Does anyone wish to talk about their teeth ?

Ok . I have Jarred my teeth while driving a tractor ,At 62. i have most my teeth .4 crowns and abridge .there might be 2 teeth that have never needed anything done to them . I brush maybe 4 times a week . To save expense.Been going to U of L Dental Schoolas one of their clients,and now i brush more often. no gum disease. apparently chemotherapy makes teeth brittle. broke 2 last summer . So Now We are doing a study as to what to do with WHAT I have Left. Thinking of Implants instead of a "bridge "in a spot I could not keep over a year before it failed,. Had serveral pals with dentures tell me to hold on to my REAL teeth as long as I Can. sure dont want to start that chapter . To me dentures will be as awkward as contact lenses . I had a miserable afternoon trying those out , And said NEVER again . One thing for sure , I wish I would had taken better care of my teeth YEARS Ago.
The implants are supposed to be very good. Not cheap though. On thing that makes such a difference is a water pick. Add a little peroxide to the water in the resovur of the machine. Makes a huge difference. I have plenty of epoxy in my mouth, white filings. Also two crowns. If you have a tooth that is crazy get it crowned. It protects the remainder of the tooth that sooner or later will crumble if not protected. There is nothing like your real teeth !!!!
I have poor teeth. Think it is a genetic thing. Pa had poor teeth and both him and I take reasonably good care. About 2 yrs. ago when I broke another one off for no reason, just a very large old filling that finally gave out and half the tooth gave way. So I talked to my good neighbor who has had dentures since a young man. He loves them. He winters in Arizona and last set he went across the border and got a new set for one third the price. He likes them even better then his earlier ones made right here in Mn. Says these just fit better. So my last dentist visit I started talking to my dentist about possible dentures. He said noway do you ever want dentures. But I can't tell if that is his billfold talking or not. So I will be reading the rest of these responses with great interest.
I hate going to the dentist but I go twice a year for cleaning and checkups. Whatever work I need I get it done. It?s not cheap but it sure makes eating a lot easier.
If you're mainly concerned about breaking more teeth get an athletic mouthpiece and wear it whenever you think what you're doing may lead to a broken tooth. Probably can find them at a drug store or for sure at a sporting goods store. The kind that you heat and bite in to for a custom fit are best.
I just have the upper. Took me a long time to get used to it. My wife has both & got used to them pretty quick. She says getting them was one of the best things she ever did. I think it's more genetics than anything.

I have been babying the few bottoms I have left (front) for several years. Receding gums so the dentist says I can't use a bottom plate without implants to hold them. Afraid of them. A friend had his break and couldn't wear the plate for 2 weeks. Just a metal post sticking up that constantly jabbed the top. He was miserable.
Go twice a year for cleaning etc. The dentist is good but always tries the upsell...fluoride coating, deep gum resuscitation etc. which I refuse. I said " Did you ever see those National Geographic shows where they find a 10000 year old skull? It still has most of its teeth and I am pretty sure they were never brushed, so why do we need all this extra treatment today?" Her reply was well, that guy probably never had sweets in his life and not likely lived past 35....

I've had two, (RF top incisor and a rear top molar), pulled because of one cracked, the other rotten. Ended up with a "temporary" partial plate that's lasted 9 plus years!! Supposed to be getting a bridge for the incisor that'll cost me $535, the other half covered by insurance.
So I am a dentist and a dairy farmer so I understand both sides. An upper denture is not a bad appliance. You can get good suction and there aren't any muscles to dislodge it. I like to tell my patients it is a replacement for no teeth, not a replacement for teeth.

A lower denture is a different story. Because of the tongue, you can't get a good deal and the tongue makes it move. Try to save some teeth on the lower arch. A partial or an over denture is a lot better than a straight denture.

Implants are crazy expensive. The depressing thing is the fixture costs 450 dollars. I charge 1500 each but the guys down the street charges 3000. And he wonders why the public thinks we are a bunch of crooks.
(quoted from post at 16:42:00 01/27/19) . broke 2 last summer One thing for sure , I wish I would had taken better care of my teeth YEARS Ago.
Yes, once I hit 60 my teeth got brittle and broke two uppers about half way back. one each side where they had old fillings. So I'm pretty careful what I bite now for fear of breaking another one. Have a partial plate that is coming on 46 years old so its done well. I'm pretty careful at looking after what I have left. Went for my first ever cleaning to a dentist a couple of years ago and she could not find much needed cleaning. Biggest problem is gum recession. Had it bad for over 20 years ago and it does not improve with age.
I wish I had taken better care of my teeth, my hearing, and what entered my lungs. My teeth are ok, but have several crowns, and fillings. Dad had excellent teeth. my hearing is bad, because Ididn't wear the proper protection for many years. My lungs are ok for now. I am very careful now what I breath in. When I am at my computer I have tooth picks handy. As I look at my computer, I pick at my teeth, and have the little dental floss thingies to use on my teeth also. Can't hurt. Stan
I was going to say that sugar/ honey are absolute killer bacteria super food. That is why people loose teeth. Look at Roman and Egyptian graves. Regular people have great teeth. The richer they get the worse the teeth. Sugar. Sugar was a luxury back then. Today everything has sugar in it
Daughter in law is a dental assistant. She says oral cancer rates are significantly higher in folks that have dental implants. The industry doesn't acknowledge that as implants are a big money maker. My $.02
(quoted from post at 01:39:14 01/28/19) I hate going to the dentist but I go twice a year for cleaning and checkups. Whatever work I need I get it done. It?s not cheap but it sure makes eating a lot easier.

But it’s cheaper than the alternative.
your smart taking care of your gums is the most important I to am a tooth pick junkie , no gum problems
I go in for cleanings and checkups every 4 months now. About 15 years ago I broke a few off and got implants. They're pretty good but expensive. I had some other teeth pulled at the same time that could've been saved had I gone to the dentist regular. Even after that I still didnt go to the dentist regular and 10 years later I'm back getting teeth pulled all because I didnt want to spend money on checkups. Well it would've been much cheaper to have my teeth checked regularly and I would still have my teeth. Now I only have a few spots I can chew on. I go regularly now even if I have to borrow money.
My mom has upper dentures and only wears them to town and wont eat in public. She doesn't use them to eat but I think it is because she is to stubborn to learn to use them and they were uncomfortable but she wouldn't go get refitted.
Had my bottom front four taken out and replaced with a permanent plate 42 years ago just as I was leaving the Army for the first time. They have held up great to this day. Had an implant a month ago after having four Torii (spl) taken out under my tongue. Never felt a thing. Im 64 and trying to make em last. Bad genes bad teeth. I brush and floss at least once a day and water pick three times a week. Teeth cleaner is a butcher. I hate her. She talks to much. Ha ha
do what you want but about 15 yeas back had all mine pulled well the one that were left best thing i ever did for my health bar non..... takes some time to get use to them . mine fit good dont need any glue to hold them in i have half dozen friend that had theirs pull and are happy thy did and no more dentist less you brake your

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