flying belgian

Well-known Member
How much rain did we get? Week ago when I was going to turn my rain gauge over, it is gone! Did wind blow it off? then it should be laying on ground below post. Not there. Look around 10 ft. radius of post. Not there! Where did it go. My conclusion is someone must have come in my yard and stolen it. Seems odd as I have $500 of alum scoops and rakes sitting right there but they took the $1.99 rain gauge.
I don't have my rain gauge out yet. I figured it is going to snow again soon. Sounds like some snow possibly around 1" for Saturday. I know the yard had quite a few puddles again this morning. I am guessing 1/2" rain or so?
Kow Farmer Kurt
I didn?t get the gauge out, thinking it could freeze yet.

The funnel top of mine blew off one year, carried a long ways in the wind. We had some bad winds this winter, from unusual directions?

I?m hearing around .25 to .3 around me for rain last night. Doesn?t sound like much but it sure wets up and gums up saturated soils doesn?t it, even with the wind today the sun is hazy at best and not drying much.

Yes, I drove around the in field where I am putting wheat yesterday afternoon. It was close but I figured it needed until today afternoon. You see how well that worked out. Maybe, just maybe tomorrow.

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