How is your sap and maple syrup season going?


Well-known Member
SIROP DE ERBLE IF YOUR IN CANADA!! Well? Mine is a disaster just not running good. Very late too
Same here. It just doesn't warm up long enough during the day to run, and we drop to 20's at night. we got another 6" of snow overnight, and still snowing, which may help stretch the season a bit farther into the end of March and perhaps into April. It may well be a short disappointing season. Loren
I am only at hobby/family so not a big deal. But disappointing like planting a garden and getting nothing. Haven't talked to many other producers but may be a bad year for some areas. Hope its not indication of the rest of the year!
Not bad so far, a late start but I've made just over 5 gallons from 39 taps, and am hoping to get to 10 gallons if I can get enough sap. We had a good first run but it froze in the buckets and stayed frozen solid for two weeks. When I was finally able to dump them it slowed down the boil to have all that ice, but I knew the sugar was in the ice somewhere.
Made a batch really early (mid-Feb) then everything froze up, past two weeks we've had 40's during the day and 20's at night and sap has been running like crazy. Sap from red maples (we tap a few of those) already past being usable.
WE just got started but its been poor so far to cold at night and cold north wind during the day. hope it warms up next week. Randy
My cousin (who runs "our" sap operation) was busy dealing with water in his basement last weekend when we should have been tapping trees. Has other things going on, besides the fact that its getting late to start, so decided we aren't going to tap then this year. My kids and I will tap maybe a dozen this weekend... just for our own use.
I have always been told the sugar doesn't freeze so toss the ice, that is the poor mans reverse osmosis. I bit off a chunk of ice just to try it and there was no sweetness what so ever but the sap that was left was plenty sweet. I always toss my ice, That said this season has been real slow for everyone around here in S/W NH. My first decent run was yesterday, before that it was hardly enough to say so Monday I made 1 quart of grade A dark, Today I drew off 1 gallon of grade a medium. Jocco taste the ice then the sap and see if you agree.
Did you hang the sap bag on the south side. The north side is a no-no.

PS--How is your latest miniature project coming??? you said you would post some pictures when you got it closer to completion.
My cousin has a small operation. I saw him about 5 weeks ago and offered to help out, never done it before. His bags were hung and he said he'd call when he was gathering. Hasn't called yet. I went by his place today and the bags were mostly flat.
We're in S.W. lower Michigan. Set right around 1400 taps on the last Saturday in February. Froze solid and did NOTHING for 2 weeks. We made 192 gallons the second week of March. Did another 193 gallons this week. Sugar content is the highest we've seen in years. Has averaged right at 3.6%. Probably will be done by the end of next week.
Been on to that for years small operations used to let it freeze overnight in pails then toss the ice. Hence poor man osmosis. Only exception is if you cut a maple tree it will fom a sap sickle which is sweet. Loggers called them a popsickle.

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