Drunk Driver?????

big tee

Well-known Member
Saw this---Tee
Maybe the horse got a whiff of the nice silage at the farm over there and figured he?d take a short cut for a visit!
Texting? Its all wheel drive and probably has steel studded tires so just put it in reverse!
(quoted from post at 11:24:52 02/04/19) A case of sleeping at the reins?

You laugh but we investigated more than few accidents involving young Amish guys coming home late on Sunday nights from his girls home falling asleep and running into cars. :lol:
I second that. If it was an SUV you would go up some idiot. Did the horse spook? Maybe the horse had a few too many?
I ran LTL freight in the Amish county of northern Indiana and their horse are spoofed by semis. I think it was the size of the moving trailer that spoofed them. Had to be careful passing a horse buggy.
(quoted from post at 13:39:19 02/04/19)
$#*(&$^#@(%#&!! amish

Yeah, well, they aren't on welfare or demanding free housing or that you and pay their way through college. I'd lots rather have Amish neighbors than the welfare rats cooking meth down the road.
He gee'd when he shoulda haw'd.

On November 15, 1907, Dr. Essick was killed in Murphysboro, Illinois when his horse pulled him in front of a train late one night. The doctor was known to sleep on the way home from late house calls, letting the horse chart his own path to the barn.
Horses are pretty good at getting home. We used to camp with a group in the Cascade mountains near the Cascade Crest trail every year. Some would ride up to the Crest trail, then ride either direction for several miles. Overindulgence in "saddle softerner" might result in rider falling asleep in the saddle. There were many trails down from the Crest trail, but only one led back to camp. The horse would invariably choose the right trail, even in total darkness, and get the impaired rider safely back to camp. And this wasn't getting back to their normal home- just getting back to a camp that may only have been "home" for a day or two.
Do those buggies use any kind of rubber tires on their wooden wheels or are they all hoop steel tires? If they only have steel tires I would think that on ice they might not handle or stop very much better than a bobsled. A spooked horse would not help that situation either.

Steel as far as I've ever seen. But the horse stops the buggy and supplies the brakes. The brakes on a buggy aren't going to stop the horse. More like a parking brake. And the buggy follows the horse, not like it's going to spin out!
Had a case here a few years ago. Anish couple drove buggy to town, local liquor store, bought a fifth. Got totally wasted. Town cops told them to go home, somehow they ended up going south in the northbound lanes of I69. Sheriff finally got them into a weigh station, loaded 'em up and took 'em home. No law in Michigan about driving a horse drunk. They did load the horse into a trailer to take him home. Guys said that horse was so glad to see that trailer after semis on I69 he jumped in it. The Amish Bishop took their horse away for a few days but that was all that happened.
When I started dating (by car) in the 60's, the old timers said that dating with horse and buggy was much preferred, because the horse knew it's way home. Made sense.
When my daughters started dating, it occurred to me that, if a suitor were to come for her in a horse and buggy, I should insist he use my horse. By then, the old timers were gone, and I couldn't ask their opinion.
Depends on the sect, some allow the rubber and some don't. But that horse probably got spooked and was trying to get away from what ever spooked it. Could it have been anouther vehical that the horse thought it was going to hit it? They do know enough to try to not get hit by something like a car.
(quoted from post at 15:52:59 02/04/19)
(quoted from post at 13:39:19 02/04/19)
$#*(&$^#@(%#&!! amish

Yeah, well, they aren't on welfare or demanding free housing or that you and pay their way through college. I'd lots rather have Amish neighbors than the welfare rats cooking meth down the road.

Well said.

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