Horizontal well drilling


Well-known Member
How would it be to have that much water ?

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About 8 years ago they did a water/sewer job near us along the lake, and before they started digging they drove a sandpoint every 10 feet for 1/2 mile. these were hooked to a big manifold, and there were about 5 large diesel pumps. they ran steady for a week to lower the water table before they started digging. We have a drilled well 80 feet deep with 12 ft of positive head.
That?s amazing . Our wells are 250 plus feet deep . What I found interesting is he is getting enough water from a drain tile on another field to feed a pivot !
I've seen my uncle not get out of the ditch fast enough to avoid being totally soaked while putting in field tile. Couple spots got him in one field in an old gravel pit. Dad digging along, no water, take the next scoop, ditch fills with water.
. Well here is spring water and 99ft . 80ft of clay and 19ft of gravel aquifer on top of the bed rock . Amost almost Artisian as the water rises to 22ft from the top .
Pumped 10gpm continuous from sunrise to sunset during a drought to water the tree plantation. Water level dropped 6 inches while pumping and rose back to normal seconds after the pump shutoff
buickanddeere The well on my summer pasture will
run water out the top on a good year like this for a
few weeks to a month then it usually stays about 8
feet deep below the top of the well casing year
round. That?s a little different country then where I
live though . 20 years ago it got so dry everybody
was punching wells deeper and some couldn?t find
water by going deeper and had to punch new wells.
I know most people curse the rain they hate snow
and they hate anytime the sun doesn?t shine and
the weather doesn?t fit their plans the ones that irk
me are the people with jobs in town working in a
building . Tell me again how hard it is to work in a
climate controlled building and have to walk 5 feet
from your house to the car and from the car to the
front door of wherever you work. There?s my rant

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