Mowing tuff grass


Well-known Member
I mowed some bottom land today. Good going, flat, and not too wet. There is a certain type of grass that is growing I a small area. Every year the patch is a little bigger. My mower just has a hard time cutting. I just sharpened the flail mower blades. The tractor has plenty of power. The animals don't eat the stuff. It is dark green. and grows to about a foot tall, and is very thick. Anyone encounter a tough grass that is hard cutting, and nothing eats it? Stan
Can?t really help identify.

In a couple acre corner I would sickle mow and bale on a neighbors pasture, there was 1/4 acre of very fine stem grass mixed in with the rest of the usual mixed grasses around here. That stuff would bring my sickle to its knees, hammer, slip the belt, fold over.

That tiny patch would about make me cry. It took longer to get that 1/4 acre cut than the other 1.75 acres plus my 3/4 long field road to get there.

I learned to dread that little area, for ?free? hay.

Finally got a disc mower, buzz through all of it easy one time boy was I smiles; and the following year our arrangement changed and I haven?t had to cut it since.

With a little research, I found out about one possible grass that could be what you describe. It's called "Kikuyugrass". While it's usually a light color, there are varieties that can be darker. It's said to be nearly impossible to mow.

Your post lacks much description about the grasses you encounter, so don't know if this might be it or not. However, a little more reading and I'm beginning to think this might be it, or at least a relative of what you're finding.

Check these out:
Look up reed canary grass.

If that's what it is, it will get much taller than one foot if not mowed.

sounds like what we have here, i always called it swamp grass, has a round stem and i've never saw it get much over 2 foot tall, others around here call it wire grass. it does mow hard and seems to like the wetter ground.
I have no idea what it might be, but you might try to convince the land owner to kill it with herbicides and reseed the area with a more desirable grass. Otherwise it's likely to take over.
I think it would be easier to mow with a bushhog type mower if you have one rather than a flail mower.btdt
I have some of that. It grows at the edges of my pond....likes water as you said. I use pond herbicides, not directly aimed at it, coontail moss is what I am after but it kills that and cattails. I use Aquathol Super K granular from Aquacide Co.

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