around me to be open so cannot really demonstrate this. But when you look up a particular store on yahoo and it tells you the best time of day to shop, that info comes from tracking the number of cell phones in that store by time of day and day of week. Sometimes you can get it to tell you, in real time, the number of customers in the store at that time. Of course that is just the customers carrying cell phones, but it is a safe assumption that 99% will have one and 99% of those have GPS enabled.
(quoted from post at 08:38:25 01/10/19)
It is too early in the morning for many stores around me to be open so cannot really demonstrate this. But when you look up a particular store on yahoo and it tells you the best time of day to shop, that info comes from tracking the number of cell phones in that store by time of day and day of week. Sometimes you can get it to tell you, in real time, the number of customers in the store at that time. Of course that is just the customers carrying cell phones, but it is a safe assumption that 99% will have one and 99% of those have GPS enabled.

Did you read the article I linked?

YES, we all know our phones' locations are tracked.

My point was to whom the detailed location data is being sold, which likely includes STALKERS.
(quoted from post at 07:18:15 01/10/19)
(quoted from post at 08:38:25 01/10/19)
It is too early in the morning for many stores around me to be open so cannot really demonstrate this. But when you look up a particular store on yahoo and it tells you the best time of day to shop, that info comes from tracking the number of cell phones in that store by time of day and day of week. Sometimes you can get it to tell you, in real time, the number of customers in the store at that time. Of course that is just the customers carrying cell phones, but it is a safe assumption that 99% will have one and 99% of those have GPS enabled.

Did you read the article I linked?

YES, we all know our phones' locations are tracked.

My point was to whom the detailed location data is being sold, which likely includes STALKERS.

Really? Who's gonna stalk you? :lol: :lol: :lol:

They sell to someone who buying 10's of thousands of numbers at a time. If you walked into my provider and wanted to buy just my number? By name? they would most likely call the cops.

(quoted from post at 09:33:48 01/10/19)
(quoted from post at 07:18:15 01/10/19)
(quoted from post at 08:38:25 01/10/19)
It is too early in the morning for many stores around me to be open so cannot really demonstrate this. But when you look up a particular store on yahoo and it tells you the best time of day to shop, that info comes from tracking the number of cell phones in that store by time of day and day of week. Sometimes you can get it to tell you, in real time, the number of customers in the store at that time. Of course that is just the customers carrying cell phones, but it is a safe assumption that 99% will have one and 99% of those have GPS enabled.

Did you read the article I linked?

YES, we all know our phones' locations are tracked.

My point was to whom the detailed location data is being sold, which likely includes STALKERS.

Really? Who's gonna stalk you? :lol: :lol: :lol:

They sell to someone who buying 10's of thousands of numbers at a time. If you walked into my provider and wanted to buy just my number? By name? they would most likely call the cops.


Rick, once again, did you read the article I linked?

We are not talking about "If you walked into my provider and wanted to buy just my number? By name? they would most likely call the cops."

We are talking about the info being sold to bottom-feeding scum (on a number-by-number basis).

"“The American people have an absolute right to the privacy of their data, which is why I’m extraordinarily troubled by reports of this system of repackaging and reselling location data to unregulated third party services for potentially nefarious purposes. If true, this practice represents a legitimate threat to our personal and national security,” Senator Kamala Harris told Motherboard in a statement."
Don't worry about it Bob.....seems the rest of the world isn't worried. For cars to be driverless, some convening authority would have to track them at all times, there's already facial recognition cameras in use, people on Facebook posting about their bowel movements, kids and pets and livestock being "registered" and "micro-chipped", even your online website visits are tracked.

ANY time you have that kind of information that is collected or monitored, there will be abuse. That's one reason I'm so thankful I don't have kids to grow up in this backwards world. Yes, a lot of good has happened, but it all seems offset by all of this bad. ...But go and ask these younger people if any of this matters to them and they'll say it don't bother them one bit. Why? Because they haven't (yet!) been the blunt end of those actions.

Gov't tracks how we use our land, what we grow, how much, where we sell it, what condition, and how much money we get. Gov't has to inspect your new buildings or new renovations.....you know, for your own safety. Companies like Uber get a customer name and know the starting and destination points for that person, as well as travel times. Online companies like Air B-n-B.....same thing. Credit card companies keep track of what you buy, where, price, etc.

This is the world we live in. IF(!!!!!!!) the world can keep a lid on all that information, then maybe it could actually make the world a better, safer place. Problem is, you subscribe to a magazine and you're going to start getting junk mail offers; maybe even telephone solicitors calling. (just one example)

.....I'm writing this off the top of my head. Just try to imagine how much other data is collected on us every single day, with or without our knowledge. Where does it go? Who gains access to it? Is it saved, or does it simply disappear? I doubt seriously it disappears....after spending all that money getting it in the first place. They say knowledge is power, and we're living in the Information Age. Seems to me it can only get worse from here!
Driving down the road one day I found a phone that was smashed beyond recognition. Since I'd stopped, I tossed it in the center console. About three hours later a car came to my house. They were searching for the phone using the find a phone option and it led them straight to me.
(quoted from post at 16:29:34 01/10/19)

And you can take that to the bank.

George Orwell pretty much nailed it. The only thing he got wrong was the date. He was about 30 years too early.
I wouldn't be so certain it was 30 years off.

The massive data storage facility built for NSA in Utah was publicly announced in early 2012. It's fairly certain they wouldn't have announced it at all if they could help it.

Now, if they built such a large facility then, and that takes planning, just how much data mining had been going on before that? And how far back????

Even going back before the electronics age and the www, governments were gathering information on all sorts of groups, people, and other governments. We know that Spies have been around since ancient times, so why can't it be derived that data gathering (ie.; intelligence gathering) is much older than modern civilization?? It just went to epic scale after the terrorism started -- just the excuse they were looking for. And modern electronics just makes the task easier and faster.
Even if location is turned off, phones can still be tracked. Most weather apps now require it to be on. Its a pain to toggle on and off. How about criminals tracking to know u aint home?

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