Happy Birthday Texas


Well-known Member
March 2, 1836.
Happy birthday fellow <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texians">Texians</a>.

Hope all y'all have a good day.
Is when Texas declared itself separate from Mexico. It joined the United States in 1845.
You can take the boy outa Texas, but you never get Texas out'a the boy.
You also forgot the song that nearly became the state song.
Hit the link.
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Best wishes from Tennessee, home of Davy Crocket, and the first president of the Republic of Texas, Sam Houston. President, then Governor Houston, the only person to be governor of two states. Tennessee, then Texas after she joined the Union.

May God bless Texas!
"It joined the United States in 1845."............as a Republic as did California. That has context in case Texas gets a belly full of the USA! Course if that were to happen it would be 1 in a 1000 odds. Not really a smart thing to do, but the thought is priceless.
James I was in you wonderful town this past week, sure did enjoy some wonderful eating. Like all the others glad Texas is there.
"[b:654c4848f0][i:654c4848f0]sure did enjoy some wonderful eating[/i:654c4848f0][/b:654c4848f0]"

Which restaurant?
James , seems to me the place was outlaws Bar B Q , There in Mt Plesant , where we usually go is south of Sulphur Springs to Smith Brothers Bar B Q I think it may be the best in TEXAS
Jim are you saying you have ate at Smith Brothers there south of the stock sale in Sulphur Springs?

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